Fuck marry kill:
Ultimate taste in women test
who who and who?
Am I supposed to know these random cunts are?
They get posted everyday user, don't play dumb just to look blackpilled in front of your friends
kill all but brooke
Sane desu
>kill all but a findom
You are gross user
Just because they get posted doesn't mean I actively pay attention to names random e-whores get.
Fuck Ciara, kill Thalia, marry Marky
Kill kill kill kill kill
Fuck all three after its done
Ori ginaldo
fuck marky
marry thalia
kill ciara
that's an arrangement I can live with desu
kill all three.
Fr*cking baste
None and none. But I'd encourage them all to sterilize themselves.
Fuck Marky
Marry Thalia
Kill Ciara
only correct answer.
Thalia seems like a really nice, sweet girl. I don't get why anyone would dislike her. She's not a manipulative psychopath like Ciara.
>Orbiting 4channel girls (read as: whores)
You faggots could just go to Instagram and be done with it
Fuck Ciara, Kill Marky, Kill Tahlia.
Fuck Ciara
Kill Ciara
Marry Tahlia