>Legal Loli

Legal Loli, holy shit, what!?!

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and you will never have her you ugly pedo kek

you're a rancid fucking pedo

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>18 years old

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doesnt matter how old she is, shit can still be creepy. theyre attracted to her image, which is one that is usually attached to someone under the age of 18.

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>>doesnt matter how old she is

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Why are normalniggers so ignorant and dumb?

I think what that user is trying to say is: the only reason you're attracted to her is because the appears to be a 8 year old little girl. And your attraction is due to the fact that you can have sex with a woman who looks like a prepubescent child with no legal repercussions due to her abnormal condition. Which still makes you a fucking freak.

tell that to the judge you sweaty neckbeard

wow, twitter was right all along, incels ARE complete mongoloids

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i'm not attracted to OPs pic, i'm a gay male that was commenting on how absolutely retarded at least one user ITT is.
lol k

She'll die before she's 40.

>i'm not attracted to OPs pic
sure buddy

yeah, pretty much this

thanks user

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I am 5'7". I would take what I can get. And, she is older than me, depending on when that picture was taken (November was 18th birthday).

>sure buddy
okay pal.
i'm gonna go back to looking at gay furry stuff now, have fun.

so conversely it's fine if they're under 18, as long as they look 18?

Is this shit even possible?

Yeah there's some Met Art model or something who has the same thing, except she looks more like 15 than 10.

no. you can be over 18 but have the image of someone that's under 18. being attracted to someone over 18 that has the image of someone thats under 18 is a no-go.

under 18? not ok
looks under 18? not ok
over 18? ok
under 18 but looks over 18? not ok


you're a massive fucking retard btw

so everyone she dates are vile pedophiles and she should just be alone her whole life?

yes. she can never have a relationship with anyone. anyone that is attracted to her is obviously a blatant pedophile.

but mr normie I thought love was supposed to be blind? are you telling me there was a glitch in the NPC printing machine and you actually believe you're supposed date based on looks?

And there's no problem with that. She can consent.

what part of
>under 18? not ok
>looks under 18? not ok
>over 18? ok
>under 18 but looks over 18? not ok
are you not understanding, you disgusting pedophile

I thought she was just skinny or something until I realized how big the phone was compared to her. This is creepy as fuck. If she had no growth hormones would that mean her brain never fully develops to adulthood? Or why would she even want sex if she never went through puberty

what if her boyfriend was blind?

seethe harder you filthy asswipe

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>Pedophilia (alternatively spelled paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.[1][2] Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12,[3] criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.[4] A person who is diagnosed with pedophilia must be at least 16 years old, and at least five years older than the prepubescent child, for the attraction to be diagnosed as pedophilia.[4][5]
Okay, so 14 is objectively not Pedophilia.

then he's a disgusting blind pedo

inb4 hebephilia tangent

Even this definition accepts Hebephilia though.
>person who is diagnosed with pedophilia must be at least 16 years old, and at least five years older than the prepubescent
So a 16 year old can love a 12 year old pubescent female and not be a pedo.

Isnt she that russian chick that killed her adoptive parents

Mongoloids have some pf the highest IQs... thank you

okay? i'll wait for angery user to tell you about how everything he doesnt like is pedo and bad.

Haha we're trolling the pedos epic style guis! Who wants to help make a compilation for Jow Forumsgreentext???

grasping at straws, eh?

lol ebin xD
put me in the screenshot!!

nice strawman
tell that to the judge, kid

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>looks under 18? not ok
>under 18 but looks over 18? not ok

Why are you so fixated over your model of an 18 yr old user?


??? what
i dont even like women
im not gay either

sure buddy, whatever you say you fucking pedo

absolutely FUMING

stay assblasted, incel

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god what a fucin slammin body

They actually do raid insignificant Jow Forums threads as a moral crusade.

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ITS FAKE, shame


pedofags BTFO

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>Over 18
>Called a pedo anyway because she looks younger than she actually is
You moralfags are interesting to watch

It's time to admit that the roasties just don't want us to have cute, petite, tiny, DFC girls because they would get btfo

No girl that says she is EXACTLY 18 is actually 18

Fake, she's Tonya Hoodyakova

>over 18 but only looks 17 years 364 days? Not ok

Paedo laws are about maturity to consent you mong
Hell, where's this shit about 18 coming from? The legal age of consent is even younger than that in most countries

Worry not, my fellow lolicons. Impregnsting horny 12 year olds will be the dominant strategy if some doomsday happens. Girls are getting periods sooner than ever before. Lolicon prevelancy is the male counterpart of it.

>Hell, where's this shit about 18 coming from?
US legal age. For some reason people thought legal = age of consent.

Can I get a source on this "legal age" concept?

The age where the government views you as a fully grown adult. This is when you can leave your parents, vote, and have actual rights.

>tell that to the judge

>she's over 18 and gave consent
>okay, have a good day
Fucking retard.

Ok, so you mean "age of majority"? That is what I am redirected to when I lookup "legal age"

You guys are not asking the important questions.

If she hasn't hit puberty, she shouldn't want to have sex, right?

How old does someone with her condition get? She must age on some level.

she looks great for her age

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