Can we start some kind of discussion? I'm bored as hell

Can we start some kind of discussion? I'm bored as hell

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Sure, got any things you want to discuss in mind?

I have absolutely nothing to do, same here

Wanna hear a fun fact user?

4 out of 3 people are bad at maths

OP is a faggot


errrr can you go first? I dont know what to talk about.

do you think we are heading for a greater good or globalization pretty much killed the evolution of society

No, I don't wish to discuss anything.
here's my contribution tho

Hmmm, I don't think we're heading for a greater good but I don't think globalization killed the evolution of society.

How do I get rich with shares?

do you feel the current education system works

why is one piece the best shonen of all time?

that'd be black clover

I hate the fact that rainbow six becomes pure cancer at the weekend. Mid-week it's great and mostly civilised good fun, at the weekends it's pure trash talking, team killing and intentionally throwing game. Pisses me off.

How are you feeling anons? Can I do something to make your life or day a little better?

China is now the world's biggest economy. Discuss.

two same numbers in distant future glovalization will be horrible. in Distant ////////distant future glob figures = star trek

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My friend said the reason why I have such trouble getting laid is because women get creeped out when they come back to my place because of my tarantula collection. He thinks I should get rid of them. What you guys think?

We can discuss the China Taiwan

let's not that shit gets out of hand quick

come on now it's an obvious choice, spiders are bros.

Chinksects will never have Taiwan.

don't get rid of a passion for a stupid thot, just go around or elsewhere

Your friend is a moron ladies love tarantulas

I want to have sex. Discuss

post tarantula collection

I've got no clue about handling tarantulas, but you should probably just hide them on a free room, most people don't like spiders

I don't want to have sex. I'm a female so I feel like if I lose my verginity guys would want me less

dubs. agreed, globalization is next step toward connected world and intercommerce. logic next step and then corrupt+ and dewsperaytion and if still alive framework for happy!!

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dubs. Im spooked!!

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you should try killing yourself instead then. seriously.

thank you for the acknowledgement of my sick numbers

You probably are the first to want a virgin gf and call all the non virgin ones whores. Thanks for luring me into suicide, I'll probably find the courage to kms one day.

that not nice double zero fren. it important to encourage other Jow Forums users to be happy and best self. if he is not ready to han relate she is more value an happyu!!!

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so what's the deal with airIine food?

who is going to congratulate you now for having double digits.

those are some mighty fine numbers

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Hi user, i am on the shitter wasting valuable company time. Thats what they get for scheduling me so early.

This Anonymous user:
Dubs. Got em. Thank fren!

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