Nobody goes to the malls anymore

>Nobody goes to the malls anymore
>Nobody goes out to watch movies
>Nobody buys video games anymore (just get the game on your phone stupid)
>Nobody watches TV anymore (just use the Internet stupid)
>Nobody innovates on the Internet anymore and it's not fun to use anymore
>Nobody reads books anymore
>Nobody plays sports, swims in the pool, plays games like billiards, collects trading cards, or does literally anything physical these days
>Nobody uses calculators or really goes out to buy physical things anymore (just get something you need online, I guess)
>Nobody has any reason to leave their homes at all
>Sex is boring
What the fuck do people actually do for fun these days?

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own libtards

>Nobody goes to the malls anymore
That's why two mega-malls are currently being erected here.

I swim every day - and I've taken up camping... after 33 years of life. lol, I was pathetic my first time doing it - but have gotten pretty amazing at it, so now I plan to camp for 6 months, but not with anyone.

At this point everyone gets it already. It's just finding random examples of the rare idiots who pop up on camera here and there and making a huge deal out of them because there's nothing left to do.

But like what do kids actually do for fun these days? Growing up we could get together with friends, go swimming for a while, then play the Xbox or the Wii or whatever was cool at the time, then maybe go shopping around town, etc. All good stuff.

Nowadays nobody does any of that. What the fuck do kids do for fun?

idk about everyone else but i play league of legends and watch anime :3

That, I have no idea. When we were kids... yeah life was different. Going to the mall with no money, just to mess about... They do still go to concerts... I know that, and local football games, etc... Other than that? probably just get fucked up.

and that's why those two mega malls are gonna be closed by the end of this year

Oh yeah, concerts.
Music is completely dead too. Nobody seems to actually listen to music. I didn't realize they still went to concerts and football games.

I think you're missing my point.
Growing up we used whatever was the "latest and greatest" of anything. These days, it seems like no such thing actually exists because the "latest and greatest" of anything is either barely marginally better than the previous generation's or unaffordably expensive.

well only one is opening this year. And high-end malls actually do well.

How out of touch are you? Aside from watching TV through a service like Dish or Verizon, people literally do all of the things on your list regularly.

Only going based on what I know my cousin does. Sports definitely are still a thing... OH! My other cousin is becoming somewhat of a business kid. Keeps buying used vehicles and selling them for more money. Sort of like that show where they get one thing, keep trading it, and compare who made the most. He turned a broken boat into an antique mercedes... that he's trying to sell now

Yeah because people who can afford to do so will still go and buy heavy winter jackets and nice jewelry. That's true. But it's not quite the same thing.

Everything, everywhere, just feels very post-apocalyptic.

If he's not even in college yet and doing that, that's very impressive. Tell him to apply to Wharton.

You legitimately sound like a gen x or millenial who has lost all sense of self awareness. People go to concerts all the time. I see young people parading malls all the time whenever I go shopping with my girlfriend. Trading card games like magic are mainstream among normie geek culture. People use calculators all the damned time. People order day 1 DLC trash just for the physical media and feelies. The list goes on. I think you're out of touch mate

>How out of touch are you?
Extremely and it hurts. I want to feel connected to people and all that again but everything looks dead. People just seem to stay at home on their phones literally all day from what I can see.

No. Phones are the path of least resistance to entertainment when you're not working, and since most people give up on their passions and live their lives doing jobs they're only okay with while waiting for the next bout of free time and energy to attempt something they like, phones are tantalizingly simple ways to good entertainment after a hard day's work. That being said, people use phones to socialize and be part of communities. I don't think I've seen phones replacing any of the corresponding IRL quality time except among very socially anxious people who have only internet friends.

He's thinking about the military, I keep trying to tell him it's a waste of his time... BUT the kid puts his mind to something and just does it - so I can tell him is my advice. It's weird... my cousins are all incredibly successful. Luckily I'm the oldest one, so I don't have to feel out-done by any of them.

One is going to harvard, one is fast tracked to become a doctor, another is playing college football - One played in the NFL... just a couple of games but that's still incredibly rare.

I'm stuck living in Seoul and even though I speak Korean, it seems dead. Korean people work all the time or drink, etc.

If I go outside, it's a freezing cold, kind of lonely wasteland and if I go towards the downtown it's just people walking around angrily and old people looking depressed in the streets.

Where's the fun American suburban fun of my childhood? It just feels dead, disconnected, and lonely and I have no idea.

well yeah. This is part of us getting old - friends move away, friendships sort of end, you check up on each other a few times a year. Everyone is always 'busy'. It becomes harder to meet people - When I have camped, I have met people. But just for brief interactions - not friends or anything. Met a few people fishing, they let me drink with them. I could probably try to have them as friends, but I don't fish or drink often

jesus you have an interesting family. I went to Penn myself and if that kid can spin his story about flipping vehicles and essentially running his own business in high school Wharton will easily take him. I think he sounds too smart for the military, but yeah it's his decision I guess.

I'm 23 and married actually with a kid coming this July. I'm actually worried because I don't really have any friends, at all, my wife and I just argue all the time but neither of us really do much of anything in our spare time, and it just seems like the world is really boring now.

Koreans also socialize talking about misery over drink. Soju and hostess bars are where people let loose their unfiltered selves. I think that you're in a society where you're not accustomed to dancing the social customs. A lot of it comes down to professionalism, a little outgoingness, lots of self care, and then hospitality to take people out for a drink.

t. lived in korea for a while for a postdoc

lol that's just one side - the other side of the family has an opera singer, who's being paid to do so - a marine biologist - and a lobbyist intern. One of their dad's is a famous photographer...

Of the oldest cousins, I'm the most successful - one is an addict, the other is "in a band"... but doesn't make money from it

I've been in Korea for almost 3 years now and I drink heavily when I used to go out with people, and I speak Korean, but like I'm not a student anymore and my coworkers don't want to go out and drink for some reason. Wife can't go out and drink and my old friends are kind of busy here. It just feels boring.

Well yeah, it's still part of getting older. What I would do is try to make friends at work I guess. Or find other couples with babies on the way to go do baby-shit with? Ask them advice, turn it into a lunch date.

Sad to hear about the addict but it still sounds like you've got a great family.

hm, that's pretty tough indeed. Try going to a few PC bangs? I think your best bet is to try and connect through doing as the romans do (save the blatant racism towards migrant workers and anyone non-pale). Navigating in-group / out-group politics in east asian cultures can be really tiring and frustrating

meh everyone has a pen that writes they own life story, his is just going to run out of ink soon.

His dad actually won the lottery, after buying a ticket when he lived in a van... of course like any lottery story - he's broke now. It's important to have that black sheep of the family - cause if you don't it might be you.

I mean I'm teaching math to middle school kids in Seoul now. I went to college for something completely different, but this is what I'm doing right now. I look at my students and they just play on their phones. After school they walk around the neighborhood in the city, get some street food, and go home. Weirdly I've never bothered to go to the PC bangs despite being here a few years so I guess I'll check that out..

Good point about finding other couples with babies. I mean that's what I would do in an American suburb, I think. It's weird being in Korea and trying to do this though. Maybe I can find a group online of people who are like this.

I'm realizing that growing up all the coolest stuff was whatever got advertised on the TV, but I don't watch advertisements anymore (thanks to adblock and never watching TV anymore), so I'm just looking up "advertisements from 2018" right now and trying to understand.

Why not just go do all those things you're complaining other people don't do? I can assure you that you'll inevitably find someone to hang out with if you do.

Because it feels low-tech and dead now. Shit was fun when it felt fresh and everyone was doing it. Now everything is "retro" but there's nothing new and exciting to take its place. There's no "it" thing that everybody is doing, it feels like. I remember when Guitar Hero was the "it" thing for a few months or so. Something like that.

AH! Perfect thing - find american transplants living in Korea doing the same thing. Or even just transplants - because american life is so social, they'll probably feel just as much of an outcast. Granted, they might be older than you? But friendship isn't really about age and shit.

Just because your NEET ass doesn't do anything outside your room doesn't mean the entire world stopped having fun lmao.

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>Nobody plays sports, swims in the pool, plays games like billiards, collects trading cards, or does literally anything physical these days
Not true at all

Trying to watch Super Bowl commercials to see what's popular this year.
>Car commercials (expected)
>Food commercials
>Amazon commercial
>Beer commercials (also expected), Doritos
>Netflix commercials
>Tax assistant companies
This is all there is. I'm supposed to drink beer while watching Netflix and buying food through Amazon.

Fa/tg/uy here. I can assure you there are PLENTY of people still playing card games, dude. I just made a deck centered around this bad boy actually.

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Can you do any of those things today without being
>lol so retro/nerdy
? Does anybody even build pools in their backyards these days?

I'll try to find them, thanks. The expats here are, by and large, 40+ year old guys who couldn't get a job and kind of hate it here but are teaching because they wanted to "get out of the US for a while" and couldn't get a job anywhere else. Maybe I just don't want to feel old.

Kids watch youtubers. That's pretty much it. A lot of them also play video games and do sports. Some pick up insteuments in their early teens.

Exactly. But after a few years this feels like it's getting old. Like it's now "yesterday's tech." But nothing has come up to replace it. No new and exciting new thing everyone has to has has come along to replace it. People are still just watching Youtube videos....just like in 2012..

Anyway, which Youtubers? I want in now.
I talked with a 13 year old student of mine and told her I like Pewdipie thinking that was it and she said "nobody likes him. Everything he does is just weird now. Most people watch Shane Dawson."

I just want to not feel old user, because I'm not old, but my students look at me and treat me like I am and I'm about to have a kid of my own.

Which Youtubers?

>get better friends
>get a girlfriend or better friends
>Cable TV is shit when you have netflix, hulu, anime etc.
>go outside and come back
>entire communities exist for the sole purpose of reading and reviewing books you illiterate nigger
>Going to the gym is fun, get a nice playlist and do some benchpresses, pull ups etc.. Also take up a hobbie like skateboarding and you'll see ur wrong
>Goes along with #1, go to mall w/ money and window shop until you find something fun. Extra fun to do with friends.
>See above
>ok cuck
Stop being an edgy cunt and stop making excuses and live your life

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