This is the face of MGTOW
This is the face of MGTOW
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I look closest to the dude with the goatee, but less fat. What proof do you have they're mgtow? the sign is shoop'd
They look smashing. A club of fine gentlemen.
Awww I would fuck the skinny blonde nerd who looks like a middle schooler
And all they had to do was just be themselves
looks like they are being themselves, user
desu MGTOW can be a little onions but it's still okay. They're just men who need time away from the opposite sex. Trying to emotionally and mentally develop themselves and all that; trying to prepare themselves for a proper girlfriend a couple months or years later.
>Just Being Yourself
>not having a gf
Pick one
They are not just being themselves
>not having a gf
having a gf isnt everything quacknut
Can someone explain to me the whole MGTOW thing? I don't understand it. It's men who "choose" to be single/celibate out of some feeling of superiority/not wanting to support a woman in the traditional gender role sense? Am I a MGTOW because I am single? Am I MGTOW if a woman asks me out and I decline because I'm not romantically interested in her?
That's true, if you bee urslef, you instantly get a gf. what was I thinking
At least they are not as pathetic as the White Knights cucks like OP
I look closest to the guy second from right.
just propably shorter.
The two on the right are giga cuties I'm glad they're going with men now
Fedora MGTOWer is an absolute frame mogging machine. His bideltoid width must easily exceed 20 inches
Its really just rejecting co-habitation with women, and not trusting/associating with these thots. You can still fuck women or have gfs, but the idea is to minimize the power a woman can wield over you, socially or lawfully.
This is the face, and voice of OP (the bearded one).
>minimize the power a woman can wield over you
Funny thing is that both sexes find this hot. Submission makes you taken for granted.
>that thing
Absolute unit
Not really shocked by this???
that big nigga looks like a member of some mafia family.
I know that I might be an exception here, but I used to be a male model etc, but for the past 2-3 years I've embraced red pill and been calling myself a MGTOW. Haven't had a relationship for ages and not planning to in the future. I wonder if I could be a poster boy for the moment, then it would be much harder to make a strawman out of MGTOW and perhaps people would actually pay more attention to it because hot guys are going their own way.
According to them: Women are no longer worth it and have lost what make them worth having, so the "go their own way" and just don't bother with women.
In reality: They will obsess over women and how much they hate them for the rest of their phase and either kill themselves or a couple of people first and then themselves.
bunch of based and redpilled lads, praise KEK MAGA
holy shit that guy is literally a unit
do it, chad user
usually old men who got fucked over, at least I was never in game so it doesn't apply to social outcasts.
Mgtow content can be pretty insightful thought.
And who did you expect? Men who are attractive to women?
Third from right - Stan
Second from right - Kenny
The absolute lardo - Cartman
When you're a friendless loser in his twenties that did poorly in high school and dropped out of college, MGTOW allows you to pretend you're enlightened and successful. It's a way for incels to save face by telling themselves their solitude is a matter of choice.
Also, this:
>what proof is there that they're mgtow
just look at them
All those guys could easily get laid.
Proves that MGTOW was normie all along
toastie roasties getting bloatsy
Sure, kiddo. Whatever helps you sleep at night. If you can summon a valid argument for the moronic rationale of your little hate club, I'm all ears.
Why are females so reluctant to the thought of Men Going Their Own Way?
no, even worse they are r*ght-w*ngers
They're not reluctant, they just don't give a fuck. Go out in public and ask ten women what they think of MGTOW, they'll all scratch their heads. Maybe one of them will know what it is, but she damned sure won't be anything resembling concerned. These men are losers, they weren't on their radar to begin with. Hell, women are probably glad these retarded incels are "going their own way" because it means they won't have to hint at them to get lost when they try to put a move on them.
Dear lord they look like incels
Nah, that is the of modern day right wingers
No its not. The MGTOW logo was added afterwards by some faggot. Those are alt-kike protestors
What's with the knee and elbow pads?
To be fair, normalfaggots are pretty ignorant overall, even more when it comes to your average stacy.
You know "incel" is a pretty stupid word to use as an insult. It's not like puting peepee in vagoo is a big accomplishment of any sort, even third world scumbags do that in a regular basis.
Then why do you care you dumb bitch
>MGTOW is full of ugly undesirable men
no shit, do you really think they'd be against relationships with women if women found them attractive and they could actually get girls they're attracted to?
it's quite sad when you think about how the boys in this picture probably think that in their own heads they're fighting for the greater good or that they're being heroic but to everyone else they are literal laughing stocks due to their appearances :-( i feel this way because i see myself in them i think, deep down they believe that there is such a thing as "good" and "evil" and that they are fighting for what they see as good but life is really just a primitive animalistic competition between humans where ugly people are thrown to one side while good looking ones thrive
Its only Western society where appearance matters this much. Because your governments and corporations have fully monopolized on all physical power and economical power, the only power left to gain for the common man is social power, which is fully dependant on looks and charisma. You dont see this shit in Eastern Europe and the Middle East because men still have the right to use physical power there. Not by law, but the governments are weak enough that they can get away with. And there are enough opportunities for economic social mobility that one can gain power that way.
So the problems of robots arent inherent to life itself necessarily, they are just the product of living in a society where all forms of power except social power have already been monopolized on by the big guys, and there is nothing left for the little guys.
ugly men* are thrown to one side
>tfw modern malaise is a direct result of the loss of the power process for most people
ted was right again
Carrying americuck flag
wrong. it just means that they won't start romantic relationships with women because women have all the power to fuck over men in so many ways.
usually MGTOW men stick to prostitution and one night stands. Anything beyond that has a chance to ruin the mans life, so he won't take that risk.
a relationship isn't really needed for anything other then children.
protecting himself against cowardly antifa attacks
That's what you keep saying. The truth is that you're too inadequate to form a lasting relationship, so you claim that all women are evil whores who's entire purpose is to destroy your life.