If you could quit Jow Forums forever, would you?
If you could quit Jow Forums forever, would you?
yes. it's done nothing for my mental health
You know you're actually able to quit Jow Forums right? That nothing's stopping you?
i'm leaving on the 9th. I like Jow Forums, but im going to take a break for a year or so. start actually reading books and playing world of Warcraft classic. I might try to get into a guild hopefully
Jow Forums is my only form of social interaction. I don't even play video games anymore, so if I quit Jow Forums I'll be completely isolated.
yea, if you're a poc or not straight this place ain't 4 u
dude do you want me to go crazy this is like my only form of social interaction anymore
no, where else would I shitpost? fucking plebbit?
The internet feels like an empty barren wasteland whenever Jow Forums is down.
Theres only so much youtube i can take.
1v1 me AOE right now. You'll finally have something to do besides Jow Forums.
I wish I could leave, but this is the only place I can find people like me. Of course, being here all the time makes stop relating to people irl, creating a vicious cycle, but if I leave I won't have any fun social interactions
What is AOE? Area of Effect? I a played a destruction Warlock in WoW.
I'd have nothing to fill the void with.
It's the only place I can go to where social justice and other stupid normie shit isn't shoved down my throat 24/7 so no I won't go. I'll stay here until this place closes down or becomes infested with the ilk from other platforms.
Age of Empires 2: HD Edition
I played affliction warlock and was fucking garbage.
I don't like RTS. I played a destro warlock because it was just a shittier mage but with a cute succubus I can summon when loitering in goldshire.
I feel like I'm honestly getting too old for this site, and I feel that the times that I actually had fun here have long since past. I feel like I only come here out of habit these days, and that I should leave.
Strategy is fucking god tier. This is literally the GREATEST strategy game on the earth, but it and play the 300+ hour campaign I still haven't fucking finished.
yeah this place is pretty good
except you know every fucking boomer that's sucking trump's cock came here cause they got their facebook group got shut down
That's mostly Jow Forums and other boards if it leaks out. At least here OP is a fag, women pls go, eat shit and die, and mostly importantly OP is a faggot.
exactly same. I am completely friendless, both online and irl, so I literally absolutely never talk to anyone. the only time I ever speak to another human being is through Jow Forums posts.
i could never quit you, babe