Never understand all the weird ass hangups in relationships

>Never understand all the weird ass hangups in relationships
>Never understood why people put so much importance on sex and why people feel so betrayed when their SO has sex with another person
>Ex cheated on me, I was like "I don't give a shit, it's just sex, this just means I can fuck a girl I want next time" and then she got angry at me and dumped me.
>Realise eventually I'm probably Poly
>Now living the Poly life
>Literally have 3 different girls I'm fucking, cuddling and having fun relationships with, none of us have to put that much effort into the relationships as well making them very chill and relaxed
>Realise that this is humanities natural state and Monogamy is just forced religious and property relations bullshit
>Science backs this up as well.

Why haven't you become Polygamous Jow Forums?

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because I'm not interested in other men fucking my gf and I'm barely interested in the idea of fucking multiple girls at one time. in fact I'm barely interested in having sex at all, and get annoyed at other people having sex. Who's to say asexuality isn't humanity's natural state?

Because for all of human history people have been having sex, have a sex drive and feel different forms of love. Asexual people have no sex drive and don't experience Eros.
For most of human development, humans were Polyamorous, even for most of human civilisation, men were polygamous. Strict Monogamy is a very recent development in even western civilisation, it was actually expected up until like the 1950s that guys would just go around and fuck hookers and have mistresses.

Because I like monogamy and only wanna sleep with the girl i like

The problem is the conflation with sex and marriage.

Divide the two and many of the problems go away. Marriage means more when it's about uniting families, fortunes, statuses. Arranged marriages in a way make a lot of sense in this fashion, from feudal peasantry all the way up to patrician families in Rome.

The idea of marrying for love and sexual fidelity won't last for most members of a species that has yet to outrun nature.

how do you start a polygamous relationship

That's nice, you're Poly. I'm not and I'm not interested in it.

>What do you mean "female hypergamy"?
>"Beta bux and alpha fux"?
>Where's *your* harem brah?
Get off my board you stupid fucking nigger.

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I've read that thing more than a decade ago while I was an adult virgin and still into pua stuff, can remember David DeAngelo (irl Eben Pagan) recommending this book, The Red Queen, The Selfish Gene, The Mating Mind too.
Well none of those books got me laid, paying for sex did.
Then I realised what a pile of shit this was along the sex technique advice the moment I started having sex with regular girls without a condom too.
If she likes you, she likes you from the start it's only you who is the one who fucks up or your negative infantile friends scheming around you.
If she likes you she cums easily and regularly.
If she cums good she won't cheat and she'll put up with a lot of shit. Most women aren't into polyamory at all they just like the cockteasing in a bar but don't sleep with 99% of those guys even if they've been making out drunk. I know this shit because I went out on my own too more than once.
Also a lot of relationships are destined to fail in the long run. Most of the sex happens in the first year and by the fourth you are pretty much fed up with each other even if you are in your 30s and have no one else, hence the divorce rate in some places.

Two options
>be gay
>be a literal goodlooking vip with tons of free time and cash
Otherwise you only have average boring women that you cheat on with literal hookers because they will stfu and don't know her. Just get a second cheap phone with a second sim card and lock it up with a difficult pass, keep it away too. Never use your own personal phone for this even if it's dual sim.

I almost believed you right there. Pornhub is full with cucking and blacked in America but in Europe it's sislovesme and petite teens.

I can't get one woman to like me, much less multiple.

Nearly all marriages were arranged even in Christian cultures and it was about having an heir to your property. This is why female virginity was so important, because there was no birth control. This is why the estate only went to the first born because that kid was yours for sure.

Polygamy is for animals.
Monogamy is for civilized humans.

Polygamy with children is toxic as fuck.
Monogamy with children is the sensible thing to do.

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What happens when the girls start getting pregnant?

The economic collapse is coming this year, doesn't matter if there's feminism or not. Lots of German banks are about to default. Brexit will fuck both UK and EU economy. The NY stock exchange is in the final phase of the bubble, literally looks like bitcoin before popping.

Based on the book tribal society raised them together without judgement, the mother was one but father figures many.

>Fucking the same whole another man you know or don't know about is also fucking.
You are a faggot with no self-respect. A self-castrated sissy. You are not a man.

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Well Muslims have it. If you got the money you can literally have 4 wives and father 5 kids to each.

>>Literally have 3 different girls I'm fucking
Why would Chad even post here? They don't even know you can write comments online. At best they have an inkling of social media.

It's occurring BECAUSE OF FEMINISM and feminine-inspired ethics of care-based socioeconomic policies dipshit.

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Muslims arn't human. Sorry to burst your bubble. Try again.

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Not Chad, literally probably one of the earliest Jow Forums users, came here from Gogaia in literally 2003 (proof pic related)

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>Why haven't you become Polygamous Jow Forums?

Primarily because even thinking of the hypothetical situation where I was cheated on makes me fucking livid.

Is this Jow Forums? I don't want to go back to that place it's all about flags and a shitting contest.
And Germany doesn't fail because they import immigrants, the average German just like British doesn't want to do the majority of the jobs. The immigrants are still underpaid, overworked, overtaxed especially if Eastern European.

Ah well yes. Surely we must all strive to be more like Muslims because they're so wise and level-headed.

Go to Jow Forums or something.

>Lots of German banks are about to default!
>B-but it's not because of Merkel and her poor dunecoon children, it's because of all the lazy, entitled white men!
Brah, look at this dude, oh no no no no no no!!!

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Is this an autistic joke I'm not getting?
The majority of people online are introverted, isolated, weird, even on reddit or discord. Been on forums just too long in my life. I regret it beyond anything.
The guys that aren't so only come to troll the previous category, this is as good as it gets to cater to their fragile egos.
But on Jow Forums this layered infantile trolling you do is common.
>diazepam makes me sleepy
>it ain't so it spins me up you are wrong mr.
Okay you go have fun samefagging in your thread too. You better get a dual sim phone so you can post from 2 mobile networks and your wifi as well before this is all gone.

Was an example. Now you are snarky.

If you go to Bayern your rent for a simple 14sqm room without the heating and electricity bill will be 850eur right now. Just checked.
The majority of the Germans is poor and prone to speculations like the Americans are despite whatever you believe about them. They are ways to get around paying taxes and people just do that, so Merkel raises the taxes globally because she can't collect at the proper rate.

Can't even find one partner, so how could I find many?

>>diazepam makes me sleepy
>>it ain't so it spins me up you are wrong mr.
what in the shit are you on about m8

polygamy is cope

Obligatory read. Maybe men are naturally polygamous, but not so is the case with women. In fact, if you are fine with your woman fucking other men, you are mentally ill.

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Wrong image. Won't be able to find the one I initially intended to post, but basically it shows how men like you are fucked in the head.

>repeating brainlet lies from that that infographic

It's not an infographic, so clearly you have no clue what I'm talking about. You're just a depraved subhuman who probably watches too much porn.

Because polygamous societies become ultra-violent. It sucks for the children and the losers get bitter and angry.

>monogamy is just forced religious and property relations bullshit
>science backs this up as well
No it doesn't. Monogamy is a human universally and evolved to be.

Why do normalfags have ruin this board?
Robots cant a single woman let alone multiple.

>Monogamy is a human universally
It is not, but the societies in which the majority of practice don't practice monogamy are almost always total shite.

Societies which practice monogamy end up being the most socially stable and economically prosperous bar none. Equal distribution of means of reproduction is vital to keeping the population productive and happy.

>i have been retarded even since 2003