Should I live with my parents as a neet or try to establish a career and maybe make something of myself as a wagekek?
What should I do after college?
Where you from OP? Europe?
The land of the free the us of a
Isnt the whole point going to college is to get a degree and getting hired for your degree
Nope only went there because my parents pressured me to
why do you go to college if you end up staying a neet anyway.
should have just chosen the eazy way out from the start
If your parents pressured you to go to college how come they are fine with you staying home after college...
Dad said he would kick me out if I didnt but hes retiring by the time I graduate and moving away to live by himself, mom doesnt really care if I stay a neet after college though
was it worth it?
What did you study
Still got 2 years left, trying to decide between finance and maybe get a job or an easy meme degree to just coast through it and get these 2 years done fast and become a neet after
No reason why you shouldnt be a neet other than money problems. If your parents make enough money to finance your life just do it. Being a neet doesnt mean you cant do anything that will eventually "get you a career"...
Just means you have no responsibilities
Do your parents care if you become a neet after you finish college
I plan on getting a small part time so i can buy what i want and support myself, my mom isnt really gonna spend money on me id just be residing in the house
See a couple of posts above you
>part time job
pick one
I guess this thread is more about whether i should try and get a serious job and move out or live with my mom and working some joke job a day or two every week and living as a rich semi neet
are you rich opie?
No but if I lived with my mom my expenses would just be food and other minor stuff for myself so i would end up saving most of my money
sounds chill OP.
Yea, if you don't have a desire to work and make lots of money, dont do it.
I guess the real dilemma is I would end up disappointing my mom if I took the semi neet route since she wanted to see me as some business suite guy or something she can brag on about on facebook but at the same time my life would be easy and comfy as fuck as a semi neet
Well whatever fuck ill take the semi neet route im just gonna inherit the house anyway, no point in me wagekeking for nothing
Ok new plan, wage kek for a bit and live with my mom, save as much as I can, became a full time neet off my savings
Yeah I dont really care too much about money, just as long as I have enough to buy things like food and entertainment, the way I see it is trying to make or whatever like your typical normie would just make me miserable and I would probably end up failing half way through im too lazy for that shit