Why are girls attracted to dumb/flashy/shallow guys?

why are girls attracted to dumb/flashy/shallow guys?

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because they're like-minded individuals

because they are secure
which means they are selfish

Are you asking for a genuine answer or mad that some Chad stole your girl?

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you mean to tell me vapidness attracts vapidness?

Because girls are dumb, shallow & flashy themselves.

genunine, i feel like i can act dumb and fun too and thinking about if i should do this

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is it the same girl ?
what is going on here?

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She's cute and the guy looks Asian. Rooting for this couple

If they were attracted to dumb shallow guys, how come so many robots are virgins? Checkmate.

That is literally how women think about men.

opposites don't attract as it turns out op.

those dumb/flashy/shallow guys tend to be physically attractive, which is conveniently left out here

>tend to be physically attractive
like the guy the girl in the op is dating amiright?

Intelligence and looks are correlated. You see much more ugly dumb people than ugly smart people.

yes, it's jordan the resident evil girl

thats because ugly people are generally less confident, thus making them look less smart then confident beautiful people

Only idiots fall for "looks smart". You see a person's intelligence through his actions.

Who is she
Why do you post the roast?

jordan is not roast, she is pure and good

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what do you mean why did i post her
i was trying to figure out if its the same girl as the other 2 webms
now listen this is a conspiracy
people have been posting the webm i posted for a long time
but not until today they are now posting her with a bf
its obviously a planned conspiracy to make us feel bad
guess what it didnt work on me faggots

i like Jordan because she seems naturally happy with herself

true, i wish i have jordan gf

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yes, exactly idiots like you takes a look at aesthetically gifted people and think "they must be smart"

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dumbest post ive ever seen

walk into any engineering or mathematics faculty at university and tell me those people are on average good looking

i think you're confusing social skills with intelligence

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Not a requirement
Like a peacock. Potentially shows status. Not afraid of being the center of attention.
They're not attracted to the shallowness, the shallowness is part of a bigger personality trait, aloofness, confidence. Women love feeling unsure or insecure about a man in the beginning stages and eventually winning him over.

These guys are socially savvy and other guys with the basic social skill set just lack as a conversation partner.

>Bonus round
-They are attractive
-Have a shitton of confidence
-Have interesting hobbies, *not shitposting on Jow Forums*

They want a man with status / power/ money, or a potential for future status / power / money.

You have obviously never set foot in a university.

because those men are usually good looking and give them positive emotions

Women pride themselves on being manipulative, so they think it's the guys role to be the manipulated. Hence a dumb guy seems more low-maintenance to them.

>Why are guys attracted to dumb/flashy/shallow girls?
Most people want to be with a Chad or Stacy.
It's not smart or right; it's just how most people's brains are wired.

Like attracts like. Low IQ's are synergistic with other low IQ's, while high IQ's are synergistic with other high IQ's.

this is cope high IQ girls still just go for hookups with a chad and string along a beta orbiter

Have you ever met a high IQ girl?

Money and personality. By 'personality' I don't mean a good one, I mean whatever it is that bitches are attracted to - confidence, making her feel wanted, extrovertion, large social circle.
The dude in OP's pic probably has a tiny dick, btw.

When you hit 99.99 percent of intelligence you are a freak to start.

>Why do you post the roast?

She hangs out with nerdy asians so she's "pure"

however...they forgot about CHAD asian

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