Reading old diary entries

>Reading old diary entries
>"Today WILL be my last binge!"
>January 6th, 2017

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>reading old diary entries
>"I want to kill myself"

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Woah you must be pretty fit by now

Start a keto diet, Roll a joint, and go for a walk. That's how I beat my addiction to food. Lost 130 lbs

>he keeps a diary
transition when

>old reddit posts
>4 paragraph post about how depressed and stupid I am

Lift and become bearmode

he should become twink mode though


What are the point of these posts? To keep fat people fat?

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Yeah I'm sure coddling them will fucking work
God I fucking hate fat people, literally no fucking willpower, disgusting pieces of shit

>Fasted and dieted all summer until I was actually really skinny
>Went back to uni
>Started binging again out of stress and boredom
>January 2019: am now even fatter than i was when the summer started


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It sounds like you have some deep self hatred issues user. Not everything comes down to will power, and your satirical levels of anger really signal something unhealthy and maladaptive.
Do you think calling them names is going to change them? What do you think people have been doing to them so far? If it hasn't worked before, why would it work now?

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>>Started binging again out of stress and boredom


U need to go on a zero carb diet

Its btfoing my sugar addiction, which is why I'm fat in the first place. Within the next four weeks, I'm sure my sugar addiction will be fucked in the ass. Im on day 22 btw

Like I ate two big ass leg quarters like 12 hours ago, and I'm still full. Shits nice. Pic related. Try it mane.

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I love food. If I concentrate hard enough I can force myself to diet for 2 or 3 months and have done this several times in order to lose all my weight and become skinny. But it is practically hell on earth for me, I feel like I'm dying and even when I get skinny I still have the profound urge to eat mounds and mounds of food

I am literally addicted to food like a crack addict is addicted to crack. It is hell.

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You "love" food like a beat up girl "loves" her husband that smacks her every two seconds but "is a sweet guy inside"


>Not everything comes down to will power
But it does, it really does, especially in this case. Binging stems from a total lack of self control, and yes, I do think calling them names is going to help, certainly more than keeping them sheltered and coddling them for being lazy pieces of shit who have nothing to do but eat all day out of boredomi, because that's the worst thing you can do, you're just enabling their shit behaviors, they'll never feel compelled to change their habits if you excuse their pathetic behaviors all the time.
They're disgusting, they need to be told that, if that doesn't help them move their asses then nothing will, they'll keep eating their way down the grave

post body fatty

>no selfies on Jow Forums
Go to Jow Forums, in the /fast/ thread, and I will

How is that advice any different from bettering yourself to get a gf though? If it were as easy as telling fat people the obvious, shouldn't Incels also be able to fix themselves? Most incels aren't disfigured after all, and ugly normies have girlfriends.
Fat people have been a laughing stock forever. Even the fat acceptance movement wasn't taken seriously by SJWs. You're literally just saying let fat people keep getting fatter and becoming a bigger issue. Shaming hasn't worked. Jewish food companies who suck as many nutrients out of their food as possible to replace them with carbs, so you'll eat more of their "processed" foods is more of a problem than will power. Humans are retarded monkeys who act on urges. Will power only goes so far to change human nature.
It's like trying to get Chad NOT to slay stacies on a daily basis.

>tfw too poor to afford binging
>lost 20 pounds in two months
>feels good mang