Tfw so fat you can't fit in the car so mom has to drive and pick up fast food for you (at least twice a day)

>tfw so fat you can't fit in the car so mom has to drive and pick up fast food for you (at least twice a day)

just fucking kill me

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jesus fucking christ user, sort your shit out

I try to but if I go without eating fast food, I start to get massive headaches and I start hollering and whining and even when I tell my mom beforehand to ignore me and make sure the withdrawal symptoms pass, she just goes and gets the food anyway to shut me up. It's fucking hopeless for me.

>withdrawals from junk food

is this a real thing?

You already did this thread weeks ago. I no longer believe you are really this fat so either post a timestamped pic of yourself or stay fraudulent.

Yeah the chemicals in fsst food are addicting as hell

I doubt its as bad as heroin withdrawal

>massive headaches
>I start hollering and whining

Thanks for today's kek, user

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lol, just power through it, you'll feel shitty for about 3-5 days, stop being a complete vagene

Stop eating and exercise you fat fuck.
>muh food withdrawals
You're just a weak willed pussy and you want to gain more weight and die of a heartattack. I feel sorry for your mother, she should have kicked you to the curb the moment this started happening

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yes, yes it is. everything addictive has withdrawals

but is it as bad as opiod withdrawal

i agree fat people should try to better themselves but fast food addiction can get really bad.

this isn't real, post proof nigga

you get me there, its still bad though

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uhhh have you been to america buddy??

Jesus Christ lmaoo. Dont worry OP, a few more years of that way of life and you wont suffer anymore. But seriously, have you considered exercise and movement? Or ordering a bit less fast food making your meals smaller and smaller? I am not saying that you should cut off all your junk food but to try lowering a bit gradually. Also you should definetely see a doctor. If you cant walk or drive there you try rolling lmao

this guy gets it. do what he says. maybe ask your mother to disallow going over a limit?

my mother literally gangrapes me nightly i doubt shell give a fuck

Your brain needs glucose, when you start dieting your body doesn't get enough of sugars to keep this all up, this is where you start burning your disgusting fatty grease!
You can't stop here, it might feel bad but there's no escaping that, your choice.
Either be a fat fuck your whole life and die of heart attack early on, or fight it.
I hope youll make the right choice.

Is there a third, in betweenish, options?

ok, thanks user.
care to elaborate?

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post your average daily diet and be fucking honest about it like post every sip of liquid and every spec of food.

Average day for me looks like this
>6 cups coffee for breakfast, 3 eggs scrambled
>1.5 cups white rice for lunch, 1.5 cups steamed vegetables, .5 lbs chicken breast
>rice, beans, vegetables for dinner
>bowl of raisin bran with milk before bed

Do that for two or three months and I bet you'll lose like 50 pounds

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>ok, thanks user.
>care to elaborate?

Gang. Rape. Forced sexual intercourse by a group

Fuck you she created the problem in the first place

>6 cups coffee for breakfast
you're just as addicted as OP is, consider suicide

At least he doesnt have 6 chins lmao

That is extremely fucking hilarious

oh, ok now i get i

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Bro just do a water fast for 7 days. You stop feeling hunger on the second day. Its amazing how we have been brainwashed to eat every day and 3x at that. Im not even fat 155lb at 5'7 and have done 14 day water fasts. And when im not I only eat maybe 3-4 times a week. Its so much better and you actually enjoy food. I use to never food, i dont think most people even enjoy food, they just eat to eat and even delicious food loses its luster when you eat everyday. Pizza, burgers, steak, chicken, tacos, fries, burritos, just taste so so much better if you havent eaten for 2 days. So enjoyable.

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>That is extremely fucking hilarious

not for me

>misusing brainlet wojak
>saying "kek"
I don't understand, it's January, summer is supposed to be over by now...

well sucks for you I guess except I don't believe you so I don't really care

well ignorance is bliss l guess

explain how I'm being ignorant?

you know, punk

I don't, that's why I asked you fucking idiot

Op, you are fat and nobody likes you. Your mom brings you food because she wants you to die as soon as possible so she can be happy again

oh you fucking know, you snake

It's very difficult. Modern genetics research has suggested that the variation in weight between individuals is 70% heritable. OP is essentially genetically enslaved where he is.

If you stop eating, of course you'll lose weight. But it's going to be very difficult.

I can eat whatever I want and not get fat, I've always been trim

Ask your mother to starve you and not give a shit about your hollering. With how much of a fat fuck your are you should be able to survive for a good long while on a water fast. After that fix your fucking diet. 1500 cal a day tops.

why would someone want to rape an obese
plz be bait.
If not, time to man up, read the stoics, do exercise, read the bible.

>why would someone want to rape an obese

the power trip mostly

Lol I want to rape OP for being an awful liar


um honey...have you SEEN americans??

>um honey...have you SEEN americans??
