Is asexuality a real thing? How could it be possible that there are people who deviate so far from human impulse? Does it not go against evolution? I am not talking about celibacy. Celibacy is done for religious reasons. If those people were not religious, they would want sex. Asexuals claim that they do not want sex, even if offered.
Is asexuality a real thing? How could it be possible that there are people who deviate so far from human impulse...
It could be that these people are scared of intimacy, so rather than not wanting sex, they refuse intimacy so they do not get hurt. They might have deluded themselves this way into believing they are asexual.
In today's society, literally fuckin anything could be a real thing.
I think this is my case, but I didn't feel anything during puberty either so I don't know. I'd like to go to a doctor and get my test levels checked
no such thing as asexuals, it's far too broad of a term to cover such an easily dividable and definable spectrum of separate archetypal experiences of individual sexuality that is the human sexual spectrum, you have to remember that asexual is a very pinpoint word, and that in reality there is a lot of personal development that leads to and establishes the current individual sexual experience, what I mean is that a person's life experience entirely contributes to their sexuality, it isn't something anyone can control it's just a kind of inbuilt thing that through our growing up latches onto the world around us as effectively as it can, and then once we've fully matured continue doing that only with a kind of foundation in place, it's pretty much half of our personality, and something we need to operate in the world, it's like a hardening off process, and the mature state, that people label with the sexualities straight gay etc, shouldn't be thought of as a kind of final label, because once the world has stopped influencing our sexuality, our sexuality starts influencing the world, it's a back and forth state, but that's beside the point, the point is that no one is free from this process, so long as you're a human being with a human mind, it's gonna follow this track in the most effective way it can with what it's got to work with, and obviously, if all it's got to work with is shitty circumstances, bad interpersonal experiences, and other wrenches int he works then it's gonna be ale to turn out in ways so much different from the 'norm' that ones that shun sex or intimacy or other people out of the mix are entirely possible, and massively probably and actual in many cases because of how our human world works
tl;dr sexuality is an inherent function that can by it's own design be ale to turn out in ways that shun sexual activity or thought due to how it was formed in the person as result of their life experience, usually as kind of defense mechanism
i dont think its real
i just think people that are not comfortable with themselves
people that arent comfortable doing sex
they just say they are a sexual cause they are not confident
Wasn't going to read this as it was long and gay
But then I read it and it was pretty redpilled.
I should add that physical issues are as a part of the experience that shapes the mental sexual function as any first kiss or molestation, and that the states that shun sexuality that could fall under technical asexuality, can still be very personally sexual, but only personally sexual, and that can go for many other kinds of social relations with other people, attitudes to social living, etc, and that it would just fall as a alternation of the physically incapable to experience sexual thought/feeling, that would produce similar but distinct attitudes and behaviours
Pretty good read user. Org
Anorexic dude on ssri = asexual
Jesus effing christ I haven't read such utter pseudo-intellectual waffle in a very long time. What the actual fuck are you talking about.
I'm saying sexuality goes beyond the current widespread definition of it, and that what we are missing out when describing it is what comes before and after it, because it isn't such as tight nit concept as our words restrict it to, someones sexuality is a part of how someone approaches the world, it's just like eating or dreaming in that it serves purposes, and once we've got definition of it down, we can go to the fact that it being such a radiant process, it can't be said that asexuality as it exists as a word to us actually exists, because the sexual part of it is a fundamental part of the human mind, and any example of a person who you would call asexual, is still affected deeply by sexuality, no matter how devoid of sexuality it may seem
I'm also saying that a lot of people who call themselves asexual are both lying to themselves and attention seekers
You fall into such a depression when it can't get hard even at stimulation. Then you drop out from depression into some mixture of hate and sadness. Hate slowly grows and sadness starts to play a minor role.
Imagine hating the other gender so much that you just don't want it. Its not that you don't find them attractive its just that you automatically assume that if someone wants to get close to you = they want to use you which will hurt you or put you at disadvantage. This makes you even more pissed off the mere thought of you being scammed, tricked etc which makes you even less appealing. I have a permanent frown between eyebrows at 26.
This is me. I'm a 28 khv so my best option at this point is to embrace being asexual even though deep down I have sexual desires.
I think asexuality is more commonly developed over time and the ones born with it are rare
>Does it not go against evolution
Evolution is an unintentional, nonlinear process, not some consciousness teleological entity that can be either empowered or defied.
i thought i was asexual for a while since i had no interest in having sex or the normie girls
once i got a waifu though i discovered my sexuality and, not disgusted by her but rather filled with love, now can greatly enjoy sexuality
This is perfectly in line with the the theory of evolution. Evolution is just the long term effect of a process in which lifeforms of a species born with the traits that are better suited for their environment tend to reproduce more so generation after generation than the others in the species. It does not mean that new lifeforms cannot be born that are unable to reproduce due to sterility, dying early, or other factors.
Asexuality in humans is currently seen as an inhibition to evolutionary success due to the nature of seemingly not having any sexual desire, but it is entirely possible that it could actually be an evolutionary advantage for certain phenotypes. Sex can complicate many things and lead to dangerous situations, not having the desire for it may make someone much more efficient in achieving success with their goals. I'm pretty sure nobody has done a study on whether or not sexual desire is separate from reproductive desire, especially in asexual people. It may be possible that asexual people still feel the need to pass their genetics on to the next generation, without feeling the desire for sex. Many people have sex their whole lives without ever experiencing the desire to have a child, so why couldn't the opposite be true?
Is sexuality a real thing? How could it be possible that there are people who deviate so far from rational thought? Does it not go against common sense? I am not talking about procreation. Procreation is done for practical reasons. If those people were not intending on having children, they would not want sex. Sexuals claim that they do want sex, even if it has negative consequences.
there's that word again
Asexuals are usually people who have a neurological or psychological quirk that makes it so they don't desire sex, it's not that crazy when you realize what else is possible, e.g. people who don't think in words but can communicate using them, people who see in monochrome, blind people who can actually echo-locate etc.
and there are some celibates who are not religious, who, for whatever reason, think that celibacy and abstaining from all sexual/masturbatory pleasure is a better way to live their life. That's not what being asexual is though, asexuality isn't a choice, or if it is(as in making yourself not want sexual gratification through medication or castration) it's not something you can easily go back on, unlike celibacy.
Asexuals just prefer to masturbate than going through the hardship of getting naked with their partner.
They choose to overshadow their libido, but they have one.
>I'm also saying that a lot of people who call themselves asexual are both lying to themselves and attention seekers
Being devoid of sexual desire is a real neurological mutation and the only criteria of asexuality.
that is both what I'm saying and what I'm pointing out as wrong, as in that is the idea people get when asexual comes to mind, when it is only a single set of a wider spectrum of sexuality, when I'm saying sexuality, I mean something that incorporates romance, intimacy, society, culture etc, because if we want to understand how these things work we have to look at what's around them, and treat them like a single web, and really the main issue of debating such things is how everyone sees the word and how that then splinters into what we're doing now with everyone having their own snowballing ideas on what is the same thing, by which I mean the only reason we can't get a straight answer from everyone on something like this, is because of who involved we are in it, sexuality is something that everyone is and has every right to be highly opinionated on because they're all on their own trip with their own differently shaped web of experiences, which takes me back to my very first point
forgot to mention that also what I meant by lying to themselves and attention seekers means that a good portion of them are putting a warped label over their own circumstances because of a way they want to see it, a process which in this case could be a internal self defense mechanism, and attention seeking because the fact that they are putting themselves out there under a label means they are interacting, which by a string of connects brings me to sexuality but most people would probably disagree with me about sexuality being linked to everyone's, even this archetypal asexual with a neuro disorder or whatever, every other social action and reaction, but that's for another time
Evolution isn't some perfect system without outliers.
It really isnt thelat difficult to understand mate.... We have impulses, an asexual does not feel an impulse for sex. They have a mental disability, but because it doesnt really have a negative impact on their lives, they see no need to correct it. Because the majority of asexuals dont want to see their dysfunction corrected, our society puts no effort or money into researching such a thing.
If trannies just shut their mouths and cross dressed at home, they would be in the same spot.
Yeah because evolution is so perfect and every part of human body is useful. Especially dat apendix, tailbone, nails, earlobes.