>girls out here choosing beta males over alpha males
Girls out here choosing beta males over alpha males
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Who decides what's beta and what's alpha ? If they are both interested in female attention then the one who's got it is automatically an alpha
>whoever the female gives validation is the alpha
Fuckkng lol, just no
It's all in the jawline, ya dig?
Well, if they are looking for security and good genes and all that shit, there must be a reason they choose that guy. He's just a better provider, making him the alpha
And dick si
Dawkins uses Sneaky Fucker Theory to explain how the homosexual gene was preserved. According to the theory, back in the hunter-gatherer days, the bisexual men in a tribe would pretend to be fully homosexual, so that the heterosexual alpha males in the group would trust them to stay home and protect their women while they went out hunting or whatever. The assumption was that they wouldn't have sex with these women because they were gay. But they werent fully gay, so they sneakily fucked the women without the alpha males knowing. Thus, the gay gene was passed on.
Whoever has first access to the resources(in this case women) is by definition the alpha.
What would the females gain from fucking these sneaky fuckers though. They would give birth to an inferior child. And not to mention if the alpha found out they are both fucked.
It's literally fucking true. Mass media and entertainment and whatnot play bullshit mindgames with females' inherent biological instincts in order to manipulate their malleable little minds into consuming products and services.
Why do you think sportsball players are idealized so much in contemporary society compared to the past? Part of it is indeed instinctual, the attractiveness to females of displays of physical strength and dominance and aggression and shit, but so what? That doesn't explain why people, holes in particular, so casually ignore the facts that 1. To a greater or lesser extent, they are all fucking dopers and steroid users, every last one of them, and 2. Upwards of 75% of them become brokeass miserable failures after their sportsball careers end. By any reasonable, logically consistent standard, professional athletes are the last people who deserve to be idealized, socially, sexually, in any sense... and yet they are, by holes in particular. Foids are either completely ignorant of or willing to overlook these realities because, within certain limits, females will buy into any narrative media sells them, and these facts are not an element of the current narrative of hyperreal hypermasculinity that certain influential corporations and organizations wish to impose on us, their helpless subjects.
they pass on pretty genes
pretty girls exist because of girls having sex with pretty boys
Yes. Which is why pretty girls can only evolve in places where the alpha male has to select what female he will provide for. Ie. in places with harsh conditions.
In places like Africa or Australia, where there is plenty of food all year around, sexual selection only works on males, since the offspring doesn't need a father providing for them.
So finally we know why there are no pretty girls among native Australians and Africans.
Theres no gay gene and he was speculating when he said that.
alpha males are just faggots that don't care about much and think they are cool.
they aren't really alpha its just an illusion cause their brain can't think deeply into anything and just throw insults at people to make themselves seem stronger than what they really are.
It has to be impossible to have a bad life if you look like this.
I mean I would literally suck his dick in this picture and I'm not even gay.
I guess some of you would call my bf [\spoiler] a beta. I chose him because he is kind and nice and makes me feel loved and secure, and I love him for being emotionally open with me.
Why the fuck would I care for stupid shitty chads, who are annoying people and totall full of themselves?
woman are garbage this society is garbage
what is my reasoning behind this ?
humans are supossed to be above animals
did you ever notice how automated animals seem
well that's how alphas males and women act.
and on this site you all praise alpha males as being the best and what women want.
from an alpha males perspective:
oh you want to talk about things you want to think about things and propose ideas about things ?
fuck that thats all irrelevant see i am the best man because i don't think about anything i just am.
then women flock to the alpha males also
we dont want to think about anything we just want to live and be automated like animals.
but they said elliot rodgers was a narcissist that was full of himself too and thats why he didnt get girls but elliot wasn't a chad
see how things do not add up
Any guy who is full of himself is just annoying. Elliot Rodgers included.
Most chads are, and so are a lot of you robots, sorry to burst your bubble. It's irritating and show how you don't have a sense of yourself.
But you guys putting "chads" on a pedastal, because they can bang the most trashy shithoes that womenkind has available is just pathetic. And then you rage about those whores going with the dumb and muscly chads, while also lusting only after literal model-type whores yourself. Complaining about "all the women" just caring about looks and filling up "minimum requirements" threads with the most shallow bullshit like "petite", "not fat", "perky tits", instead of actual fucking characterisitcs.
Fucking hypocritical cunts you are, Elliot Rodgers included.
Also, I'm sorry I can't spoiler[\spoiler] properly
You forgot "she must be a virgin otherwise she's a whore"
how do you not be full of yourself
and how am i supossed to have a sense of myself
when still no one has disovered what humans are
what the purpose of life is
what happens when we die
how am i not supposed to care about myself
when i am going to die ? i have to worry about that you faggot which makes me into myself
and also as i explain no one even ever said what humans are or how we got here how life even started or works
yea dont care about yourself dont be into yourself when your a living creature that is going to die dont even care about what your internal organs feel like or anything just dont be into yourself cause girls dont like that.
checkmate faggot.
leo a cute. A CUTE.
Sorry to burst your bubble but you are as retarded as Elliot Rodgers or any "chad" you talk about if you think complaining about not wanting the best genes to pass on to next generation is shallow. Looks are just as important as personality and characteristics.
These whole thread is just filled with redditfags, whiteknights and incels who just saw greentext and thought "greentext give me large funny". Fucking niggers.
genes,genetics,evolution is all a made up lie to keep angry people that have it bad complacent so they blame themselves and don't rebel against the system or society
the truth is what shapes you is the environment you were exposed to
also what type of brainwashing you were exposed to.
It is that simple.
Women fuck you = attractive
Women dont fuck you = repulsive
Women decide not guys. Unless you want to fuck guys.
That is absolutely how it works. This isn't the jungle, chad didn't claw his way to the top he was ushered there by female attention.
Way too existential and not what I meant at all about having a sense of yourself. Introspection and (as) unbiased (as possible) evaluation of yourself as a person generally, as well as empathy and trying to understand other people's motivation do wonders.
>checkmate faggot
Not at all, you completely missed the point, idiot
The idea that you're a beta male if you look like him but an alpha male if you look like some cave man is just ridiculous.
Men believing that they have to look like a caveman or a Russian boxer in order to look "alpha" are like women who believe they need a fake sunbed tan and fake blonde hair with pink lips to look the most attractive.
the problem with Elliot was that he had the material wealth and headstart that the rest of us try to work our whole lives for. If driving a BWM at 20 and thinking you should be getting pussy because of it you skipped the part where you were suppose to work on your social skills that you gain while trying to achieve those advantages.
Just because you can't decide who to fuck that doesn't mean all guys can't.
There are guys out there every girl is ready to bend and spread in front of them just to have his genes pass on.
It is not "that" simple.
Also just because women don't wanna fuck you that doesn't mean you're repulsive. Even though those retarded inferior gender is too braindead to think and care anything other than looks, there are genuine girls who are attracted to features such as intelligence, care taking, security etc.
There are 10/10 guys who can't get laid because of shitty personality.
>There are 10/10 guys who can't get laid because of shitty personality.
Nigga. I fucking hate sports. Don't watch em. But female attraction to athletes makes perfect sense. It's a hard task. Even if they are using sterioids. Wouldn't that make the difficulty the same. If everyone is on steroids anyway. It's not just media manipulation. Ancient Greek athletes were venerated by everyone. They deft got a lot of pussy out of it. Women like men who are competent in a domain.
Chess is hard, women dont give a shit about chess players except the top 0.1%. They like sports players because of the status associated with it simple as that, big salary helps too
Let me rephrase that.
There is 10/10 guys with shitty personality who can't get laid with the woman they choose to get laid with.
More than 99% of women is like brainlet niggers but there are actual females who are smart enough to not get horny over just looks. Of course that still depends on girls' choice of attraction as well.
Well theres different dimensions to it. But the basis of it is still based around competency in a difficult field. Status of course is a massive element of it. But status is related to how competent you are as being a man. Well with the chess thing. There is something obviously with the physicality of sports that adds extra attraction. But I don't understand why you are getting mad. It's just the way it is.
Brainwashing? We call that thinking lol.
Also we both can talk all day but I don't think you are smart enough to change your opinion.
alpha male is a good looking muscular skinny rich guy
You forgot "normie"
>There are 10/10 guys who cant get laid
Then theyre not 10/10s, at least theyre not a ten to you.
10s are perfect men or women. They have perfect looks, intelligence, wealth, status and social skills.
If youre only talking about 10/10 looks, then again youre wrong. A perfect looking man would be able to AT LEAST convince a disease-ridden whore to fuck him for free. Are you honestly trying to say that a shitty personality would prevent a perfect looking man from getting laid by 100% of female society?
GTFO troll
>but there are actual females who are smart enough to not get horny over just looks.
You mean women who aren't attractive enough to compete for the attractive men, so they have to settle and they make up some cope.
It's wild how easy you guys make it for yourself.
Ever heard of a phenomenon, where people become more/less attractive to you, based on their character? A "perfect" looking man doesn't exist, if it is only looks that count, but he is stupid.
And I would definitely not only fuck someone based on traditional good looks.
I love my skinny as fuck boyfriend with a receding hairline to bits, and would not fuck another man, no matter what, because my boyfriend is perfect and a 10/10 to me.
I am talking about 10/10 looking guys and you totally missed the whole fucking point.
I literally rephrased it.
>Let me rephrase that.
>There is 10/10 guys with shitty personality who can't get laid with the woman they choose to get laid with.
>More than 99% of women is like brainlet niggers but there are actual females who are smart enough to not get horny over just looks. Of course that still depends on girls' choice of attraction as well.
No woman who also cares about important things other than looks.
All women care about things other than looks, but looks is always going to be a major factor.
I've always been interested in female posters choice of images, they betray a lot of their feelings. For example they like slightly unattractive women with narcissistic and controlled displays of personality, not organically cute images of women. It's like if guys attached images of beta guys making a chad face or something, except of course they don't because men look up to real masculine beauty as opposed to trying to destroy femininity out of their insecurities.
Yes, dear user. That's what I've been trying to tell anyway. A lot of woman only care about looks and that's retarded.
Few of them care about personality and etc. which is smart considering no sane person would wanna spend their life miserably with a brainlet.
Sorry let me rephrase that. A lot of woman don't care about other important things as much as they care about looks.
Does that mean incels are like women?
Yeah but there are women who achieved great things.
Also women have pussy but incels are like pussies.
Are you saying incels won't date an ugly girl? Because I definitely would
I have a very specific definition of a incel and I would't call you an incel but involuntary celibate.
But I don't know you aside from this reply of yours.
>10 guys with shitty personality who can't get laid with the woman they choose to get laid with.
a 10/10 douche chad even an 8/10 douchechad can sleep with 7/10s and below maybe even an 8/10 or below girl but they wont care because its a hookup culture and they dont factor his personality into the equation of if he gets sex because of that
Does this mean that Big-Government countries will run out of pretty girls as the need for a father has been replaced?
>its a hookup culture
Keep telling yourself that, loser.
>plenty of food
Does this mean that Big-Government countries will run out of beautiful girls as the need for a father has been replaced?
Today we have birth control, so it's not necessarily the most attractive men who have the most kids.
Yeah what you're saying is mostly true but I was talking about getting laid in a more traditional way in which you reproduce to pass on your genes to live on.
Also that still doesn't change the fact a 7/10 guy with decent features can get 8 even 9/10 women.
Evolution obviously had to do with pre-modern times when Africans were still hunter gatherers.
All of you are pathetic self hating miserable buttfucked cucks.
Underrated post. Made me think.
>Also just because women don't wanna fuck you that doesn't mean you're repulsive.
Yes, it does. Women have very little variation on what they find attractive, which is much different than men. So, since women all find the same thing attractive (tall, muscular, broad shoulders, square jaw), if you're attractive, you're going to be attractive to all women. If you're not attractive to one woman, you likely aren't attractive to any.
It's very rare for a man to be attractive to women, which is why those few men have it really, really easy.
>Women have very little variation on what they find attractive
Complete and utter bullshit. Where did you hear that?
Women only choose beta males over alpha males when they're in their 30s and alphas are no longer attracted to them.
Women never choose beta males retard.
Real life. Are you saying all women aren't attracted to tall, jacked, broad men? If so, then you're a retard.
Oh, you are a troll. Nevermind then. Nobody in real life could actually be that dumb.
I like how everyone disregards my contributions to this thread.
I chose a "beta" male.
And I am not in my 30s. And I have never been into chads or alphas, not in school, and not now.
>ignoring what doesn't fit my views
You lot are infuriating
I am not attracted to broad muscly guys!!!
I love my skinny and hairless guys.
Lawl its funny how people who have spent such little time with actual women feel as though they are most qualified to make broad assessments of them. Are you people retarded?
he looks like Gordon Ramsay
The "beta" male you chose was the best you could do.
Kek, the only reason he said this is because he is a latent homosexual himself and saying this makes it look like the homosexuals won in the end and Chad was outplayed.
Homosexuals are truly scum. Everything the old guard said about them is right.
It is still more impressive that they spent years practising the perfect three pointer than it is what you were doing during that time, which was staying in the library, fucking books.
I want to go to there
He was doing nothing but vidya.