
GOLF WANG edition

No homophobia
No traps
No sissy shit
Get along or ignore
Don't stay for too long if you aren't straight

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Daily reminder that we are not /r9straight/, /r9kstraight/ was homophobic, we are not

wonder why this thread keeps dying

Maki-chan good

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Yes we are. R9Gay belongs on /lgbt/ not on r9k. Theyre not rejects like the real robots here. They pretend to fit in with us, because they think its cool and funny. They ruined this site, and are trying to ruin your minds people. Wake up, its not 2015, these gays arent robots!

I think it's due to the sissy/trap shit
Either they turn gay or leave the board

>ex brings cute friend over
>we drink and get high
>put on season 1 of trailer park boys
>hardly said anything all night because i was watching trailer park boys
>went to jack in the box
>got 12 tacos
>ate 12 tacos while drunk and high watching trailer park boys
i think i ruined my chances

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Honestly, I don't even care that much about sex with a female, I just don't want to see male dicks and other gay shit. I don't want to look at women because it just reminds me of failure, so there's no point in bumping these threads for me. I want to talk with other robots and have threads about feels, not engage in meat market shit. It's all so tiresome.

well, everyone was acting homophobic because during its first threads, some retards from /r9gay/ would always drop by and bait everyone in the thread.

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I do remember the second thread, someone from /r9gay/ spammed in the thread

"Homophobic" is such a stupid fucking phrase. Why can't people hate fags because they're annoying niggers who spam dicks and anime girls all the time? Fuck.

so even though you claim to be not be /r9straight/ because they were homophobic, you can't really blame them for being homophobic.
plus i'd say most of the board is homophobic because of the tension between robots, jannies and all of the gayposters.

>anime girls
Why do they always do this if they are attracted to men?

It's bait to attract hetero dudes.

First thing on r9k is 3 fag threads in a row seriously there is no were left for tfw no gf?

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>dem legs

I remember when I made the first thread of /StraightFeel/ bout 2 or 3 days ago, the sissyfags spammed it quite a bit

I'm married and want to fuck an escort. Thanks for listening.

because they are their self-insert's.
i'd say not all fags are degenerate wastes of human trash like the ones you find here on Jow Forums.
specifically homophobia should be directed to people who hate even the gays that are just...gay and who don't indulge in some gay cock-roulette or take part in those degenerate "Pride Parades".
basically they are just people who just have a preference for people of the same sex and treat it as a preference, not as a badge or something that they should base their personality on.

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Hetero Task Force protecting this thread

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Why not? I hate my wife and we sit at home 24/7 doing literally nothing anyway. She watches TV and I sit on Jow Forums, literally every day. Life is suffering.

Reporting in


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What the fuck are we actually going to do anyway? Go out and drink at some bar for the 1000th time? What the fuck do people do for fun?

What do you guys like?
Originally of course

so both of you are NEETs?
what rating would you give her?

Normal fagottry includes activity's such as Hobby's Sports Cinima the arts theater music and dating

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no it wasn't someone from /r9gay/. it was a furfag who keeps spamming with his botnet and the jannies can't keep up. /r9gay/ is getting spammed too. every poster there just wants you to leave us alone, i imagine. have a nice day.

I'm technically employed but the job sucks. She's only a NEET because I insisted that she can't get a job. She's a 7/10.
I don't know.
>You married her and you don't know? lol you fucked up
Yeah, ok. We married 3 years ago.
Anyway we both used to like to travel around a lot, but she doesn't do that anymore. Now if we go out I want to see everything and move quickly and she gets tired and just wants to eat and go home. We both kind of like movies so we watch those sometimes. Not sure what to say.
Fuck me I hate sports, I've seen all the theater junk growing up and in college, the "arts" aren't fun to anyone but me but ok, I used to play music but basically stopped and don't have instruments anymore, and "dating" fuck.
I need a hobby then. All I've done is argue with my wife for the past 3 years and we've been at each other's throat forever. It's bad. She's also pregnant now.

Been trying to get into video games lately (never did growing up) so I bought an N64 3 weeks ago and still have no games for it. We'll see how this goes.

Stay in your containment thread.

kek, you're the retard in the dark about the botnet furfag

no, it was definitely an /r9gay/ poster.
stop trying to come up with excuses.

anyways, enough talking about them.
let's discuss something else.
tell me /StraightFeel/, who is your 2D waifu and why?

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it maybe was a sissy retard but not us. traps/trannies/sissies are not r9gay. fugg off and leave us alone

Inaba from Kokoro Connect. I don't remember why but I decided this like 10 years ago.

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i dunno, posting images of anime boys and writing in a condescending tone, saying how "butthurt" we are and how jannies will delete this "homophobic" thread sounds like one of you guys.
also what said.
want us to leave you alone?
stop making your presence known here and either contribute to our thread or hide it and we'll stop talking about your containment thread.
just read a bit about her, good taste.
i'm pretty sporadic when it comes to waifus.
first it was Osaka (from Azumanga), Yuri (from DDLC), Mado, Holo (from Spice and Wofl) and now Uzaki-chan.
because she is both a tomboy and a titty monster.

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where are all my straight robots at?

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wait you can't just "switch waifu" what the hell

i know but i just...
end not feeling as much love for them after a while.

I struggle every day to be straight but r9k just blackpills me about women
I would rather die alone than be gay, but there's that 1% of traps that look ok
Is there no hope in this realm?

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just embrace the 2D life, fuck 3D women.

>how jannies will delete this "homophobic" thread sounds like one of you guys.
absolutely nobody that regularly posts on r9gay gives a fuck about how homophobic you are. i just came to inform about the furfag botnet spammer that you seem to think is r9gay.

because it's pointless endeavour considering the entire board minus the gay thread is r9straight.

I'm going clubbing next Saturday with a friend. I know it's cliche to ask, but any tips on speaking to chicks? As much as I like my life of vidya and anime, I don't want to let my dad down by dying a virgin.

R9gay doesnt belong on /lgbt/ because they're all virgins who are afraid of having sex before getting into a serious relationship, but they cant get one because they're all NEETs and autists

God bless that tomboy

We need a bump to revive the thread

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damn. cheers guys, you arent actually annoying like the others. while i wish for a bf of my own, i wish that all of you will get gfs. good luck.

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Thanks for the wishes fellow gay

Ohayoo fellow straights, /bi/ here

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Get out, you obnoxious faggot.

>there are people who dont like this

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dont look at the face

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bumperino peqorino

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I'm not fond of breasts because i dont have mommy issues.

>even when I was relatively normie I self sabatoged myself out of relationships because I didn't want to take anything any further with any of the girls I knew
I'm going to fucking die alone
More like because you're homosexual

hi-quality bait

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>2D: Attracted to basically anything that remotely resembles a human frame including normal females like OP's pic (Best idol btw) including a lot of shit that straight up doesn't
>3D: Only attracted to traps, big bara guys, and borderline midget brown girls. Am repulsed by normal women, especially women considered conventionally hot.
I don't get it.

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user i dont think youre straight

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less conventional straighty reporting

I like them in moderation desu

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This is one of those images where I like the expression more than the rest of her
It's the little things sometimes

May I interest you in this image?

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Being straight is great, though I envy gay people since they can get laid way more easily.

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also, are you guys dominant straight or sub straights?

im lazy dominant

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Hetero Task Force still defending this thread

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I have a question how straight men feel about this:

I saw two reality shows. The first one was about a brittle boned wheelie dwarf and her dating life. Its the video that has been discussed on the "face and LMS" youtube channel. Shortly said, she went on a date with a nice looking 6/10 guy, great personality good wholesome boy! But she wanted six feet tall able bodied Chad. He was slightly below 6 ft. Also he occasionaly had to sit in a wheelchair. She acted aloof and like a total bitch for the entire date. Then began finding new guys on tindr after the date was over.

Other documentary, about gay refugees fleeing from countries where gay is illegal. Totally below average 4/10 Maroccan guy goes out in germany, meets a fucking gorgeous Link look alike, white, pure aryan, blonde and blue eyes, orange tan 10/10 twink. They're making out on the dancefloor, going home together and stayed together for the duration of that whole documentary.

Its easier to get a 10/10 twink than a 1/10 dwarf brittlebone wheelchair gf!

Now, hiw does that make you feel?

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It's easier to get a girl when you are attractive

Con. Kekiden of the 95th rifles, seconded to REEEEEEEnforce the hereto task force, sir.

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Makes me feel nothing because I cant just change my sexuality, bud

We would rather go through that mess than fuck your faggy ass. Let that sink in.

I just want a nice pair of big tits in my face.

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I would be gay if I didn't like tits so god damn much.

Why don't they ban homo threads to the fag board?

Why are they normalizing this.. what will happen to tfw no gf?

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I don't know why, but I have a huge weakness for them too.

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>Why are they normalizing this
because trannies are mods

last year I had a gf but I broke up with her after 9 months. I thought it could have been a fun thing to be in love with someone but except for the sex it was boring and it was a waste of time and money, why that fellow robots?

good job on exposing yourself as an ant, dumbass

Let's kill all the faggots

Oh no! I have been revealed!

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We should start making straight threads on /lgbt/ and claim it as a hetero board.

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sure, go ahead man