So what's it like? I've lived a simple life and haven't had depression, but so many people around me do. Is it just constant tiredness?
What does depression feel like Jow Forums?
it's all in your head, depression unironically isn't real, and anyone who says it is being a whiny faggot
different kinds of depression exist
just empty and emotionless i guess
What is yours?
How does it feel?
Depression is something you can only understand by having it. Once you're depressed, you'll only wish that it wasn't real.
imagine having no energy, no friends, no future, nothing that makes you happy, no respite, no way to make yourself feel anything except by drinking and doing drugs. also you think dying is more logical than living.
Sometimes i feel pure rage.
Right now i just feel tired and emotionless.
on the topic of depression is posting on places like 8ch suicide board or that sanctioned suicide site dangerous as in one day will they have a cop come to their door if they are just researching and asking stuff
and like I have saw people post images of their setups there will they eventually get vanned if they didnt an hero
Like being a zombie, you walk around and look like a normal human but inside there is nothing, just emptiness.
There's no sense of progression in life, no matter what happens, nothing inside you seems to change.
You're mother says she loves you.
Grandpa dies.
Depression is horrific to me because it takes away what it means to be alive from us.
Imagine normal people as being like a river, they feel and experience and change, get excited over things, CARE.
Whereas the 'soul' of a depressed person would be more like a stagnant pond, festering and unchanging, you just move and do.
Like.... well like a ROBOT i guess.
*roll credits*
>but so many people around me do
No, they don't
like this
Not that user but for me depression is sadness and regret following the brief second of lucidity when I calm down my rampant anxiety to restart the cycle.
Can confirm, this is applicable.
So what helps you guys push forward to the next day?
Not depressed anymore but various things kept me from offing myself
I don't believe in god or souls or an afterlife so yeah... anything was better than eternal nothingness.
Thought eventually i might feel again one day too, and i did.
Nothing, really. I don't see any reason to kill myself, it's less work to do nothing.
That's also all that they care about.
People might spout the whole depression isnt real thing, but with suicide being the biggest killer of blokes under 50, I beg to differ. I personally think it is a condition complexly tied in with mental health and physical health of the brain
For me personally I felt 20kgs heavier, every walking moment I thought about my own death. I got zero pleasure from social interactions despite being an extrovert. I couldn't exercise without feeling physically ill, I couldn't get out of bed in the morning, I couldn't sleep very well despite always feeling tired, I held alot of hate and contempt towards alot of stuff
I have never enjoyed anything in life. Everything is boring.
I could be sitting with family, watching my favorite movie, and I am still waiting for it to be over. I'm always waiting for it to be over.
Imagine if people blindfolded you and tied you to a chair in a silent, empty room and called it "life."
I hope that it will get better
just started up on new SSRIs, let's see if those work
I just want to have fun doing literally anything, most of the time I just pace around my apartment or browse this site
The next day happens regardless of what you want.
Just don't say you're going to attempt and you'll be fine. If people think you're going to try to catch the bus they'll try to stop you.
I said something like Im planning to do xx in a question but it was literally over a year ago now so maybe nothing would come of it
Basically this Also social interaction, where you just fake it.
Fucking dreading those afterthoughts though, I feel like shit for thinking about suicide while out with friends, cringing until I sleep.
For me at least, it's like a near constant sadness, with occasional bouts of emptiness or intense sadness and dread
The worst part is that even when you're happy, it isn't the same kind of happy you used to feel
Its a lingering thought, a mood always in your vision.
If you focus on it it becomes the feeling thats is a maxture of "Your pet died" x0.5 and "I am at the doctor in the waiting room"x2.
If you dont focus on it it becomes worse over time untill you have to focus on it.
Although if i had to recite the time i quit my anti depressants cold turkey i would say that you dont think at that time. You act upon the single impulse that is sadness mixed with annoyance that builds an internal pressure untill you want to put a rope around your neck or to shut that impule out any other way imaginable.
And indeed the world seemed to have lost all colors, even in that moment i found it amousing that this cliche actually turned out to be true, although that amousement was overshaddowed by the other thought.
But the worst part is the self hatred. The fact that you are, and always have been a burden on your family and friends.
That you are a worthless waste of prescius resources and would do anyone a favor by not existing.
If you combine that with the depression you are in suicidal terretory.
And even if you cant help the depression you can help with the self hatred by showing that person that you value them as a friend. Although you actually have to convey that to the person who will most likely just agree with you for you to feel satisfied without accepting it themselves. So you have to push yourself onto that person but only to a certain extreme before the other person will shut you out and will suffer for it dreadfully.
You have to understand that depressed people are suffering from a mental illness.
A distortion of the mind. So you have to, if you want to care for them, act in a manner that is best for them but that they wont nescessarly want.
If you are dealing with a person that is depressed and has self worth issues aout of philosphical issues i would reccomend Thus spoke zarathustra from Niezsche "On the preachers of death" and "On the Despisers of the Body".