
Going to sleep after staying up all night playing vidya and shitposting edition

Also fuck tinnitus

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Just had a wank

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You will all have a horrible day today.

Just came to a BBC new article lads, the girl about about halfway down.


Doubt it pal i will sleep through most of it


Quite proud of myself for not needing her to be nude to nut.

Already got up and been more productive than all we-
*Farts in your face*

>also just been reminded she fucked Mike Tyson
nostalgia wank over

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i'm going asleep soon. liverpool play monday night so not missing anything important.

LOL you wanked over this Big Brother tart

Damn right mate her Zoo photoshoot was top tier and I didnt have my own computer then

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Trying to lose weight lads but it's difficult to not eat my feelings
Any tips? What do your typical diets look like my dudes

>bathroom fan started making growling noises

Something else that needs fucking fixing.

i think Sam was the best bb girl. she got mistreated and evicted too early

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I'm just a guy wanking to Mike Tyson's ex desu, I'm a pretty big boi though I just try to workout as much as possible and avoid junk food. Getting drunk a couple times a week kills my discipline though. Height/weight?

skip meals, calorie count, myfitnesspal, intermediate fasting, wake up at 6am, eat between 10am-6pm. no coffee or tea after the cut off point because your body has to work to break it down. drink shit tonne of bottle water 500ml. keep loads in the fridge. if you're lazy and have to force yourself outside a dog will get you out twice a day, i walk ours with my mum.

Wew lad, not bad advice, thanks.

Starting is the hardest part.
I didn't start running because I wanted to lose weight, I did it at a hobby because it's difficult to do. Same with waking up at 4:30-5am every day. I don't do it to be productive, I do it because I hate people seeing me when I'm running.
Only people I see out at this time are drunk lads, and they either can't see me or they do and cheer me on.
Makes me feel good desu.

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this is my perfect whore. she'd be like taylor rain in the bedroom

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This post in conjunction with this apu made me weirdly happy for you lad, keep it up

Post current reads lads
Not exactly /lit/tier but I like game of thrones lore and more productive than endless YouTube

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>Post current reads lads

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Reading this.
It's quite funny, not even halfway through though.
I might buy the next books in the series.

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>the next books
the first 3 at least are very good

I really enjoyed that one too, despite how reddit it is. Second one isn't bad either. You can get them all in one big tome


What happens to the last two?
No spoilers, but is it just bad?

Oh I forgot to mention I got some other books for christmas that I have yet to start, Brave New World, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, and Gulag Archipelago. Not sure what the last one is about, my dad bought it for me. I think it's stories about death camps, not that interesting desu.

Kinga? What a lass

Lads, did everyone have a girl in their school that was known as mars bars girl?
Cuz she stuck a mars bar up her minge.
I swear every school has one.

Been years since I read them but it's just hard to keep the story going and maintain the atmosphere of the originals. I dont think he intended to write that many books at the start so they just lack something.

i went to an all boys school. sooo no i missed out on that

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Same. Just had rumours of lads wanking each other off in the toilets and stuff

The last one has recently been made really popular by Jordan Peterson. Despite not liking him, I am glad he's telling everyone to read it. It's a fantastic and important book, you're in for a treat.
Meditations my MA is a good introductory text into stoicism. Are you a stoic lad? Impressed consistently at just how applicable and PRACTICAL it is as a philosophy, even if it is essentially just self help dressed up in a pretty roman bow

What? No. I'm sure weird horse girls are a thing everywhere though.

suffering from a lack of desire again, no motervation or drive to do anything

i read a digital spy thread about her that said shes working in a department store now, it was a few years old so it's probably closed down now.

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>yet more topless girls

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heres some pulling tips from Sam.

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>is buying a girl underwear a good idea

lol dropped

there's something about her, she'd damaged, insecure and got natural beauty.

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when you don't give her enough attention.

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If it's you gf it's a good idea, wouldnt do it on the 1st date bit creepy

Brah this is an Aisleyne thread

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Please no thotposting lads

Yup... just almost shit myself in the airport. Was near putting one of my shits through security.

Any nightlids still awake? I'm just watching YouTube videos until I'm tired enough for sleeps.

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Sorting out these 2 micro SD cards I bought the other day for my phone and tablet, think it's amazing how so much data can fit on such a little thing.

i'm here wit you, fren. Stay comfy, fren.

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Are non brits welcome here?
I'm canadian


Don't listen to /lit/ when it comes to what you enjoy and whether it's "Reddit" or not. If it were up to /lit/ you'd only be reading Zettels Traum untranslated or whatever.

Nah, sorry lad, not foriners allowed; sez so on the front sign like innit? Awwabout you go pop off an go make your own /feel/ innit, oh wait nofucker else can quite match /britfeel/ waheeyyyyy

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Hi fren, always nice to know there's other nightlids still up with me. Funny enough I was tired when I got back in last night but I had a few cups of tea and then a can of pepsi and now here I am still up watching videos.

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If someone makes you a 24 hour pass...maybe

mum just told me she has Ocado deliver this morning, they texted to say it's any minute. got to answer the fucking door because she won't. the last driver was a woman so i bet make myself presentable

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Nightlids are always nice to talk to, even though I'm not one of them.
Trying to be helfy and wake up at the same time every day, which means waking up early on weekends too.
It's going well though, not as bad as I thought it'd be.

I'm always here until like 10-11am, unless I fall asleep out of nowhere which is rare nowadays.

Just how rich are you lad jesus

'ate colonials, love the crown
simple as, m8

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Yeah, I've been drinking a lot of coffee and tea. I may have a bit of a problem but i'll just ignore it.

Boudicca is yet another woman that is put on a pedestal, despite being a mongoloid.

M8 I'm sure she was ugly but I dont think that's a pic of Boudicca

Honestly not the worse problem to have lad, at least it isn't booze or smack
Love you nightlids you are always so chill, bullyanons tucker themselves out from being so angry and fall asleep like 11pm

God, I hate taking off my slippers and putting on socks and shoes to go into the garage. So very /uncomfy/.m:(

Yep watching hunting videos

You'll be back home soon flower

Are you hanging yourself in there?

fuck tinnitus so much. if science doesnt fix this and mine gets worse ill probably neck myself

I like manga because the pictures means there are less words to read

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Gonna make scrambled eggs again lads.
Will update you when I finish them.

Normally have tinitus and it's high pitched but last night it was a lower pitch. Was first time that's ever happened and I've had tinitus for years

Think you might have cancer mate.

I stay awake distracting myself until I'm too exhausted to think and pass out. Introspective feels suck.

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>72% match on Okcupid

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I'm not that lucky lad

It took me a bit to release this is supposed to be a female.

you might recognise from such memes as this.

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Day 2 of scrambled eggs.
Bacon and onion in, adding the egg soon.

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where are some very cheap places i can go on holiday for a week, inc. the UK?

I would unironically drown him in a bucket if there were no consequences.

Innawoods camping.
Ask a farmer if you know one, if not rock up and ask him if he owns that forest over there, then ask if our can camp on the weekend and offer him some dough.
Love camping me.

Wew lad, any reason for brekky change? Going to have some porridge with banana and PB myself in a min, phwoar

It's brunch really. I just like cooking and decided to do it more in 2019.
That sounds lovely lad, going to steal that idea.

onions are disgusting

*Farts in your face*
How's that for disgusting

No they're not you muggins

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is this your twitter account

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*Farts in your face*
How's this Twitter account

I love having scrambled eggs with spring onions myself, it tastes amazing lad.

There it is boys.
Lovely jubely

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Kept awake by drunk normies bellowing at each other outside last night, feel like shit. I think I'll get some pain au Chocolat to cheer me up

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Roman will be fine

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For me, it's the creamy slightly underdone scrambled eggs with milk, yours looks a little dryer than I like

Actually looks very nice desu

Morning boys.
Been thinking about getting back into DCS: World. Really good game for autismos like myself.

Yeah I'm experementing.
With this one I didn't add a splash of milk into the eggs, like I did yesterday.
I think I like it drier though. Scrambled egg is scrambed egg, can't go wrong innit.
thank you lad. Tasted nice too.

Anybody get deja vu on here? Swear its getting worse

Due to extreme autism, I found the kind barista at Starbucks on Instagram and followed them.
Am I ruined?

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Anybody get deja vu on here? I swear its getting worse

Anybody get deja vu on here? l swear its getting worse