Whats your take on this zoomer

whats your take on this zoomer
an online friend of his sent this to a shitty discord group im in

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It's really wierd to hear all the r9k terminology instead of reading it, but this is basically greentext
Honestly though I wish this dude the best, he seems like he deserves a break

thats also what i thought at first, its like he was quite litterally raised on this website.
Like a lost soul

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looks like your average failed normie

he does mention the black pill though

then an educated failed normalcuck

>19 year old zoomer who literally looks like zac efron when he takes off his hat complaining about life
>doesn't mention him being a virgin at any point in the video

Just another failed normie. I'm a 21 year old spic that was an incel a few months back. I don't work out and I'm ugly as shit, but it seems like this dude is even too scared to try shit like tinder. I think this kid just has aspergers or something. I would kill to be in his shoes. Seeing white kids just makes me feel envious of their lives to know how easy they have it.

fair enough, im interested though, i want to see if hell make another or delete the channel out of embarrassment

Betting he's gonna delete. 100%

His life is too easy to be complaining.

how easy is a mans life you know nothing about?

>can drive
>has a high school degree
>has a job
>works out regularly
>lives in the USA
That's just the basics really. But he's a white dude who has a good jaw and above average looks that works out as well. He would easily get pussy if he would put a little bit of effort. But no, he is a fucking pussy who complains like a bitch.

he said hes a highschool drop out and has been a NEET for like half a year.
did u not even watch the same video as I?

Ah my bad, was skipping through the vid. But even then, what difference does that even make? I dropped out in 9th grade and was a NEET until I was 20 and managed to redeem myself in a few months time.

well idk what his situation his, that's why im keen to know more.
he couldnt be like this for no reason; hes too good looking.
my guess is he just never learned how to make friends because of some undiagnosed autism or some mental issues that went unresolved.

He probs has aspergers. He doesn't mention being a virgin so he's probably a failed normie at worst.

Did you get laid using tinder or bumble?

24 yo spic doomer here, could have gotten laid a couple of times in the past years but was too retarded to act on it

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i hope he deletes this and posts it on his fb so people will alienate him and make him an hero

Bumble doesn't work for me, tinder is great but if you want to get laid quick then it's pretty much Pay to Win.

Anyway this dude literally has chad hair, his face is bloated but that could be fixed by working out and he would literally be golden

True, he is in a shitty position living out of his car but being in your early 20s you still have time friend

I'm 24 and realize that it might be too late

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>his face is bloated

It's over for me then

>away from all the normalfags
this guy thinks he isn't a normalfag, this board is dead

im not totally sure if i like being the focal point of a thread on Jow Forums, can you tell me which discord group sent this to you?

>implying you didn't make the thread

>implying I want internet fame
i knew this sort of thing would happen

>Normal looking White guy who goes to the gym and can drive thinks he isn't a normalfag


Are you the retard that always posts his shit in tinder threads? The one that fucked that white girl

Fembot here, where do you live?

I'd date you


god what a sad sad fucking thread

his facial hair looks like it's drawn on with a sharpie

You're actually not ugly, just saying


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that guy seems like a huge faggot

damn user

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Seems alright, like he'd be a good m8, very relateable what he's saying too

bro, I wish I had half as good a look as you and you're out here complaining

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in what way does even being average do for me.
im a 21 year old no friend KHV with no prospects, the fact im a dyel white faggot doesnt mean shit in the grand scheme of things.

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It seems all your problems stem from your shitty job and dwelling on missed opportunities. All of this is gonna fix itself with time. You're really good looking, as exemplified by the e-thot thirst in pic related, so use that to your advantage. You're gonna be fine my dude.

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i didn't realize i was speaking to an e thot at first.
there is a thread up on her channel, what the fuck is goin on there?
so what if I attract shitty 3rd rate roasties who take orbiter dick up the ass all day?
thats not hope thats doom.

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I don't know much about her, but she's not an e-thot, i was just being edgy. Though she's mostly right about this place, It's a cesspool of bitter and angry people and you should stay away from it.

>can afford a car
>looks decent
>bro i'm so sad take pity on me i'm totally not a normalfag!!!!!

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I'll be your trap gf, where do u live