How do we rescue video games from the philistine masses, bantermen?
How do we rescue video games from the philistine masses, bantermen?
by asking /v/ what to do!
less graphics more story.
also make them miserably hard with no aim assist and other training wheel bullshit
less linear story based games that are very generic
Keep /v/ in /v/. We already have enough autism to deal with.
Make everybody naked for the whole game desu
/a/, /jp/, /lgbt/, Jow Forums, and Jow Forums already have a stake in this board, this thread is /v/ territory.
oh no a /v/ thread on a random board?
Revision of yesterday's post.
>Ban production of any future open-world games
>Ban any and all battle royale bull
>Ban microtransactions
>Battlefield, WW2-era and modern day-era Call of Duty, and Counter-Strike are the only allowed FPS multiplayer games. No futuristic CoD games allowed.
Actually, you know what? I'll stick to my original post; ban all multiplayer games and microtransactions.
>>Ban production of any future open-world games
i know there are loads of really shitty open world games but there are a few good ones