Tell me about the sluttiest girl from your highschool/college

Tell me about the sluttiest girl from your highschool/college.

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She had sex with every boy in the class except for me

Honestly I dont remember, but some guy was kicked out for getting caught being sucked on the stairs.

I heard some stories about some fat chick who sucked of guys in the open field after parties. Also sucked off guys in the toilet. That's pretty normal for a slut I guess.

idk about sluttiest in my school but def the sluttiest i knew. she was fucking guys from middle school on and would always talk about sex. i only kind of knew her because she lived a neighborhood away from me. i had a few friends from that neighborhood who were wierdos but grew up with her so they were friends. sometimes would ride their bus back in high school and she would talk about riding her bf on the loveseat on her front porch in broad daylight. used to get major boners from her stories and ended up getting my first blowjob from her. googled her name a few weeks ago randomly and saw she's getting married to some 40-50 yo looking guy lol

Mine was a big boobed girl who acted happy all the time but obviously hated herself. She teased me to death, up to jumping at me and humping me, rubbing my crotch with her feet during class, grabbing my arm and presenting me as her boyfriend (she had a boyfriend already) and other stories. Had lots of trouble with guys for doing shit like that.

Pic related, she acted like a real life Hajime Ichinose.

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>sexually promiscuous girl I knew in my math class freshman year
>would always flirt with me, thought she was hot as fuck
>she always dated seniors
>google-fu 6 years later
>she's an escort working throughout Nevada, California and the southwest in general now
>whole twitter account full of lewds and nudes for her new career
>came buckets
Feels good man.

>rubbing my crotch with feet during class
stopped reading there

there are few things quite as satisfying as finding nudes of old classmates...

I know it sounds like a fetish larping, but its true, It was also not really her feet but more of her leg, but well. It wasnt as hot as you believe either. I believe she found me cute but too autistic so she enjoyed teasing because I never truly responded to her advances. Also I believe that talking with me depressed her because I kept seeing beneath her happy go lucky mask.

well from what I remember she rocked DDs in 8 grade and constantly giggled and moaned while speaking, it was 100% on purpose.
her face was pretty gross compared however so she wore shit that highlighted more important parts
She got shanked to death in an alley a few weeks ago, guess a 'deal' got nasty

that is not the regular whore. That is what we call a fucking whore. She will fuck everyone else except you. I know that feel bro

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Does anyone remember that story of the high school girl in Florida who (allegedly) had sex with 24+ kids in a school bathroom?

Something about that feels fucked up, but I can't quite explain it.

She kissed on the lips boys that were not her boyfriend

I honestly have no idea who the school slut was. I was so disconnected from the social life of my high school that I didn't know who was who and who filled what social roles.

Nice fantasy faggot

>Slut1 had sex with a dude on a driveway at a house party.
>Slut2 was overweight and regularly fucked a smelly stoner kid in the bathroom during lunch time.
>Slut3 girl sucked off all the chads during each year during biology camp.
>Slut4 gave my friend a BJ, then gave his friend one straight after.
>Sluts5&6 had a foursome with their boyfriends in a park at night, while the rest of their friends watched.
>Slut7 would bounce from guy to guy in her friend circle. By the time we graduated, everyone in that group had fucked her at least once.
>Slut8 broke up with my friend to date a guy 3 years younger than us. Pedo and a slut.
>Slut9 was a sleeper agent. She was an innocent shy girl during highschool, the kind that talks quietly. After graduating she became a massive slut
>Slut10 got gangbanged by me and 3 other dudes at a friend's birthday party.

Bonus round:
>Slut from uni bragged about kissing every guy in her highschool year. She also had ~20 male senior jerseys.

I guess its expected that robots wouldnt believe me, but it really isnt a fantasy.

what a fucking whore, i bet she also handholded them

Couldn't have hit closer to home if you tried user

I've told this here before, so if anybody remembers, lemme know.
>sophomore year
>there was this girl who everyone thought was sweet and innocent
>Mexican girl
>she was nice to me in freshman year when I broke my leg in sports
>I didn't really try because she's Mexican and catholic and it definitely wouldn't work out
>someone, can't remember who, tells me that if I like her, I can 'have her'
>tells me she bangs tons of dudes
>the vast majority of people actually have no idea
>seems like the kind of girl who doesn't even know what sex is
>sophomore year comes up
>she kinda falls into obscurity
>always wearing this weird, big autisist jacket around school
>never talks anymore
>one day, she's just gone
>rumors come up
>and soon, they're confirmed on kikebook
>she was pregnant the entire time for sophomore year
>gave birth in the bathroom
>her parents didn't even know until her water broke
>all her pics on kikebook are of her and the unlucky bastard who she forced to shack up with her
>the two of them drop out to raise the kid
>shit is horrifying, she's all smiley for the pictures with the kid as if she wanted it and he looks JUST
>check his pics and all of them show him as this wannabe gangster faggot
>checked kikebook again for the first time in years
>all her pictures indicate that she's become an unhappy wineaunt
>she's only recently turned 21
>none of the pictures of the father exist there
>there's lots of pics with the kid and the grandmother, making it obvious who's doing the parenting

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There was this 1 slut whose fuckboi was cool with me since we were lab partners and 1 valentine's day, his car got towed so when I gave them a lift in my car, we weren't even halfway to college when she started fucking him. Had to go to some lone route and park in an empty lot.

Ate lunch with the biggusr slut in my grade in highschool. Said she couldn't feel anything past 6 inches

There was a girl that everyone knew because she fucked everyone. Had like 50 body count by the time we graduated.