>scheduled to lose my virginity last night (I'm 37)
>get her to my place
>immediately trys to go down on me
>pulls my dick out and immediately starts gagging. I ask what's the matter
>says it's the worst smelling dick shes encountered
>insults me several times for being disgusting and just walks out
Scheduled to lose my virginity last night (I'm 37)
serves you right. smelly fat bastard
I just want to get laid. Shes a fucking hooker. Why should she care??
lol you didnt clean up before she came? actually you may just have been ignoring your body's cleanliness for a lot longer than one night for a whore to react like that. nice job op!
did you pay beforehand?
Calling bullshit. Prostitutes always make you take a shower first.
Oh yeah. That too. I'm now down like 60% of my rent money because of this shit
Wash your fucking dick, op.
Usually just water is fine. But you probably need to go at it with soap.
You think the hairdresser likes touching your dandruff scalp just because you pay her?
You think people want to sit next to your sweaty body on the bus just because there's a seat there?
You think your colleagues like shaking your greasey paw at the start of every meeting?
Jesus Christ, user. You're disgusting.
that fucking sucks.
thats probably why the bitch leaved "well i already have the money" what a cunt
sitting next to someone and shaking their hand is completly different to actually getting paid. she could've at least refunded
You still deserve it for not even washing your disgusting cock like an autist.
You paid money to learn a very valuable lesson, wash your fucking dick jesus.
im with you op. she's shoved probably thousands of smelly dicks inside her cave snatch. she's discriminating.
first of all i'm not op.
secondly she basically stole his money after insulting him
She tried. She even put it in her mouth. But she could follow through.
You're just that disgusting.
Serves you right for trying to get sex from a prostitute.
again, not op im just on his side. shes a bad hooker if shes not gonna abide that
All you had to do was shower.
if you go to the store and they ask you to leave when you take a shit in the aisle, it's not discrimination
every vendor has the right to decline services. op is simply too revolting
Not to go all Dr. McCoy on you here but
Have some fucking pride.
How hard can it be to wash your penis?
you couldn't be bothered to wash your dick you smelly fuck? And you wonder why you're a virgin
Braap penis?
yeah but the worker wasnt just paid
>prostitutes are regularly forced to MAKE you take a fucking shower.
I take it bullshit always answers your calls since you're such close friends.
I fucking hope this is a troll wtf how can anybody be this fucking shit at life
Fucking disgusting OP. Have you not heard of a shower?
OP is a piece of shit who deserves to be a virgin for eternity and beyond
OP what do you look like?
How did you get to be a 37 year old virgin?
How long have you been here?
>when the whore can't even pretend to enjoy your dick for what was presumably hundreds of dollars
>guy has such bad personal hygiene that a literal paid whore refuses to fuck him
>wonders how he got to 37 still a virgin
real fucking mystery lad
I'm kinda fat. Idk I think I look normal. I showered like a day ago. I don't sweat much either so idk. I just want to get laid.
Both parties agree to an unspoken set of rules in business user. She shouldn't have to tell OP to at least take a fucking shower before she fakes enjoying having sex with him.
>This nigga didn't wash his dick the day of
Never gonna make it, but I think you know that now
>Not washing your penis when you are told you're going to lose your virginity
You were fucking TOLD you were gonna lose your virginity then. Someone with the mental capacity of a Tic-Tac would know that if they hadn't washed in a while, they should probably fucking wash.
I wasn't expecting her to get her stupid bitch face near it.
either this is bait or your a complete retard
>I wasn't expecting her stupid bitch face to get near it
You need to get your face close to someone's face so you can suck it off user
Either this man is the most retarded man to ever tard on this earth or this is top tier b8
heres my secret for getting rid of dick cheese smell an sweaty man ass smell
take a bath using laundry soap
Better yet, take a bath using a plugged in toaster.
>Prostitutes always make you take a shower first.
You know that they're trying to steal whatever they can while you shower right? If you pay for a prostitute to come to your home never take your eyes off her. Fuck, pay, force her to leave.
You made zero sense but I think I underment what you stood. That said I paid for just to fuck her for like 20 minutes. Never agreed to head. I washed my dick after but she wouldn't come back. I never thought a dick was supposed to smell like a bed of Roses anyway.
Perhaos you could've asked her why she was getting in for a bj when you specifically paid for a fuck instead of just standing there like an autist
>also the second "face" in my comment is meant to be "dick" sorry
I'm a 37 year old virgin. How am I NOT supposed to be autistic around women? The fuck else was I gonna do? I was horny and nervous.
I'm saying that he's that laughably filthy, not suggesting she should have sucked it anyway. But she should've refunded. I guess that's what you get when the sector is illegal and completely unregulated.
When going into something with which you have no experience, do you never consider educating yourself or asking people who do have experience?
aha OP you disgusting fuck, not even a hooker would fuck you
Can you post a pic of your dick please?
Should have grabbed her and demanded your money back
Or when you aren't willing to take it back. OP just let her leave baka
I got ghosted by a prostitute in a brothel. I asked her how much for 30 minutes and she never responded...
Cheers OP-dono. Fellow Showa 56 virgin passing by. Been looking at the local escort ads from time to time but never dared to go though with it, now I'm definitely not, thanks.
what, you aint gonna clean your dick either? dont be a moron.
Are you uncut OP?
She probably would have called her pimp, though. Then OP would have been REALLY fucked.
Pipe down you little shit, the water, it burns. Putting me in a shower is like putting a vampire in sunlight.
Dirty and Clean.
you're literally telling me you dont wash because water 'burns' you? jesus christ. the excuses some people go to not look after themselves at the most basic level
Thanks for the laugh, OP. I hope it's true, you magnificent autist.
What do the people who don't shower say?
"I've been 56 days clean."
>so many idiots falling for this dumb larp
If we can have fat acceptance then I don't see any reason we can't have nohygiene acceptance, OP got discriminated against.
Probably if you live in Europe or go to a high end escort, but hookers get to business fast
Except not being fat and not being dirty are the two MAIN REASONS YOU ARE ALIVE. You'll catch fucking god knows what if you don't wash, and fatasses get clogge arteries and heart attacks. NONE OF THESE TWO THINGS SHOULD HAVE ACCEPTANCE.
>Prostitutes always make you take a shower first.
That's only if you go to a brothel or their place. It's assumed you've showered before if she's coming to your place and nobody would leave her alone in the room anyway.
>rejected by a hooker
I got $50 on OP being a Pajeet.
I'm half native half Asian.
>quintessential mutt
Top lel, thank to your parents.
We really are undesirable. Western ones at least wash themselves though. Or at least my family and friends do