I'm 27 with a baby face and I have this fucking hairline. Same hairline my dad has. I feel no confidence...

I'm 27 with a baby face and I have this fucking hairline. Same hairline my dad has. I feel no confidence. Can you guys tell me what hairstyle I should get? One that tries to hide the temples or one that embraces it? Show me examples? I can get a shaved head I'd look so fucking goofy...

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Shave it and own it
t. bald with 2 online gfs

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If you can grow a decent beard, I'd at least go a buzzcut hairstyle and grow a beard out. Too be completely honest, I've seen worse hairlines, just enjoy the time you have having hair, you do still have a lot of hair, most mens hairlines recede at some point, your hairline might stay there who knows.

Receding hairline is not optimal but it's not the end of the world.
Normies barely even notice that.
Now when you start to have a giant bald spot on the top of your head, that's when you are truly fucked.

Buy iGrow or something similar. I've been using it for 6 months and I can actually see the results. I was worried and now I'm not

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My hair is thick everywhere else besides the damn temples. My hair is a mess right now and it makes it a little less obvious I have receding hairline. Honestly I wear a baseball cap often and I'm fucking sick of it.
I am cursedd with hair genetics. I cannot grow a thick beard. It's not dense at all. My dad and brother can though so Wtf.
My face is kinda roundish too. I'm 5'10" 172lbs and I need to get into shape.

You guys got any pictures of hairstyles besides shaved I can get today? I might go to a dman great clips lmao

Just own it like this guy.
He looks pretty good

Attached: shakespeare.jpg (281x300, 12K)

You can't regrow your hair, otherwise no one will be bald. You're probably going through a placebo stage. Unless you're losing your hair to stress or a disorder, it's genetics and you cant fight genetics.

Lose the baby fat = lose the baby face

Lift weights grow beard shave head get laid

my hairlines like that to but my dad has a normal hairline so idk why mines like that
i just noticed and started putting hair ointment on it

By 27 a man should have successfully reproduced. This is nature telling us we should expect to die soon since or children are nearly 15 themselves and getting ready to have their own children there just the fact of the matter you should be a grandpa by now

This looks like a crock of shit hahahha. But I'll still look it up.
Idk if I can lose the baby face but man why do I have baby fat in my face. I'm not technically fat... Will lifting and losing weight change my face? I mean I used to be Skeleton all my life until 25. My face was leaner. Does face fat go away quickly?

The fuck are you on about. My body is telling me 27 is old and that's why I'm balding?

Take a pic of your hairstyle. I wanna see how you work around the recession

nah fbi
i just have long hair and usually part it on both sides
you don't notice but i still want to grow it back encase it gets worse since i'm pretty sure it's stress caused

There's science to back it up and actual studies to show how many more % of new hair follicles participants had after x period of using.

Fucking bullshit, I know so many bald men attempting to grow their hair back with these shitty expensive products, they dont work you fkin coon.

Go fuck yourself and your bald guys
Forty-two patients completed the study (24 active, 18 sham). No adverse events or side effects were reported. Baseline hair counts were 228.2_133.4 (N.18) in the sham and 209.6_118.5 (N.24) in the active group (P.0.642). Post Treatment hair counts were 252.1_143.3 (N.18) in the sham group and 309.9_166.6 (N.24) in the active group (P.0.235). The change in hair counts over baseline was 23.9_30.1 (N.18) in the sham group and 100.3_53.4 (N.24) in the active group (P

finasteride and dutasteride actually work.

The problem is those drugs are designed for combating prostate cancer and will probably give you erectile dysfunction, man-tits, and a host of other problems.

Some people even take Ru-59063 which is a drug trannies take because it's a powerful anti-androgen.

No doubt there's a subforum on the hairlossforums on combating the side effects of these drugs, and the side effects of the drugs they use to counteract those side effects, etc.


don't shave it, bald men are fucking gross and make me sick

Bro, I'm 24 and my fucking hair in the front is non existent, just faded out. So now I wear hats fuckin constantly

Bullshit, so many fucking bullshit products that give bald men false hope. It's fucking bullshit, if this was the case, nobody would be bald

Based retard
You tell em how trying to fix their hair is pointless

3 options
>Hair transplant
>Let yourself ho bald
Just talk to a derma already

You can't regrow hair, that's why celebrities pay for hair transplants, wigs and even shaving it bald.

No but you can stop more from falling out
People dont take these products to regrow follicles, just to keep the follicles they have healthy and DHT free

I've used a laser brush I got off AliExpress and do believe it stimulates hair growth.

Each follicle grows a hair and then the hair falls out. This is natural. The follicle stays dormant for a while before growing another hair. If they stay dormant for too long then they die off.

Laser treatments stimulate dormant follicles to grow. It's not going to work for baldness but for thinning it does.

I've done a lot of research on these topics and in the end I've figured it's not worth taking these drugs.


A) The side effects
B) Girls haven't been into me with my hair (hairline is currently slightly better than OP) so it's clearly not worth preserving anyways

If I was going to take drugs that would screw with my hormone profile, I'd probably do steroids like tren (which would increase my balding) but at least would make me more masculine.

I'm interested, can you post the brush?

don't feel too bad. This guy is 17 at my college and legit has the same hairline.

Side effects of fin posted on the internet are always are taken out of proportion. People claiming that taking it for one week will destroy your life, burn down your house, make your dick fall off, put you in a million dollar debt etc. Clinical trials have shown that the chance of actual ED is 1% or less. My suggestion is for anyone that has a hair problem to take fin for at least a week or two to see how their body is taking it in
t.someone who's been on fin for a year and noticed no sides

Do I have to go see a doctor?

Yes, you should go see a derm

Oh, okay... heh

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