what are you niggers up to
what you watchin, browsin, listenin, fappin, eatin, etc etc
just a general thread. anything goes, im bored
what are you niggers up to
what you watchin, browsin, listenin, fappin, eatin, etc etc
just a general thread. anything goes, im bored
>ywn live in the big city
big cities are nice. More girls, more jobs, more places to go to etc etc i guess
answered later
Jow Forums
Chloetaya on chaturbate maybe
At a friend's house solely because I have nothing else to do and I want to get away from my parents and therapist for a while, dreading going back to school, too. The town he lives in has 6,000 people, so that's nice and all, but I spend all day watching episodes of old sitcoms on Hulu and browse Jow Forums.
i went to a therapist once, couldn't afford that shit and its super useless imo
nothing at the moment
Jow Forums duh
Haven't, but not goiong to give up
nice music user n
Thanks user, I really like lo fi but noone around seems to like this genre
this thread
this thread
king krule - border line
peppermint tea
shit. someones really flirty and sweet with me but im too shitty of a person for them to ever be genuinely interested in me. haha. haha. this all started because i accidentally said "i love you" when i meant to say "id love to". haha. fuck. now i gotta worm my way out of this one like the weasel i am.
this lo-fi shit is so chill
I'm watching twin peaks while drinking my morning coffee. Gonna play some supernintendo when I feel more awake.
did you know MDMA is a stimulant just like coffee
Current Season of Family Guy on Hulu. You know the world has gone to shit when we live in a time where current Family Guy is better than current South Park.
Pin-Point Netorare Visual Novels
Lorde - Melodrama
If I haven't made it clear enough by now, I'm a cuck.
Frozen Country Fried Steaks. I fry them first obviously.
I've been alternating between water, coke zero, regular milk and milk + Nesquik
Fat... Because I am.
people still use hulu?
I'm a hiki so my middle-aged mother pays for it.
playing battlefield 1
Tucker Carlson from last night.
Jow Forums, Jow Forums, Jow Forums.
Tucker BTFO libtards.
Fast ends at dinner tonight.
Jow Forums
the album "The Bends" by Radiohead
misc shit on pornhub
nofap for a few hours
foamy mocha mmmm
Having coffee and english muffins. Later this afternoon I'm gonna go over to my dad's house to watch sportsball. Less because I care about the game and more because I think my dad is kinda lonely.