What is having an online gf like? I'm 28 and want to practice with one to see what it is like to talk to a girl...

What is having an online gf like? I'm 28 and want to practice with one to see what it is like to talk to a girl.i haven't chatted online since 2011.

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go on okcupid and talk to a thai girls they wont send nudes but love pen pals

It's a very amazing thing. I have an online japanese gf so I only know how a nice woman behaves online. If you have a western roastie online gf I dont suppose it would work out very well for you. I'm always writing handwritten letters to her and she sends me souvenirs from japan. We also video call and fall asleep together sometimes. She is really cute. I'm learning Japanese and she is learning English. She is better at English than I am at Japanese though. I know 1000 kanji so I'm getting somewhere I guess. I'm planning on visiting her this year. Also, she played my favorite game Earthbound/Mother 2 all because I just mentioned it. That's how adorable she is. Everytime she tells me she loves me I get a burst of dopamine. Feels good man.

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Its pretty neat for a while since you have that little satisfaction every day seeing a message notification on your phone and having someone to chat with.
It sucks as a serious relationship because she'll usually be overseas and could get snatched by an irl dude at any time. Or even some other guy online since you cant know what the hell she's doing while not chatting with you. It usually ends in heartbreak.

Ideally you want an online fwb instead. The girl you can chat with but mostly with lewd stuff and nudes. And not giving a shit if she might be talking to other guys, and not feeling guilty if you're bored and are trying to get naughty with other girls.

just get a japanese online gf. They are the only loyal women. Just make sure you don't get one that likes western social media (like instagram, twitter, facebook)

Where do i find one?
And do they put out nudes in due time? Im at the point where im not going to bother investing a month into some prude bitch who might ghost me without even a titty pic.

I talked with my e-gf everyday, I was still able to get that warm uplifting feeling of having contact with someone who had feelings for me. We would fall asleep talking to each other, and during those times I felt very close to her. I wasn't able to talk to very many people about it because people view it as pathetic, at least I think so. It's hard to keep interest in an e-relationship, there's only so much you can do when you never see each other.

No, no n on on o . You are going about this all wrong. Do you want a gf you can make a wife someday or some roastie who doesnt have enough self respect to not send nudes? My jp gf and I are not going to have sex until marriage. She is a virgin like myself. If your intentions are sex, then I would look elsewhere if i were you.

how did you meet her user? are you handsomu desu ka?

Ill assume you arent memeing.. how long have you known her?
I cant imagine chatting to any online girl who likes me enough to be a gf, that doesnt lead to lewds. Even the most "pure" ones eventually get curious and horny once in a while.

penpal world
I've known her for a little bit over a year. We got a little intimate one day and I was talking about her boobs jokingly and she said that she could show me her boobs before marriage but I denied it. I said that if I end up not being her husband then I don't want her to regret being in a relationship with me.I truly love this woman and I want the best for her. I want to live the rest of my life with her. Not going to do any stupid shit. If she ends up leaving me I'm not going to ever date another woman again online or offline.

kek you could have seen her pusy by now, if not more.
You will regret rejecting nudes when it falls apart.

Another thing, she isn't a fucking roastie. I forgot to mention that. I was blackpilled on women before I met her by accident. She is special to me because she doesn't show any of the toxic traits that I see in women that live in my country.
>She has a social media, but she doesnt have any pics of herself on it
>on her penpal world account she had a profile pic
>she showed me she would get many messages every day from thirsty beta men
>I said that I didn't feel good about it and she wanted to know why so I told her
>She removes pic and doesnt use the website anymore
>She only sends pics to me
>She is genuinely interested in my hobbies. We watched each others favorite movies, played animal crossing new leaf together, etc.
>She has a personality and is an interesting person
>she tells me that if I ever leave her that she will be single the rest of her life
How did I stumble upon this gold mine??

>Kek lol I'm a brainlet retard
If she showed me her tits vag or anything she would be a roastie in my mind. She wouldnt be my ideal gf if she did that. She meant in person. She wouldnt do something as degrading as send nudes to me even though she trusts me. I wouldnt ask her for it anyways.

If she's really that great i wish you the best but you'd better make the irl meetup soon before the honeymoon period ends.

that sounds pure and lovely, user. best wishes

I'm making it happen as soon as possible. Even though she says she will wait forever, I don't want to make her wait because Im not a piece of shit.

how does one? I don't want to put pictures of myself online. and i'm a sperg.

fuckland you have to be attractive to get gains on dating websites lmao

oh. I forgot. I just want a nice girl to chat with

>get a penpal world
>post your best looking picture as your profile pic, dont worry nothing happens
>make friends with chinese girls. they like talking to white men for some reason

what is this "penpal world"?

google was invented for a reason. It's a penpal website for all ages. Anyone can join,

yeah I figured that out, I thought it was part of okcupid at first