hey robots, i am looking for people who want to play on my vanilla server. my plan is to slowly introduce 2- 3 players at the time to get them used to the server up to 20 to have a consistent player base if you are interested in the server leave your minecraft name because it is whitelisted.
version: 1.13.2
Brown bricks
I don't actually own minecraft but you're nice minecraft poster so have a bump
thanks, also self bump
bump for minecraft poster
>slowly introduce
This is what they did with google+
Sounds interesting user maybe I'll join
should I join? Im a ausfag
honest question op why not just play on an already active server?
Vanilla is kinda EH desu but hmm
Username -> OmegaMemesxDong
I guess the server wont be running 24/7?
I joined for 2 seconds and was banned
Nice server
Username: TheHundrednaire
it will be running 24 / 7 its bought, added.
because the other servers have pluggins
op here, i will accept 1 more member, next post is gonna be on wednesday
username race_war_now
added, thanks guys for checking in, any people who want to join, be on r9k on wednesday around 6 pm cya.
both of you are added
User: joeK
What version?
That sounds really cool, user! My minecraft name is rubeye
Oh shit i just realized i missed it sry
username: DharMahn
sounds interesting so far
isnt there a r9k bukkit server already?
i will do another post this wednesday.
its bukkit, yea. mine is vanilla, no mods
Sounds good my name is Ender Slender
With an underscore instead of a space
Ill join next weekend though