What do popular kids expect to happen when they bully unpopular kids?

What do popular kids expect to happen when they bully unpopular kids?

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To toughen them up and prepare them for life

That's fucking stupid

They do it to assert dominance and maintain their place in the hierarchy

Hence why they usually pick on retards. They're easy targets

I know. I'm retarded

its not about what they expect to happen, its about what they DON'T expect to happen

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Feel better self i guess. I know a guy bullied inside my old shool everyone did this even the teacher he jumped from the shool and was dead. People still continu it's just JUST.

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They want you to tard rage at them so they could wrangle you to impress Stacy.
That or they're teething for when they get a manager position at their dad's company.
Either way the proper response is to take it quietly and unload a tec-9 in their chest at prom night.

this reply is so normie it's sickening. fuck off. they have no benevolent intentions other than wanking their egos and trying to assert some shitty hierarchy

>gets hit with the truth
>hurrr durrrrrr mormies

fuck off

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That they won't get shot to death, obviously. It's funny how often they are mistaken.

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>It's funny how often they are mistaken.

Statistically not that often....

I was a pretty popular kid in elementary school, and bullied this one girl with my friends. Me ending up in my current state might just be karma actually. Anyway, we mostly just laughed at her for running and pretending to be a horse. Shit's just what kids do. We did it because it was funny for us. She was pretty weird-looking back then as well, but I've seen how she looks nowadays and I'm glad for her.

So you agree that there's no reason to prohibit peoples, ability to access and possess firearms, right?

of course l agree

If anything, it fucking weakens people and is part of the reason why they remain socially inept.

How come they only do this to ugly and poor kids? They never "toughen" each other up like this? They don't ever pick each other last for PE to "toughen each other up".

I know, the real reason they do it is only to make themselves feel better. They want to assert their status on you, thats why they do it, they don't give 2 fucks how you turn out, they just want to do it for them

>How come they only do this to ugly and poor kids? They never "toughen" each other up like this?

Those other kids dont need it

Yeah because poor, ugly and disabled kids need more shit in their lifes dont they. They're going ot face loads of shit anyway. What about rich fucking daddies boys who have no worries at all, they need a good fucking slap dont they. Fuck you, fuck you!

bro your just mad because some kids work harder for their grades than others. don't blame us. blame the meritocracy we live in. keep player hating while we get all the girls.

Nice bait there. Funny enough fucking shit head kids who "toughen other kids up" are normally the ones with fucking shit grades. These types of cunts peak at high school you fuck.

>Fuck you, fuck you!

Rude! This is the attitude that got you here in the first places!!

"hey i got an idea. let's bully the ugly, poor, disabled kid whose parents are dead. because that'll toughen him up or something!!! and let's ignore the rich spoiled kids who've never experienced a day of sadness in their lives. they don't need toughening up."

I haven't been to school in years but is this honestly how high schoolers think?

Interesting that you use his pic. The class bully in middle school literally looked like this lol.

You realize the first response was bait right?

>be silent kid
>get bullied verbally but never touched
>one day fucker steps out of line
>I shit in his bag during recess
>they never could backtrack it to me but he knew
>WE knew
>never bothered me again

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underrated bully

This is the guy from that predator/prey pic right?

The easiest and most effective way to strenghen any group is to have a common enemy or someone you exclude from the group. Bullying the unpopular kids strenghens the bond between the bullies.

the real truth is that normies don't think. They literally don't think about the consequences of their actions, hence the NPC meme.

that's allright, in return they get toughened up via lead treatment

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Who in their right mind would think that bullying retards is 'establishing dominance'? Nobody picked on anyone if you didn't deserve it, you either had to be a pretend tough guy or a snitch to get beat up where i went to highschool

what? that's pretty messed up bro, don't joke about that

Its simple ego feeding and sadism. Dont overcomplicate it or seek a "deeper" meaning to it. There is none. Its sadism+flaunting your superiority over someone else which feeds their egos. Everyone subconsciously understands that this is bullying, i dont get why some people try to intellectualize or overcomplicate this issue.



why would you say this? suicide isn't something to be flippant about

The social contract of people caring about eachothers well being only applies when all parties involved hold to it. If you don't care about someones well being, go so far as to actively torment them, you have violated the contract, and signed away your rights provided by it.

nope sorry, you're wrong sweetie

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It reaffirms their own sense of belonging, they're just as insecure

Was actually bullied, gotta say you are brainwashed cuck that had to find a way to cope with it or never was bullied.
Before I was really extroverted, and although I was weird as fuck, I was friendly to anybody anyway, regardless of their status. Yet I was only met with hostility, not anything else.
Now I am can't talk to anyone without having a second thought, and none of the bullies made me learn a thing, meaning I am as retarded as I was in kindergarden.
Fuck you.

I think you're a brainwashed cuck who's easily triggered by obvious bait, nice

>gets hit with normie bs
>hurrr durrrrr normies

There are people who actually think like that.

So kill yourself

You mean toughen the bullies up

>So kill yourself

sounds like you're well on your way

For them to conform to social norms. Bullying is necessary and good. Have you thanked your bully?

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t. hair-trigger emotional cuck

>no u
End yourself

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>getting this upset by someone on the internet telling you to end your miserable life you go samefag to soothe your butthurt

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t. emotion hair-trigger cuck


At least I didn't get bullied like you bro ;)

It's human instinct to punish the weak for existing.

To cripple your self-esteem so you never procreate and proliferate genes that precluded you to vulnerability in the first place

For them to shoot up the school so they can pretend to be "mental health advocates" and become celebrities

I dont know, bullies are just retarded