Where The Fuck Is The Snow Edition
I am actually glad that it has been warm here in Ohio.
lack of snow entirely removes the comfyness of winter. Well, except for the fewer hours of daylight, that's still good.
This is worrying me. Why don't we have winter anymore?
From the Chicago metro. It feels more like March than anything. We haven't gotten any real snowfall since November.
I'm actually kinda pissed there's no snow, I just want the feeling of sleeping in without having to wait a whole nother year
Hello chicagobro
I just moved here, I was looking forward getting obliterated by the lake effect. what is this casual shit?
It's been pretty "warm" the last few days, which is great, because night walks are better when you don't have the chance to get pneumonia
>Where The Fuck Is The Snow Edition
It's global warming. Just kidding Ohio never gets any snow. It barely gets cold in the winter./spoiler]
Are opiates really as popular as portrayed in (((medias)))?
Seems like half of Dayton is or was on H and many more towns are becoming drug infested shitholes as well.
Climate change, muh bruh.
Daytonfag here. The addicts are now switching to meth because they dont trust the heroin to be clean. It is bad.
We're shut in NEETs, why would we know?
MN resident, every year I wait for the cold to come and freeze out the weak. This year I am disappointed.
>Live in Michigan
>North as possibly can be other than Alaska
>No snow
What the FUCK
Somebody Overdosed in their car back when I was 13, just of my street corner, happened as I was walking back home from UDF.
chicagoland here, i hate this grey depressing weather. do you guys think this is from global warming? and if you do what do you think is causing the global warming?
Every year I hear people bitch and moan about the weather. Its only every too cold or too warm. Too much snow or not enough. Its always some kind of bullshit that people are mad at. The weather does not bend to you and will do as it does.
The accusations and finger pointing, "this must be why the weather isnt to my specific perception of what winter should be!" Its rampant, and I am tired of it.
>Too cold to comfortably spend time outside
>Too warm for snow and comfy winter feels bundled up inside
This is why I want to move to Alberta.
Minnesota is the second northernmost U.S. state (after Alaska) and northernmost contiguous state. Its isolated Northwest Angle in Lake of the Woods county is the only part of the 48 contiguous states lying north of the 49th parallel.
Speak for yourself, I'm glad we barely get snow anymore. I don't miss those foot and a half snow days at all
Don't forget that massive blizzard we had in April last year -- maybe it's all just getting pushed back.
I feel very similar. Everyone is always bitching about something with the weather. Climate control has turned the general population into a bunch of pussies in regards to the weather.
Oh yeah I remember that, I was downwind of it by 50 miles or so but it did still effect the weather where I live. It really messed with the animal life in Wisconsin didn't it? Screwing up migration patterns and animals coming out of hibernation and breeding. Lots of baby birds dying do to the cold weather as well.
Its 48 degrees outside
I live in colorado
This is like March/April weather
Fuck this I thought it was supposed to snow a lot this Winter
Minnesotafag here, we still have a solid 3-5 inches in most areas around the twin cities, but when I went skiing yesterday it was 45F so I got too hot and had to take off my jacket and snowpants.
Disrespect Minnesota again and I'll have to passive-aggressively invite you over to my place to meet my wife and kids and eat some hot dish, and maybe go out on the lake to do some ice fishing bud.
In 20 years, it wonr even get cold enough to ice fish.
Fuck. :( Time to sell the ice house :(((
Yeah I guess global warming is actually a thing, 45 degrees in January is unheard of here. Usually it never gets over 10 until March or late February.
illinois weebs were we at?
It just pisses me off that Thr climate of Ohio could shift from temperate broadleaf forest into plains. Fuck desertification.
we want just the right amount!
>When you realize you live on some of the most fertile land in the world.
>some of the most
but not the most. get in line poser
Upper Michigan monopolized it all this winter, sorry. Though it's honestly less than what we're used to this year. Glad you don't have to deal with a lot of it, wherever you are user. Godspeed.
How bad does your city shut down when you get like 8 inches? Or do all the thots run outside to suck it up?
February purges the weak my friend
Shit hits the fan tonight.
>no comfy snow in ohio
it hurts lads
Ohio is the most robot state prove me wrong
i know
i put a new motor on my snowblower an it not snowing
im in Shitcago a Robot living in the world of NPC's
We have some here in northern Europe.
>Minnesotafag here, we still have a solid 3-5 inches in most areas around the twin cities
this isn't suppose to be a thread about your dating woes.
Missouri user reporting in. I actually hate winter so I like how warm it is lately.
Do other midwesterners still use tube TVs?
Apparently normies in other parts of the country all use LCD TVs now. What's the point of a new TV for something like the kitchen?
It got tired of you bitching about shoveling it off your driveways. Sort of like the rest of us
>also ohio
tfw i actually miss the snow
All of the roads are cleared within 5 hours of the snowstorm.
Who /Missouri/ gang here?
Nope, north nowhere here.
>economic decline
>cultural erosion
>considered repulsive by everyone else
makes sense.
>tfw zero (0) bi guys in the midwest
anyone else from North Dakota?
fucking hate my life
just moved here
shit sucks
Moving out of the Shithole that is California to a relatively small town in PA for school end of this month, going to be so comfy
The user above is.
I have a hunch that a north dakota, and surounding states, have a disproportionate percentage of the population compared too the rest of the states that browse this site. The state just seems like too well of a catalyst to not generate people that come here.
-harsh climate, driving most that are not farmers to stay inside
-unattractive geography and landscape, it's all fucking farms and pasture, further reason to stay inside
-physical isolation from other people, making social interaction cumbersome to say the least
-few attractions and little entertainment becide boomer hobbys and the Internet
-stagnating, well, a lot of things to be quite honest, you can probably extrapolate what that shit leads to
I'm I just subconsciously pulling this out of thin air or am I actually on to something?
North east Ohio is full of darkies, but Its so much better than small town Indiana.
East coaster here, lately though I've been wondering if I wouldn't like life out west. Not in some shithole like Ohio or anything, mind you, but the thought of living in some slow-paced small city surrounded by scenic vistas in a place like Iowa or Nebraska might be lovely. That or one of the mountain states, Idaho, Montana, Colorado.
Any robots got reasons I shouldn't go through with this idea?
i just wanted to go skiing
and i planned a trip to hocking hills so i could see it in the snow and now it's gonna get fucking ruined
It's climate change.
>b-but it was cold and snowy as the fuck the past two winters
that's not how it works, brainlet
No, you're on to something. I lived in SD, and if North is anything like South, it's prime robot production facility. You're either an alpha chad farmer who can get a driver's license and fuck girls by 14 or you're ruined for life with no hope of salvation.
I recommend Iowa. has the rural delights but isn't in the middle of nowhere like the other states you listed (except colorado).
Lived there for about 10 years in a small town right at the foot hills of the rockies. A twenty minute bike ride and it was on your way to the mountains. It's very pretty and scenic, with a lot of backroads, ranch roads, and all sorts of farms and plains and shit. The people generally kept to themselves and won't bug you but were friendly enough if you did. It's super religious and family oriented, or at least was when I was there. Cost of living isn't bad, but the towns are spread fairly far apart so you might have to drive to get to a store that sells shit for cheaper than the smaller towns. It's not a terrible place for a robot to be, really. IF you have the money and can get a comfy life, it'd be worth it.
tfw no midwestern gf to be /comfy/ in a rural cabin far away from the coastal faggotry
Snow sucks in the city. It looks good for a day and then it turns to grey, depressing slush.
Now who here /KCMO/?
I used to live in a mountain city, but on the borders (the city sprawl went south and I was on the north edge, so I was only a mile or two from downtown but I was the last building between the developments and open land as far as the eye could see.) For me snow was comfy, because I could sit at my balcony window from the hilltop and see the trustfund normies spinning out and walking. I also liked putting on my autistic trenchcoat and leather boots for a comfy snowhike, it always blew my mind that the normcucks stayed inside. Even though there were plenty of apartment buildings on the river trail behind ours, mine were often the only set of footprints on the path no matter how long the snow stayed.
Normies are fucking weird, man.
Now I live in a city with a bunch of poor coffee-shop hipsters who all walk around taking Instagram photos all day, and on the one hand it makes me feel a little less autistic but it can be hard to find the reverent solitude I found in my old city.
Columbus here.
We've barely got any snow. It's been in the mid 40s for the past couple weeks.
Gonna have like 2-3 days in the 30s, then back up to the low 40s
Like what the actual fuck. I love snow
who /downstate/ here?
>southern ontario
it was in the positives earlier this week it was like +10. we've had like 3 snowfalls this winter it fucking sucks
Kansas sucks. Wish I lived in Missouri.
Northern small town here
Where the fuck is the snow
snow is the only thing that keeps people from walking around outside and making NOISE
Cincinnati hardly gets any snow. Cleveland is a different story. Cleveland gets more snow than Minneapolis.
We in Normal working for State Farm like 80% of the city
You act like thats a problem?
>why is nothing original
Get a small 24" LCD for the kitchen, hook up a Chromecast or Fire stick and you can watch Guy Fieri eat bacon-wrapped sausages while you bake some tuna casserole.
That's what I assume normies do, anyhow.
So from the west coast to the east coast? Get out of our thread coastfag
Is blono downstate?
It's like one of, if not the, world's largest open-air factory
My brother lives in Ch*cago, I visited him this Christmas. It seems like a shitty normie city filled with melanin and weiner-touchers, but he seemed to like it enough to be comfortable there.
He offhand mentioned buying property, which makes me sad because I don't want my brother trapped in that shithole but I also don't want him moving to New York or some other eastern Islamic city.
Why on earth does any self-respecting Northern European White live in Ch*cago, user?
sup 217- CU here, terrorizing all the chinks.
Mormons. If you hate normies, you'll especially hate Mormons knocking on your door telling you about their lord and savior Joeseph Smith
High suicide rates because it's literally fucking hell.
Normie heaven. Everyone's a hardcore SJW feminist lib and you won't fit in unless you go hiking and skiing with the NPCs. I guess legal weed? Otherwise expensive as fuck and no other redeeming qualities.
I'd consider small towns in the south.
I don't think it's only because I live in actual Illinois, but I don't like Shitcago at all. I like a lot of other big cities but it's so boring and colorless for someplace so huge. The marauding chimps are icing on the cake.
The east coast isn't so bad. New England is great. New York is a lost cause though.
>small towns in the south
Literally controlled by the Mexican cartels. If you talk too much about what they do or the illegals you see running across the highway, you'll commit suicide by gunshot to the back of the head.
Once you get into the northern fringes of the non-C*lifornia border states, it's a little better but you still have to understand that there is a powerful and very violent crime ring operating possibly mere blocks away from you. In the northern states, it's very different. The crime is definitely still there, but not as prevalent. You have to understand, the wall-hoppers are in literal debt to the cartels, and will act as the cartel's man when they have to. Imagine if every white person in Chicago, every single one, was in serious debt to the Mafia and ready to kill to lessen their own debt.
If you want slow-paced, you also have to understand what many city dwellers don't, and that is that slow pace means slow money. In the city, I can get a new job within a few hours, and a new job that pays better than my last within 24 hours. In a moderate-sized town, I'm barely scraping by with 10-20hour weeks sometimes, and hourly pay rate maybe 2/3s what I make in the city while rent prices are just as high. In a truly small town, there usually just aren't jobs. That's why our small towns are being choked and destroyed (turned into giant retirement-home suburbs with all the suburban crime and regulations) by old retired fucks, because very few people who rely on a paycheck can just move to one and look for a job.
>The east coast isn't so bad
Some parts of it seem decent and might even be decent for another 20-40 years before becoming more Floridas and New Yorks. Parts of the Carolinas and Northern Maine seem comfy from many accounts.
To be honest, coming from someone who's lived in many coastal states, the next state I move to will absolutely be a landlocked state. The coast draws too much faggotry and cuckoldry for me. I'm tired of everyone I meet being a green-haired polyromantic demiswansexual genderless anarcho-communist Buddhist.
The Snow can go fuck itself. Let it stay in New Mexico.
To all bros living in Chicago: is it a good place to live? Thinkin bout moving there since im already somewhat close to it (already live in Illinois) and ive always wanted to live in a big city
>tfw no 70s-Ford-driving, tin-can-shooting, home-brewing, amateur-radio-broadcasting, sustenance gardening New Mexico gf to live in a double-wide in the high desert and raise a beautiful family with
Ch*cago is an absolutely normie-filled melanin-enriched city with >1 murder per day where it costs money to breathe and you have to take a loan to flush the toilet.
If you want to live in a big city, it depends what you want. I've heard good things about Tucson, Reno and Vegas have some highlights despite their shit reputation, and if you're ok putting up with SJW shit on every street corner Portland looks like it might stay affordably-comfy (with relatively high wages, too) for a few more years at least.
Ch*cago is only fun if you have money and a social network.
Reading a book on Northern Illinoise, what is the area like in your view? It seems really comfortable and apparently has a really good Cajun restaurant.
Ohio is only really good for that Modest Mouse song.
>tfw tricked by early snow in November
I just wanted a cold winter. Is that too much to ask?
whattup kcbro. hope you enjoyed the january spring today
weathers changing and the sea water from the fucking oil wells was supposed to flood out
Theres no snow in southern Indiana but the chilling wind reminds me its winter