/r9gay/ - #573

I'm going to sleep edition


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hi frens lets talk about no bf this time

My new year resolution is to get a bf frems

I too am working on the thicc af dream. Too much of a bitch nigga to go to the gym though. My dream must be realized from work

cheers friend, you don't hate fags you just hate a bunch of nerds acting like a pretentious club that will only talk amongst themselves and scoff at anyone else
i appreciate you, man Jow Forums sucks what am i doing here lmao dude

>2011 was 7 years ago
just heck my smeck dude

Slight change of topic from the feel of lacking a bf
How do I talk to guys I'm into without seeming too into them?

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please don't let this year be as bad as 2018 was plz

>awake with no bf in my arms so sad

>tfw I had no bf to hold hands with when 2019 started
wtf guys

>tfw no edgy bf to talk about the jews

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>when you cant shave your pines without getting ingrown hairs for weeks

I feel like it's fine to seem a little too into someone as long as you don't go full yandere mode

Are there any dominants in here? I am insanely turned on by dominance and by juicy cocks

good afternoon, eurofags

>tfw edgy but not racist
surprised there are people into edge

>tfw autistic as fuck
is there any hope for me? i fugging hate having these trash gutter communication skills. it's pretty much impossible to get close to anyone.

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whats so hard when you're a homo? talking to guys is easy you can say anything to a guy they dont care, it's not like difusing a bomb like when talking to women

>tfw had multiple unsettling, vivid dreams all night long

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I'm boring and uninteresting and alone and have aspergers. Any hope for me making friends here?

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>tfw had multiple lewd, sexy dreams all night long

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can I get bf plewse
also fuck niggers

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Where did you find this picture of me? Delete it please.

>tfw ex hates me
>tfw he called me a pathetic excuse for a human being

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that's a really overused insult, your ex probably has 2 brain cells and doesn't know how to actually come up with their own insults.

sounds like you're in the right place, user.

I wished I look like that

I don't know I visited this place for the first time months ago and just stopped coming until today. Seems like the things are the same, so I'll remain hopeless.

Lol all of you really do like women, its okay to admit you just couldn't get a girlfriend so you had to settle for other men who couldn't get one either

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I actually just want to be the gf

I don't care, now kindly fuck off my board homosexual

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>bf got sick of me so no longer have to worry about outing myself

>le smug boy genius
>le fedora tipping shrekt lol xd
go back to /b/. i can understand how it's hard for your tiny mind to grasp the fact that people might like things you don't like.

Why do you guys always save shitty thumbnails lol

I can understand how its hard for your tiny mind to grasp the fact that you are a mentally ill retard and you should kill yourself immediately

probably low IQ, I would say

does anyone know any comfy streams I could watch?
I'm in a comfy stream mood

why do gays seem to be smarter on average?

grubby is super comfy but he is not streaming right now

Why would you say that? I don't move in gay circles and most guys who are attracted to me seem to be bi so I wouldn't know.

Really? Lot of them are just normies thinking they are smart because gay pride and lgbt rights. Wanting to fuck or suck someone can make him smarter but it's only for deluding yourself.


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what does he stream?
is it this warcraft 3 guy?
I know very little about warcraft and streams in general, sorry

>tfw no temporary bf while I'm visiting England

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you mixing up technology that benefit society with a mental disability that hinders us if you cannot simply decide on a man's man and a woman's a woman and we cannot change that we are doomed as a society also I hate when they say takes courage to come out someone that has real courage are soldiers fighting in Iraq and anywhere abroad in the Middle East they risked their lives for their country that's correct that's bravery not telling your father that you're trans was a drop in the Hat compared to what they deal with

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Yeah, he is a former wc3 pro, he used to stream hots too but I never watched those. Some days he plays ladder seriously with insightful commentary and some days he does silly strat requests from donations

how long are you visiting the area user?

>these people that went in to get a bunch of college benefits or money fighting for israel are so brave
bravery is a fucking spook user. soldiers are fucking faggots, they dont do shit for you or me, they run over and shoot brown people because either schlomo wants them to save israel or some us corporation wants oil to be 10 cents cheaper.

oops forgot to turn that off after spam ended i need sleep

Got a bit over 3 weeks here.

I like warcraft 3!
free for all can get pretty funny
+mods like :
legion td

Oh that's neat. If I knew your type I could recommend a guy I know from that country but I doubt it'd be worth the effort tbqh zozzle

user if you're gonna schizo post please use punctuation

muh nigga
used to be pro at trolls&elves too

no way for me to know, but you might just be doing it incorrectly. do your research on skincare and whatnot, maybe try hair removal cream instead

>edgy but not racist
being unironically racist is retarded

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Would gay guys date guys with the same name as them?

that makes us two!
discord gg/V3jty3
join our gaming channel! we also play halo it's fairly new

7 frens atm

so are all gays just fat slovenly whores? where can i find an average guy?

>tfw no bf to take 2C-B with

Those average guys are either in a relationship or you have no idea they are gay.

>having a friend who is gay
>seduced me all 2018
>I fell in love so hard
>we had a date. Damn he's so cute...
>we kissed. My first kiss
>1 or 2 hours later, he rejected me.
>Now in 2019, i'm still in love with him
>My heart still broken as fuck.

Im endured, but the pain...

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I've taken that once, all I can say about it is wew

tragic, guess i'll never find a man then

That sounds rough man, sorry to hear that.

>tfw no bf to watch AGDQ with

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You shouldn't throw out such an ultimatum. It just means it'll take a while longer, but you'll get an average guy boyfriend eventually!

Keep trying user!

i mean i've been trying for months, i don't know what else to do but ok

user I'm watching that right now I just put it on! I just woke up too and put it on come snuggle with me!

I'm here did something happen?
talk to me

Alright I'll snuggle with you but no lewd thoughts please

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Thanks man :)

He's still my best friend, but i need to keep distance when im having a bad day or being jealous.

Damn i remember how i like him. His personality and physical appearance (femboy body and face with long hair, he can be a trap if he wants)


does he have a big dick? also fuck off with your reddit spacing

You posted a suggestive image user you're the one with lewd though right now! Keep those hands where I can see them though because we're just snuggling and watching AGDQ!

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Idk man.

Lol i didnt know i have reddit spacing hahaha

They're just snuggling together, nothing lewd here sir!

What game are you looking forward to the most? I like Twilight Princess but don't know who is running it

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The dude from the last thread liking Sandor Marai because it helps him from getting out his depression, if you read this, I'm the other guy interested talking with you. Spamming rain has ceased, so, hmu.

Hips lips are on his neck that's incredibly lewd! I'm really looking forward to the Nier speedrun but I'm sad because I'll be at work for most of the week, today and tomorrow are the only days I'll be able to watch the majority of each day.

you know how some guys have that bump at the bottom of their thumbs near the wrist? is there any way to decrease it if its only slightly there?

I want a hug and a foot massage :c

aint that just your bone

I promise it wasn't intended to be lewd.

I need to play through nier myself, haven't ever finished the game! Sad about working, that sucks

Watching VODs isn't fun either

>want to be qt
>cursed with acne
even after i got it cleared up with accutane these past few months i still have a lot of scarring. does anyone know any treatments for acne scars? mine aren't that bad but they're still really annoying.

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scarring goes down with vitamin c serums, i've heard about adapalene helping but i'm not too sure about that one and it's a little less accessible.

try something called aztec healing clay with apple cider vinegar
haven't tried myself but there are plenty of reviews to read about it

My dumb friend keeps saying that whenever I complain about working when a game I want to watch is on!
>hurr just watch the vod
It's much more fun watching it live. I like you user you're a good boy.

adapalene was hell when i used it. made my face burn a lot. even compared to accutane, it was horrible. i'll look into vitamin c serums. i think once i finish my accutane round my dermatologist will get me hooked up with some scarring treatment, hopefully.

i just wanna have new skin, but deep down i know i'll always be a freakshow ;_;

seems like some gimmicky thing that you would sell to people overpriced that isn't really special compared to other treatments.

what happened to scandi user?

>this happened AGAIN for a second time..
Falseflags everywhere, I can see why you would think like this...
I guess he won't believe me either way, this was fucking clever, literally me levels of clever.
Snap out of it!

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Yeah I tried to watch a few vods once but its really boring

Sucks to be you, I'm gonna be watching extra many games just for your sake!

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>my dermatologist will get me hooked up with some scarring treatment
That's what they usually do, I think. If not, just ask.

I'm using a 0,1% adapalene gel right now and I don't even feel it. What were you using?

If he was on accutane it was probably prescription strength adapalene and not otc like differin or the proactiv one

>What were you using?
I'm not sure the concentration, i think i had 0.5%? it was prescription though.

it could have been the drying it did to my face, but i don't think so. my face burned like a motherfucker whenever i sweated but it never did pretty much any other time.

yeah, it was epiduo forte. my derm wanted to jump right into accutane and i hesitated when i shouldn't have, so we did that first.

that's super high, but if accutane is eventually what brought it down that's probably why

Today I'm gonna shave. And do my hair. And clean my room. Wash my clothes. maybe.

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Are there any robots left here... Seems like everyone is dating and having a lot of friends

2 weeks ago I had 0 friends but now I have a few I found in this thread!

You should add some gaybots on discord

Plenty, I believe.

yeah. it feels shitty. it's like being the loser of losers. the outcast amoung outcasts.

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This is exactly how I feel now, I guess I should not come to these threads anymore

Shaved myself 2 days ago.
Hairs already comming back

I hate it i hate it i hate it
I have the full young aestetic yet my facial hear keeps growing so fast

any anons have some solutions.
And please no hormones i dont want to grow boobs