Is it wrong that I want to make thin girls fat to satisfy my sexual urges? Do women mind being made fat?

Is it wrong that I want to make thin girls fat to satisfy my sexual urges? Do women mind being made fat?

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Depends on the woman, most I think would enjoy embodying their boyfriends fantasy. At the same time you sacrifice a lot of energy and independence when you put on weight, if it happens very quickly that loss is much more tangible and will make most thin people somewhat depressed. My gf went from 135 to 195 in just a year and half and she gets angry about clothes sometimes but she doesnt mind being fat and getting rubbed and fed constantly.

Most femoids have body issues and are constantly obsessed over losing weight/ maintaining it.

uh, do you have any pics of her gain?

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I encouraged my gf to get fat for fetish reasons, but now I'm ashamed to go out in public with her.

this, I need these pictures so I can jack my dick

How much did she gain and why are you ashamed?
did she enjoy it?

this my dude you can't tell us that you blimped your gf up 60 lbs and not give us anything more than that

Just go on stufferdb and check the before and after section some of them are dated. Im not posting her pics without permission and Im definitely not tellling her about this thread.

I couldn't think of anything worse than gaining weight, especially that much.

Fat women repulse me.

that's ok I guess I understand you probably don't want to post pics of your gf for a bunch of virgins to masturbate to. got any hot stories about it though?

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She is about five foot three, barely gained at all in her tits and but her love handles and front belly just exploded. All I did was teach her to keep a ton of snacks at her bed side, tell her I enjoy her chub, and take over some of the menial work around her house like carrying laundry baskets and mowing the lawn. Then I just waited. It is very very fucking hot but I worry that I have done serious harm to her mental and physical state and one day she will resent me for it.

I have a similar fetish, but I want to make a skinny girl THICC, not fat. I want her ass and maybe tits to get bigger, but nothing else. Basically I'd do a bunch of leg and ass-based exercises like running and squatting to make that ass FAT. But how do I increase a girl's tit size? Preferably without her knowing.

FEEDING usually works p well but you already said you don't like that

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Just lots of nights spent watching Netflix and spooning with her belly in my hands. She pretends to not enjoy it very much and not want to be fat but she also will stuff herself on purpose, push her tummy out, and beg for rubs and squeezes. I think I might just be very lucky and shed do this no matter what kink I had and its just the cruelty of nature that my fetish is bad for her health.

>Do women mind being made fat?
Most of them do a good job of it on their own.

This made me physically gag.
Goddamnit, you chubbychasers.

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shit that sounds comfy and hot as fuck. Does she have an upper limit she'll stop at or is she just going to keep gaining?

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Chubby girls are hot, fa m!

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Yeah I think her upper limit was supposed to be like 150

And she just blew past it?

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She was fucking hot in the before picture. I feel so sad.

Itt. A bunch of insecure fucks who want to get her gfs fat so she doesn't leave them

No, user, it's a fetish.

I don't know why it's so impossible for you normoids to understand that this isn't desperation, it's a sexual attraction.

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I legit like to squeeze and rub bellies, retard. I need to squish

Every fetish is born out of somewhere. You sick fucks need to reflect on that.

My mom was fat and used to hold me as a baby on the shelf of her belly against one of her swollen tits. The first time I ever got physically close to a girl was a like 200 something pound senior at my high school that was in high school theater as well she played the really obnoxious bachelorette in hello dolly and we put her in this super tight garrish dress, on one of the show nights she burst the hook on her skirts waist band and buried my hand in her tummy to try and hold the skirt on and up since I was playing one of the waiters and they had us pair up at the end as a joke. I still remember how her skin was soft and squishy and hot to the touch and the skirt being pulled to its limits because her body just had to be seen, had to tear through anything that got between me and it. But you right Im probably just desperate and not attracted to fatties.

Pretty much yeah, she was having fun and getting nonstop validation anyways so I just dont think she noticed quickly or cared that much to begin with.

Most femoids are also fat though

Lol same. I am 6'2 and 127lbs and she is 5'6 and 502lbs. People look in disgust.

>but now I'm ashamed to go out in public with her.
fucking kek

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Being fat & ugly is no one to go through life

>5'6 and 502lbs.
i seriously hope this is a typo and you meant 202lbs or at least 302lbs

Jesus christ user that's a bit much, even for me

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based and fatpilled original

it's ok user. my biggest fetish is taking a turbo trash roastie and turning her into a disciplined, traditional, wife-material woman through the sheer power of my dick and harsh lessons

Get on my level then user

>5'6 and 502lbs
holy fuck can she even walk?

I like fat, soft women as much as the next chubbychaser, but I don't think I'm ready to date a literal blob of flesh

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Under 200lbs isnt blob tier.

I'm pretty sure he's talking in pounds.

Woops I was meaning to reply to the 500 pound guy

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original artist?

Sorry no clue mate

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I totally didnt split this into two images for bumping purposes

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Gluttony is the best part desu, its no good if she isn't into it too.

Why is there no fetish for making fat girls thin?

That's not sexy, that's just work.

absolutely this

really hard to find good erotica of though

anyone know any good sites for captions or stories on this theme?

tfw no feeder gf (male)

Yeah that's gonna be a big no from me dog

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I wish senpai. Here's a short fic translated from japanese, idk if it's exactly what you are looking for.

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dammit forgot the link

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thanks alot mate, I guess I'll have to scour fantasyfeeder for anything else