Be me

>be me
>call reddit mods faggots
>gets banned
>gets fed up with this bullshit
>quits current job
>applies to reddit
>work my way up to the boss position
>mfw I make modmurder into real life

Attached: letöltés.jpg (300x168, 6K)

Wow, topkek story my fellow redditor! Here, take some reddit gold and an upvote my /b/ro! TAKE ALL OF MY INTERNETS


That's some good meymey sir :)

haha ebin greentext 4chab :)

Haha, I've been browsing 4C for quite a while now. Ever since the btard days. I bet you guys just came from 9gag or something.

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Wanna know how I can tell you're 14?

I've been an user for over 14 years, unless I was trolling scientology as a baby what you said would be impossible.

nao dis the quality blog content i subbed for xD

what kind of an autist says that?

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I can tell you're 14 because you think greentexts like the one you posted are funny

please stop, the cringe levels are over 9000

>not realizing that 4C replaced Jow Forums(nel), now that the site has been split into two
The 4C makes it inclusive of all.

Kind of like using they, to include males, females, and people who identify as neither.

>hes actually trying to defend himself after saying retarded shit

lmao bro

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> Kind of like using they, to include males, females, and people who identify as neither.

fuck that we're not on tumblr

why do you people bother coming here from your garbage echo chambers and infect this site with your shit?

Keep the samefagging to mininum, please....
Youre ruining the thread

The last time I visited Jow Forums on a more regular basis was when all the germans came here cuz of that murder incident. But I see the war on the normies is still going strong. But it just be like that. When something gets poular more and more normies and retards get to know of it.

I really have to agree with you, I personally found the praises of above green text quite ironic and humorous

>makes autistic greentext
>gets called a newfag
>thinks that mentioning scientology makes him any less of a newfag
Get the fuck off my board, mentioning scientology just makes it more obv that you watched one or two youtube videos about "le xD epic hackers anonymous" and think you know anything.
Wanna prove you're actually not a newfag, you have 5 mins to answer these questions, so I know you're not just googling shit
>The "chan" in Jow Forums is a shortened form of what word?
>What's Jow Forums's worksafe domain?
>What's TempleOS
>Who's CWC
>Who's Elliot Rodger?
>What's NEET short for?
>What's a wagecuck?
>What are the pink, and black pills?
>What's the difference between the terms "roastie" and "stacy"
>What's /britfeel/?
>What is a "sissy"?

>responding to yourself to make it seem less like you got btfo
kek, leave my fucking board nao

i second this second this idea, try answering this shit op. lemme add a few q's to the list
>what's a psyop
>what's cheese pizza

I don't know how you came to the assumption that I replied to myself

Omfg this dude has reached levels of newfag that shouldn't even be possible. Quick tip, nobody fucking tries to defend themselves on here, go back to red-dick

>What's Jow Forums's worksafe domain?

God damn I've been coming here since 2005 and I didn't know there was a sfw domain

Just went to the the r/greentext sub and sorted by new, and would you look at what I found. Topkek maymay, gg ebin redditor

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>What term was moot requested to define as a witness in a court of law?

oh my god. This is actually horrific