>you'll never wake up to a good morning text from your gf
Why even fucking live bros?
You'll never wake up to a good morning text from your gf
those texts get old, like most things in a relationship after a while. even for people who come into their first relationships late. however some things that dont get old
>sleeping together in bed and feeling like she wants to have sex but is too shy to initiate so you feel her squirming
>keeping each other company through long car rides and hearing what music each other is listening to, talking for hours and not getting bored
>having birthdays and holidays taken care of by each other
>cooking together and messing up a little bit along the way and taking way longer than the recipe said but finally sitting down and enjoying the meal
All those things sound amazing, but I doubt the texts would get old to me. Talking is probably my favorite thing in the world. I love it when people message me, even if it's about nothing important.
>neck yourself
you god damn monkey cock
maybe youre different then. i hope you can find someone to enjoy waking up to morning texts with and many more op
Women are leeches that don't contribute to your life whatsoever. You're happier when you realize this blackpill.
Thank you user :)
I lot of women are terrible, just like a lot of men are terrible. There has to be at least one girl out there who would care about me.
Why tf would you care about a literal faggot texting you good morning?? Like nigga text yourself good morning
>ywn try to get out of bed only to have your gf pull you back on to it for cuddling
I woke up sometimes to my BPD Skype girlfriend having sent me dozens of messages crying and having a breakdown because I was asleep and saying that I didn't love her because if I did I would align our sleep schedules together in order to maximize the time we spend with each other.
Oh my God user, are you me? I think about that all the time
That sounds a little excessive
One way I've found to keep living is by doing charity, even at my lowest points I was able to justify my existence because I helped others.
That's sweet user
I'd probably do that if I had more drive in life
Are you me. Nothing in this life gives me any enjoyment anymore, except for doing things for others. I bought four homeless people food and clothes last month, bought Christmas presents for a bunch of kids in poverty, and I stop and help everyone I see broke down on the side of the road. Every time I feel like buying a helium tank, I run into someone that needs help and it gives me just enough dopamine to put it off for another week.
Flip that 6 upside down and you got it right
absolutely based anons in this thread
>playing EU4
>gf brings me tea whenever I ask, makes me breakfast and dinner
>tells me she wants to hug
>go and cuddle for a bit until we get bored
>go back to playing EU4 until bed time
>cuddle and talk about things until we feel sleepy
>wake up and do the same thing the next day
Last month was pretty damn nice lads
Because even loneliness, fear, and rejection are experiences. Once you die, you're done, and no matter how bad it seems, you're not ready for that user
Sometimes I agree with that. Some days I don't
i wish i had a gf i could play eu4 with
why must i feel
Me too, though I try to remember that when I don't, I'm not entirely rational
Yeah, I often realize that what I'm thinking isn't rational, but it usually doesn't make it stop
True, whenever I realize that it generally causes me to doubt my personality and self image as a rational dude among irrational people, that always hurts
that sounds amazing
fucking lucky
Experiences have no value because they're intangible. If your life is just continuous suffering then the rational thing to do would be to relieve that suffering and for a lot of people suicide is their relief. Just the way it is. the whole "life is beautiful!" argument is retarded.
if anyone wants to add me on discord for some good advice and ill help you out dont care who it is as long as your willing to part with some minor personal info so i can help determine a good solution or idea. effanythetranny#1404