Welcome to escort general, a thread where we discuss everything related to visiting an escort.
We have a wiki now!
>What is an escort?
A girl who has sex with you for money, duh.
>Is it legal?
Depends on your area, make sure to check your local laws and learn your loopholes before you hire one. You don't want to have to call a relative or a friend to help you get out of jail.
>Where do I find one?
On the internet. We recommend using twitter as it is the easiest way for anyone to find an escort. Just search your city and escort or other related hashtags.
Remember user, be smart, reverse google her pictures, google her number, google her twitter account, ask her for verification pics once you decide to message her. Do anything that helps you make sure that you are talking with a girl and that she looks like the one in the photos. Lots of crooks out there.
>How do I message them?
You must always ask her about the price and establish what you are getting. Ask her about her limits, you don't want to be the sucker that paid her $200 and have her refuse to do anal.
Don't waste their time, they WILL block you and they could even doxx you on their twitter account, I've seen it.
>"It's my first time!"
>"I'm a virgin, wat do?"
I don't advice telling her this, specially to that bimbo milf you have your eyes on. Instead tell her that you're having a bad week and that you want her to take the iniciative. However some anons here have done it with great results, so it'sup to you
Remember, pop a viagra 30 minutes before and practice masturbating with a condom, last thing you want is a limp dick.
Please avoid posting things like:
>hurr paying for sex degenerate durr