
Jay James and Jamie edition

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I got it lad thanks I am now a tranny.

have started reading this kind of stuff unironically lads, it's usually very accurate for me.


Decided to put 10 bongs towards lottery tickets over 5 weeks.
That is my charitable contribution this year.

first for amer is a cunt and a sex pest

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>worst episode in a series has the highest average rating on IMDB for that series
why are normies such plebs

Broccoli is the best vegetable innit

"Be the man you want to be when you see yourself in the mirror." ~ Lee Anthony Hoyland

I'll be honest lads, a lot of my Lee Anthony Hoyland posts are situations I get into or have been in my life

"Buy a mirror"- Lee Anthony Hoyland

"It's a doggy dog world, Ziggeh, and life is ruff." - Lee Anthony Hoyland, 2016

i write short stories and im thinking of starting to enter competitions
do you lads think i should make a blog to keep them on or just save them up for when i enter something?

who is this person
what did they do to make you make these posts

"Just Be Yourself" - Lee Anthony Hoyland

can you specify lad?

Right branch lad I replied to you in full thread liddy

yorkshire extra strong is peak tea.

My life is bollocks
Thank you for listening

Just remembered a while back I commented in a stream and the guy read out my comment. My username has Tim Byrne in it and the guy had the gall to pronounce it "Timby R-N"
should have set the britfeel lads on him shouldnt i

"And for my dinner I had pork faggots and spam." - Lee Anthony Hoyland

Same for about 1 in 3 of them

t. Fellow Lee Anthony Hoyland poster

How did Kay find out Lee shagged Nick? Did she walk in on them?

no worries my friend
my life is also bollocks

crying lad here. how do i process these feels?

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What do we think lads? Are Norf FC really gonna finally go and win the league this year?

As a lifelong supporter of Souf FC, I sure hope that doesn't happen!

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Basically, I started having panic attacks because I was living like an actual fucking peasant, living in filth.
Then I stopped living in filth, planned a big clearout and stopped living with maggots.
Then after that I just kept doing small little things until I ended up 2 years later with a job, learning to drive.
Just all about improving small things all the time lad.

Lee Anthony Hoyland sat in his room posting on /britfeel/

Lee Anthony Hoyland thinking Gerry Adams is also Sinn Feinn.

What anime you been watching lad?

Corey in. The house laf

What do squid kids feel like?

Takeaway tonight lads, decisions decisions.

>Inkling is the most searched for Smash Bros character on porn sites
Fucking hell lads what's wrong with Nintendo fans? Zero Suit Samus was really low on the list

Retard on britfeel thinking they sell blu ray box sets in pound land

Anyone here not a racist?

Wahey lad get a cheeky chinese

The game is incredibly sexual

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Im not a racist mate my best friend is mixed race

Yeah, me, I don't really like being racist

This shit is fucking gold

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I'm having a chinese tomorrow, think I'm going to murder a 1/2 duck.
Fucking love duck, I do.

>my mum should have killed my dad
You should have asked for a fork you daft cunt.

>think I've hoovered up the last of the Christmas tree needles
>see another one

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He's been annihilated by this lad when you scroll down.

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Chinese is the way to go lad

I haven't had a proper takeaway in weeks, might go for an Indian

croans is pretty funny IMO
it just screams insecure about his intelligence
>I am also thoughtful and contemplative, inquistive and curious.

My mum bought a plastic one for this reason.
I removed it today and put it up on the loft, and there's hundreds of the fuckers.
Just pisses me off lad.

its pointless lad, any post like this will not make it through amers inpenetrable narcissism

he forgot the most important one
>eating coleslaw with your hands = uncivilized

the comments are amazing. I take it its people from here shitposting?
the madman has posted all the university correspondence too.

>Munich airport

I wonder who could be behind this post


any of you lids know the part about him pissing in people's food?
Sounds funny and I need to cheer myself up, laughing at ebin or paki in a dress is a great way to make me feel good.

Come on lads. Own up.
Who liked his cutting pics lads.

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He pissed in his flatmate's ribena while at uni. If you're new and not up to date on poley's blog genuinely go through the whole thing, won't take that long if you skim and is genuinely hilarious

Ebin is not a tranny new fag cunt do one

>Ahaha I'll check this out
>Posting letters from his uni
>Posting a manifesto
>Posting >>>>>cuts

Christ what poley needs to be sectioned

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yorkshire gold my fren

>Ebin is not a tranny new fag cunt do one
t. ebin


thought this was a captcha for a second

Wait what, you're saying the plastic tree dropped needles too?

Whats with the sudden influx of newfags recently?

Not him but some plastic trees have fake needles as well, ways seemed pointless tbqh

t. newfag from /brit/

How do people on benefits find somewhere to live? Especially somewhere to live alone?

Somehow I think people manage to post here without being well versed in trip drama and lore, unlikely we've had a sudden migration of newfags

Black Mirror season 3 - San Junipero
Worst episode by far yet the plebs love it

>showing off your selfharm scars online
huh, he really is a girl


8:45 sounds like it could be some jazz piece tbf

>t. newfag from /brit/
ebin = seeth user?

Blessing all the lads in the thread today. May your days be comfy and your feels be pleasant.

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Unironically the radio being posted elsewhere

Ebin confirmed tranny

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mummy bought me my very own flat to live in

They live in council provide housing, either owned by the council or landlords who collect housing benefit (that the government provide too) I'm sure there's other ways but theyre the most popular two

Reminds me a bit of that Gershwin concerto.

That post is from 2016 lad

Britfeel drama grows more and more unbearable by the day.
Wish all this could fuck off now.

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Heil Hitler kissless virgin?

>have two cans of magners
>seep and tummy hurts

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These look to be the only greggs in shrewsbury.
Your days are numbered tilde

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>new fag has been called out and now has nothing to say

do one

if youre looking for the one he works at, its the one in pride hill

>I can be stubborn, obnoxious, socially clumsy, withdrawn, and shy. But I am also thoughtful and contemplative, inquistive and curious. And I care very deeply about the people important to me, though I have difficulty empathising with those I have deemed unimportant. I have a lot of trouble with empathy. It can sometimes make me come across as callous and uncaring, inconsiderate and dismissive of the feelings of others. But I care a lot about the people who are important to me. It's just that I first have to sort of mentally 'approve' them to allow myself to feel empathy for them.

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*farts in your face*
how's this for do one

Remember when anons were calling the greggs he works at? that was a good day

you have been uncovered ebin, i would leave it for now if i was you

Lee Anthony Hoyland watching porn while Ziggeh walks in on him.

Mongy fucking newfag, we already know which Greggs he works at. You're too lazy or stupid to search the archives even

Literally anything involving Twin Peaks season 3.

who here /stillinjimjams/

Lee Anthony Hoyland wanking Ziggeh off while moaning 'murrrrrrrr'

i dont wear them or id probably be in them 24/7 tbqh

Get burgers. Cheeseburgers are my favorite food.

state of the new fags today.
one lad thinking ebin is a tranny and now this. absolute state.


>searching the archives on the off chance Ebins Gregg's location has been mentioned
Are you insane?

tenner says its that radio 15 year old bellend posting without his trip

>calling people that don't know every detail about tranny lore as expansive as a J.R.R Tolkien Realm newfags

Hmm I was originally thinking a kebab and pizza, but yeah maybe a Chinese, problem is, is I'm a fat cunt and end up getting a banquet
Too many Indians of late, novelty worn off