>Implying that physical beauty is not what you truly value most in a woman
>Implying that you are not a hypocrite for being upset when they do not love you in light of your own lack of looks
Implying that physical beauty is not what you truly value most in a woman
I don't lack looks. I'm a handsome man and I want a virtuous woman. "Pretty" girls are shit, I want an average gf.
Yes, people care about looks. Great discovery OP you submongoloid retard.
for me personally, yes, i only care about her face, it's like the core, once you have that and it's not hidden under fat, then she is good in my book, i can work with everything else shes got
i dont have standards, i either like her face or dont, pic related for example i consider ideal and would gladly marry her, i think she is perfect, not just her face but all around
i just like goth aesthetic. i want pale, skinny girl with green eyes and dark hair. it doesnt matter if shes ugly to me as long as she has those features
It's not desu. I fell in love with a girl who wasn't the best looking, maybe a 5/10. Now I'm in love with a girl that I find incredibly pretty but she's lacking in body.
it's been a while since i saw a thread that assumes what you look like, that you're upset, what you value, etc, etc.
they stopped posting this bait because of the no pictures of your face rule.
0/10 bait
most girls are ugly especially after they hit 18. The girl in your pic is covered in makeup
I believe subconsciously you'll always care about looks, but I like thinking I could half look past that if she got a personality that matches mine
Imagine if men were as shallow as women when it came to physical beauty (see graph) but also demanded she be tall, strong, confident, funny, have a good job and lots of money, etc. etc.
Women are depleting entire populations with their standards and we have to still hear their apologists insist they're not far more shallow and greedy than men?
this chart confuses me
Men rate women evenly while women think the vast majority of men are unattractive.
Women have it rough looks-wise. Any part of them can be unattractive and they'll look garbage. Men just need a good face and they can worj out to look like a 10.
i've passed up on good looking women because they were horrible people.
so no, not a hypocrite. not everyone is the same, as much as you want everyone to be.
Your face is something you are born with, and if you are born in the top ~10-20%, you are literally fucked for life.
Women can have floppy, flat, or sagging breasts and that's the most common factor to ugliness next to being cursed with a genetically poor face.
Thank you for being honest
I'm white, not fat, and have clear skin. If I were a woman in the same geographical area I would be a 7+ But naturally I have nearly no chance with a girl my looksmatch.
And then there's the fact that a woman's job is to be fertile and make healthy babies, while a man's job is to pay for those babies, and you don't need to be pretty to pay for shit.
well the vast majority of men ARE unattractive, not womens fault that men arent beautiful.
>implying these roastie whores have literally anything else to offer the world other than their looks and their lukewarm holes
get fucked
We aren't using make-up to hide from insecurities lol. Women are both physically and mentally inferior not to mention they are retarded to a degree to spend jewish pity money.
Also I don't think a lot of men are unattractive. I am bi male and even though I prefer pussy over some dick I still think there are more attractive guys than there are girls.
Thanks! I'm quite proud of this realization if I may say so.