How often you shower/bathe?

How often do you shower/take a bath?

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Daily ya black bastard

once maybe twice a month

never, i wash at a sink

you wash your butt at a sink?

nah thats a lot of effort

so you don't wash your butt?

How do you find time for that? Like literally if you have a job you wake up and you need to idk dress up, prepare your meal, eat something, get to work. Ok you do wash your face but full shower? Then lets say you go to the gym, you shower afterwards again? And thne what? You go back come, prepare meal, do whatever you do in free time and then take a shower before bed again?
It's too time consuming, once a week should be sufficient and productive.

Once every 3 weeks or so seems to be the minimum before I get called in to HR/manager meetings to talk about "my performance."
This saves water by the way. Many, many people on Jow Forums do this.

no, nobody goes there anyway, and i dont do sloppies

once a week because I have to leave the apartment for classes and to buy more food.
would shower every two weeks otherwise. Longer than that and my scalp starts to hurt

If I have to leave home, I shower/bathe before going out.

If I stay at home, at least once a week.

Once a day. Twice if I do something to get really dirty/sweaty after my first shower.

but it gets sweaty

At least once or twice a day. Every time I take a shit I shower right after.

doesnt seem to be a problem for me

I want to be a slutty bitch slave for some sweaty neet who only washes a couple times a week so I can worship his sweaty armpits and crotch as he gets more and more musky leading up to his rare shower!!

Not every day

Normally once a day but I haven't showered since I started No Shower 2019.
There are many achievements one can accomplish as a NEET

11 times a week usually, once in the morning and once at night Monday through Friday, and then normally once over the weekend.
Thread theme btw:

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2-3 times a week, but if I'm about to leave the house, which is rare, I always shower no matter what.

3-4 times a week at most

Literally just shower at the end of the day
You're making a big deal out of nothing.

If you're a Euro gal, you can be my slave.

american sorry uwu

once a day unless its colder than -5C outside

>2 minute shower in morning to wake me up, tidy up and smell nice
>long afternoon/evening shower after work/gym, alternating cold and hot

>meticulous scrub down and grooming
>comfy bath

>2 minute shower at some point in the day

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I'm surprised to actually see people here that shower less. I mean, come on guys, are you even trying?

>are you even trying?
no not really

daily or every other day

there are children in africa who die of thrist and you are here shaming peopel for not wasting valuable water

if you can't find time for a shower, how do you find time for Jow Forums?

Every night, but i might just switch to every morning so i smell good all day

Are you retarded? Lower water usage in civilized countries won't lead to more water available for niggers in Africa

Almost every day. Every day if I'm going to work, sometimes on the weekend I'll skip a day but generally only if I plan on not going out - I don't mind smelling my balls but I don't think other people should have to.

Sure, americunts fill their 10.000 liters pool at least 3 times a year and i am the one that should be worried about the fucking chinese because i take a 5 minutes shower with cold water.

>This saves water by the way. Many, many people on Jow Forums do this.
Why don't Jow Forums live in an old apartment? Mine has no individual measurement of water consumption so I don't have to pay for water. Been thinking of setting up a business where I sell tap water for $2 a bottle. Since the water is already approved for consumption I should save some money by not having to test it to make sure it's safe to drink.

Can't I just shower on Sunday to stay fresh for a whole week? Time saving.

But user it's so nice to take a looong bath with warm water

They don't die of thirst, perhaps of water borne diseases and malnutrition but not thirst. However, Kenya is a net exporter of water so it won't be long.

Priorities my man.

Good, unironically and originally.

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every night, it helps me sleep better.

My last shower was in mid november last year or something

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Once a week at the local lido

>there are children in africa who die of thrist
do you think the water you don't use goes to africa? lmao wtf

I would suggest you add temperature and weather conditions to shower frequency.
Because when it is hot i shower more, when it is decent i might wash face and armpits.
Winter -10c, summer +30c

So much this.

Able to shitpost on Jow Forums all day but doesn't have 15 minutes to rinse the shit off his lardy arse crack.

>those dubs

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by subtracting the shower time

Begrudgingly checked, you disgusting motherfucker.

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At least once every two weeks.

Oof, let's fuck
I want that mushy smegma dick all over my face

It's not that bad because my dick kinda cleans itself when I masturbate

Let me lick the tip clean of what's left on it, i want to lick all that salty dick and play with those sweaty balls

I'm assuming this is something you've not actually done in practice.

Of course not, it still gets me all hot to think of being the little bitch of someone so disgusting

about twice a day

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Once a day. Twice if I'm disgusting before bed.

Have a shower you smelly cunts. Wash your crack too, you smell like poo

i try to do it daily but because i'm a lazy piece of shit it's usually every two to three days

every evening exept on fridays and saturdays desu

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You wont make me your little slut, user?

I like showers and baths but I don't like the feelings going out of them if you know what I mean. I don't like being wet and cold after them. I don't like drying myself with towel as well. So I avoid showers and baths.

I shower once a day; I'm not your type.

I'm not a neet and I see no point in showing more than 3-4 times a week (I don't go to the gym though, maybe that's why)

Daily, unless literal fuckload of work

Not what i was expecting, but i'm ok with it
Take a dump in my mouth user

4-5 times a day.
You supposedly need to shower every other day, to prevent making your skin dry from washing yourself daily.

I make sure to shower once a day.

I'd say around 5 times a week.

Shit, I meant per week.

Once every 2 weeks.
I just hate the feeling of wet skin.

>Shower is too time consuming
>Once a week is enough
Kek you smelly

>How do you find time for that?
For one, in the time it took you to make this shitpost, you could've already been in the shower. Two, it only takes about 20 minutes. You're not that busy.

Can't remember, your body cleans itself naturally

all weekdays and i feel like a scum on monday when i haven't bathed on sat and sun.

also im really self conscious about my odor because a girl in middle school said i stink and dont bath.

i dont brush my teeth. i am trying to this habit but my fucked up sleep schedule wont let me..

meanwhile theres a manlet at work that doesnt wash his clothes for 1 month and bathes only on warm days and hes the one that has friends and has some friends who are female

When I go to uni, I take a shower all those days. On weekends, however, I can go showerless with no problems because I stay at home.

5-6 times a week
Sometimes twice a day on special occasions

When I'm doing nothing or not at uni- 2 times per week at most.
When I actually go outside- daily or every other day at most.

I mean, I fucking shower, dry myself and go back to whatever I was doing in 10-15 minutes. I'm a lazy nigger but not having 15 minutes per day is too much, bruv.
>once a week
If you're the normal person, you start to notisably smell after the second day.

I literally cant start my day without showering, you people are disgusting

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bout once a month, if you shower more than once a week you're a certified normie in my book

Every day. I feel disgusting if I go more than 24 hours without a shower.

Some people actually work or go to uni.

about twice a week
sometimes more

Every day, usually before I go to bed.

Sometimes I'll shower twice per day, but that's usually only when I've been pretty active that day, like working outside all day or after a hike.

Kek that's disgusting

Original llllyyyy

3-4 times a week
I hate showering but my mom gets all passive aggressive when I don't shower on a strict 48-hour schedule.

I shower every other day and I take a bath every day I don't take a shower.
Showering is for washing your body, bath is for relaxing.

6 times a day due to stress

>If you're the normal person, you start to notisably smell after the second day.
Nope. Once a week is enough. I shower on sunday and even after hitting gym every single day, on Friday at the gym I'm still kind of fresh. No one ever complain about my smell anyway.
Stop this meme you start to smell like shit if you skip a day or two of showering. If you're not literally playing with shit with your hands you should be fine.

Head - twice a week.
Body only - every other day.

>biz does it so i should too

why would you listen to those retards?

This is pretty much what I expected of Jow Forums, a lot of you are disgusting, filthy cunts. I would like to congratulate the people posting on this board that actually shower an appropriate amount. You have risen above.

Smelling gross is a turn off to everyone around you. Unless that is what you want, take a fucking shower every couple of days at least.

you'll stay fresh for a day, not a week.

Every night before I go to bed

I shower once ever 2-3 days. I don't sweat much, so i don't smell, and my hair looks clean for 2 days. (and washing hair rarely is good for it, natural oils and shit)

If you shower every day you are NOT an alpha male and you will never make it.

Once a week right now, since I'm NEET. When I'm working, it's every other day, unless I get really sweaty or something.

Also, if you shower less than 2x a week you are NOT attractive and you will never make it.

Once a day. Sometimes twice if I've gotten sweaty or dirty, or I crash in on my wife showering when she gets home from work.