This is your competition

This is your competition.

Attached: 0thZ7YL.jpg (1080x1920, 165K)

Maybe for you swede fag.

And he's willing to bang anything from a 3/10 up.

this is why robots should forget about online dating

How the fuck does anyone look that masculine at that age?

>that scar
He should put some makeup or something in that shit

Nope! Some of my friends are at his lookslevel and they are picky AF

You guys are dumb for falling for this.

In Sweden, you are still in gymnasium if you're 18 years old.

Look at the bio
This is obviously a fucking sandnigger

Attached: 1511603431352.jpg (583x435, 148K)

>This is obviously a fucking sandnigger
I thought he was a native scandi

He's half Arab.

Bet you my dick and wallet are bigger than his

>This is obviously a fucking sandnigger
So a modern swede

Pic isnt him

> thinks the scar is a negative for thots

Attached: tenor (1).gif (396x264, 1.81M)

hes the kind of boy who never become man

Attached: 1517396693588.png (352x370, 235K)

sandnigger here, arab genes are shit

Obvious catfish account. Most girls would swipe left on this anyway.

Yeah and why do they and turks always smell like shit with cheap axe?

For one, he doesn't look masculine at all, muscular sure but he looks more of a ripped femboy if anything.
He's like 5'6, second of all
and 3rd of all arabs aren't masculine

Me and none of my siblings were ever called masculine yet we're all over 6', can grow non patchy long beards (even though they're dark and grow slower) and overall lots of body hair, lots of stamine and deep voiced.
Never has anyone ever called me or either of them ''masculine'' lol
100% sure you meant muscular.
Btw, most girls in sweden look taller than the dude in OP. I am still thankful I don't compete because the way this shit works is kind of offputting so I avoid it.

at least they're hardworking as shit. I'd rather look like that and have the greatest work ethic in the world than be lazy white trash

>This is your competition.
No it isn't. I'm not competing.

>at least they're hardworking as shit

Easily beatable.

Attached: USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-image--1609234555.jpeg_1546541533074.jpg (259x306, 11K)

no idea
hardworking? they are the laziest bunch on earth, sandniggers do not create anything, they just buy and sell, and another sandnigger buys and sells again, they used cars salesman is not a stereotype, it is reality.

coping levels that shouldnt be reachable

Nope. Not competing

starrting tomorrow im gonna make an effort to look like him

start today, get some bitcoin, go on the darknet and get dianabol and testosterone

Someone needs to clean the bathroom, I think
I don't have anything to cope with if I don't compete. Instead of a condescending comment to ruin your obsequious world view I'm just gonna advise you to drop out too, because if you genuinely think that was coping in any way (when I don't have anything to do with his situation) you're gonna want to

you know that in syria the arabs refuse to work bottom tier work (gas station attendant, mechanic....etc) and hire armenians to do?
hence the toilet will never be cleaned

Well, I've never been rejected and I'm married to my first girl of choice, so it's totally fine knowing that would be my competition had I not locked down with someone.

Not only have I never been rejected, but I never lost dignity in looking for partners either. Didn't have to take homosexual selfies while making pansy faces. His physique is good and I never even needed that.

If anything beyond his physique is actually a competitive quality though, let me know because I'm missing it.

>Applel cuck

Already beat him.

Zozzle no it isn't. I'm a burger, lad. Just dont be obese and learn how to text a woman and tinder is like shooting fish in a barrel.

He looks like a faggot tbqh

He's not even muscular, he just has muscular definition because he's incredibly skinny. Look up what actual strongmen look like.

he's studying medicine. that's a competitive quality.

As if he even compares to my luscious rolls


okay user, because 18 year old swedish boys totally look like that

I'll consider it competitive once he's actually graduated and gotten a job. And if that were to happen: 1. that's fine/I'm happy with my career and 2. I hope he loses the homo qualities by then.

I'm not a homosexual so I'm not competing with that

>zipper abs

even just being in the school of medicine is a competitive quality though, regardless of your opinion. hardly anybody could be more competitive than that considering the age, in that category.

he doesn't LOOK swedish..

not that guy, but his profile translates to being in advertising, not medicine.

lakarprogrammet literally translates to doctors programme, you retard.
advertising would be marknadsforingsprogrammet.
t. am literally swedish

Attached: H1ge0Nl[1].jpg (645x729, 57K)

>at least they're hardworking as shit
dude what? 85% of the arab world is unemployed and literally just do not believe in working
the only reason they are alive is because oil

>strongmen are muscular
they have a lot of fat
mountain from got is a strongman and all those people from iceland are and they look fat as fuck
it's not about being strong it's about looking aesthetic. U didnt make it

Its simple...

We fuck the Chadman

Definition =/= muscular. Strongmen still have muscle definition despite also having a lot of fat because they have huge muscles. Your muscles showing because you're auschwitz mode is like a fat girl having C cups.