All symptoms check out but instead of nausea i had to shit.
>wake up thirsty
>go downstairs to refill water bottle
>chug a little
>don't need to but decide to pee so i dont have to get up again
>start peeing
>oh wtf lightheaded
>start blacking out
>dizzy as a mf
>feel the tightness like pic rel
>done peeing start to head out
>nope. jpeg
>slam toilet seat down and sit till it passes
>sitting for a while
>start feeling cold yet its warm
>touch forehead
>fucking soaking wet
>cold sweating like a mf
>need to take a shit
>do it
>feel stronk enough to get back to bed
>sleep for an hour
>cant stop thinking about it
>Google symptoms
>post on here
I am 22 5'10 and 155-160 lbs fit, don't drink, smoke or alcohol
So am i going to wake up dead in the morning?
Other urls found in this thread:
go to the medicine man retard.
go to the hospital
or take a risk. you ether wake up to a new day or accept the sweet embrace of death
drugs, smoke or alcohol *
fuck im tired
why you chose to ask this here and not ask a doctor is beyond me
Go to the doctors you cuck. You're probably fine.
i dont have insurance nor money for the doctor
Go to the emergency room right now and worry about payment later, that is unless you want to die.
>this is america
Natural selection from here on out, user
Check your heart rate. If it's between 70 and 130, you're probably not having a heart attack.
You should still get checked out my dude.
The ER can't turn you away for being unable to pay.
no its a shitty balkan shithole
but i feel fine rn
could it be caused by a lack of sleep?
you're going to die nigger. put yourself in a funny pose when the police come for your smelling corpse
>but i feel fine rn
Doesn't matter, something could be very wrong with you. Go to a doctor.
i dont bave a bp machine
its probably going to be my dad finding and i decided to sleep upside down in my bed tonight
same thing happened to me once. turned out it was just a panic attack because i thought i was having a heart attack due to sudden dizziness
>i dont bave a bp machine
heart rate, not blood pressure. Count your beats per minute.
call 9-11 get ekg go to hospital if you're still having chest pain you can have a heart attack at any age but at yours its unlikely
Most hospitals have payment plans/forgiveness/etc
The ER won't turn you away.
At your age and level of fitness and non-smoking cardiac problems are extremely unlikely barring an undiagnosed genetic problem. It's more likely you have something else going on with similar symptoms; it could be gastro-intestinal or nerve damage, or something else.
Either way, go to the fucking ER and get a cardiac workup. Ask them to check your Triponin levels if they don't automatically.
Shit mate. I used so much Ritalin one day I got dizzy and confused as fuck and my beating was 135+. Then I was a retard and took 80mg of Propanolol thinking it'd help and I started blacking out. I was at the fucking car and I began blacking the fuck out but I didn't lose consciousness. I had a blood pressure machine with me measuring my blood pressure and it began to fall, and fall, and fall. It was 13/10 or something, then it went to 12/8, then 8/6 then 6/4. All this time my fingers were on my pulse so I could measure and it kept getting fainter and fainter and then at a certain point I literally could not feel my pulse (I am very good at pulse checking, believe me.) When I got to the hospital (shitty hospital with awful shit) my blood pressure miraculously went up again to 16/10. The next days and weeks I still kept on having tachycardia and sometimes feeling like passing out. Eventually I got heart pain too. Then I got put on atenolol and everything stabilized and went back to normal.
It's just acid reflux, user.
It probably, probably probably is not a heart attack. Do you have tachycardia? Like, is your heart beating way faster than normal? At least measure your blood pressure at a pharmacy for Christ's sake.
Put your fingers up under your neck where the artery is and feel for your pulse.
Count for 30 seconds and double whatever you get. That your heart rate. If it's lower or higher than that user said, call 911 immediately.
not OP, my resting heart rate is about 160, what does that mean
No, you didn't have a heart attack.
But you do have a thing called anxiety. Googling your symptoms and coming to the worst possible conclusion shows that clearly.
that you should stop doing drugs
It means your either about to have a heart attack, your on cocaine/meth, or you don't know how to measure your fucking heart rate properly.
i checked the symptoms and they are similar, but why tho i was only thinking of going back to bed no sense of doom prior
no chest pain tho
thanks but im not going to the er, i packed stuff i dont want people seeing as trash if i die
checkem, well they are stable now i already slept for a while
Nothing good. Honestly you should feel like dogshit constantly.
I had viral cardiomyopathy, and my heart rate hit 150 on the way to the ER. I thought my heart was gonna explode.
why dont you go ask a fuckin doctor holy shit dude
sometimes when you wake up and go do something fast that happens, you probably were sleeping in a bad position
its 72 bpm
What board are you on dude, robots dont just to to crowded public places even when dying.
>no chest pain tho
I have acid reflux, and I have had cardiac chest pain. They're not that similar, I didn't think. Cardiac "chest tightness" feels like something is pressing on your chest. It's not exactly pain, it's more like pressure.
I'm not a doctor, I still think you should see one. But that's a good sign.
it felt like my blood streams tightened no pain whatsoever
Unless you have a family history of early heart disease or hypercholesterolemia, I would doubt its cardiac related. If you woke up thirsty that is a sign that you were dehydrated, which can lead to lightheadnesses, chest pain and blackouts. If you are dehydrated drink 4 or 5 glasses of tap water and you should feel better.
If you are young and don't have insurance there are a couple of options
1) Parents insurance
2) School free clinics
3) State medicare (need based program look up online)
4) ER (just ignore the bill, blood for a stone and all)
yeah i dont know how to measure my heart rate lmao
it's 60 pretty much on the dot
This is so america it hurts
Did you see stars? Little flashes of light?
Was your pee really dark?
If yes to either, or especially both of these, I think
is right. Dehydration can really fuck you up.
But you should probably see a doctor. Maybe buy one of those pulse/oximeter things at your local pharmacy too. They're super cheap, ~$20.
60 is kinda low, unless you're pretty athletic.
If you're too lazy to type "right now" then you deserve to die of a heart attack.
But OP already said he's in the Balkans.
Take and chew 325mg of aspirin if having chest pain
It still applies to americans
Welcome to getting old.
Heart attack symptoms are really generic, and if you feel fine now, you probably had some random transient pain in the chest. It happens. Yes, even stabbing pains in your organs which make you feel like everything is about to end.
To be honest you sound like you have a fever, and were dehydrated. Now you're panicking so your blood pressure is probably a bit up. So go chill out, and maybe look into that health insurance thing. If the chest pain continues over the next hour or two, maybe call your Mom or someone to drive you into the ER.
top kek koja drzava
go to a fucking doctor if you're so worried what the fuck are we supposed to tell you half of us can't even get a job.
no family history of that, pee was light yellow i drink around 1-2l of water and 0.2-0.5l cola a day
bulgaria brate
you don't need a family history of dehydration to get dehydrated lol.
Your local pharmacy might sell home EKG kits; Amazon sells them for ~$80. I don't know if they read the EKG as well though.
im not worried i just wanted to know for sure
Wouldn't worry about it user, happens to me occasionally. Also terrible crushing pain in my head and jaw, random spikes of pain through my my chest and gut. The days my thigh and knee just won't stop hurting.
Really though
nobody here is a doctor, dummy. you'll be fine, but if you want someone important to tell you you're fine, go see one.
postvash li v Jow Forums?
balkanci sme v /balk/ samo che sega malko e umrqlo
the family history was for the other guy
It's ultimatly up to you user but I really don't want you to die in your sleep with the last thing you did be posting on an international underwater basket-weaving forum
sorry to hear that, i thought it was that aswell first but then the tightness and sweating happened
ne, tuk i /out/
May as well have been just a simple vagal reflex
You'll be okay i think it was probably due to being tired and if you have any anxiety related disorder that could intensify said symptoms.
But to be on the safe side i'd recommend going to a clinic tomorrow
But ...considering you were able to write this probably means you'll be okay.
the memes kill themselves
the npcs write themselves
>muh anxiety
and all is well
it could be symptoms are similar, it makes sense why it happened after chugging the water
checked, but dying in your sleep is prime comfy
i dont value my life enough to go to the hospital on own whim, but thanks anyway
Are you mentally retarded by any chance?.
Do the world a favour and kill yourself
do a flip.
Okay guys, Ive cleaned my browser history hid/deleted porn so if i die im gonna die a clean but shady man. Good night.
It's better to get checked out than not, but I used to have symptoms like this that were diagnosed as random panic attacks. I would get really lightheaded and my heart would pump fast and get really uncomfortable. My vision would darken and I would get a panicked burst of energy and pace around the room trying not to scream. It would pass in maybe 15 minutes but they have lasted up to an hour.
Sounds like a panic attack to me. Did some ducks recently fly away, or did Carmella not get enough gabagool?
>The ER can't turn you away for being unable to pay.
I would rather not have a debt for the rest of my life because a doctor talked to me for 5 minutes