What are you niggers up to

what are you niggers up to
what you watchin, browsin, listenin, fappin, eatin, etc etc

just a general thread. anything goes, im bored

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>ywn live in the big city

big cities are nice. More girls, more jobs, more places to go to etc etc i guess

answered later
Jow Forums
Chloetaya on chaturbate maybe

At a friend's house solely because I have nothing else to do and I want to get away from my parents and therapist for a while, dreading going back to school, too. The town he lives in has 6,000 people, so that's nice and all, but I spend all day watching episodes of old sitcoms on Hulu and browse Jow Forums.

i went to a therapist once, couldn't afford that shit and its super useless imo

nothing at the moment
Jow Forums duh
Haven't, but not goiong to give up

nice music user n

Thanks user, I really like lo fi but noone around seems to like this genre

this thread
this thread
king krule - border line
peppermint tea
shit. someones really flirty and sweet with me but im too shitty of a person for them to ever be genuinely interested in me. haha. haha. this all started because i accidentally said "i love you" when i meant to say "id love to". haha. fuck. now i gotta worm my way out of this one like the weasel i am.

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this lo-fi shit is so chill

I'm watching twin peaks while drinking my morning coffee. Gonna play some supernintendo when I feel more awake.

did you know MDMA is a stimulant just like coffee

Current Season of Family Guy on Hulu. You know the world has gone to shit when we live in a time where current Family Guy is better than current South Park.
Pin-Point Netorare Visual Novels
Lorde - Melodrama
If I haven't made it clear enough by now, I'm a cuck.
Frozen Country Fried Steaks. I fry them first obviously.
I've been alternating between water, coke zero, regular milk and milk + Nesquik
Fat... Because I am.

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people still use hulu?

I'm a hiki so my middle-aged mother pays for it.

playing battlefield 1

Tucker Carlson from last night.
Jow Forums, Jow Forums, Jow Forums.
Tucker BTFO libtards.
Fast ends at dinner tonight.

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Jow Forums
the album "The Bends" by Radiohead
misc shit on pornhub

nofap for a few hours
foamy mocha mmmm

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Having coffee and english muffins. Later this afternoon I'm gonna go over to my dad's house to watch sportsball. Less because I care about the game and more because I think my dad is kinda lonely.

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