Will you at least give blacks credit for being way ahead of you on the redpilled shit when it comes to women? What year was that "bitches ain't shit" song done again?
Will you at least give blacks credit for being way ahead of you on the redpilled shit when it comes to women...
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I mean I guess but this all wasn't NEARLY as much of a problem before the massive artificial and intentional cultural reengineering that took place over the last 40-50 years
I will give blacks credit for that. It's not like they aren't undeserving of credit. Black people have done some good stuff, jazz and blues and rock is a pretty good contribution.
Black people are way more aware of shit, whether it be gender or government conspiracies. White people are usually around 30 years late. Mainstream America just realized in 2016 that the government was corrupt. Black people knew this back in the 30s when the government was injecting them with syphilis.
No. I don't hate blacks like that I just don't like that they're are an important constituent of feminism, so specifically I hate you for being blue pilled. You should want a black ethnostate.
>What year was that "bitches ain't shit" song done again?
It was a Dr Dre & Snoop Dogg song so 1991-93 at least. But there were songs like that in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Oftentimes as explicit or on the nose but the same premise.
*Not as explicit
Blacks know how to treat their women. "Ejaculate and Evacuate"
I'll give them credit for this.
is it just one guy spamming this on every damn thread?
so fucking hot. i have seen this clip on the internet for years and years and still never came across the full scene, it's always only a minute long. where the fuck is the full scene?
I wouldn't ever leave my phone out. Not because I'm a thot or something, but because my phone is full of my embarassing OTP fanart and links to fanfiction.
I know the password to my wife's phone. I can't think of a single friend I have whose wife withholds their phone's activities from them either.
What's the big deal? Easy test to pass.
I can't really blame a woman for refusing to let me snoop in her phone. Because if she demanded to snoop in mine, spouting that "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" bullshit, I'd dump her on the spot.
>Will you at least give blacks credit
Nope. Blacks are like animals.
This assumes the reproductive patterns of black and white people are the same but they're different. Black people are generally more promiscuous and so men are less likely to trust women and won't want to form a monogamous pair with her.
One consequence of this is that black men have on average larger genitalia. A common example of stronger sperm competition.
This just reminds me of how tiring sex is. I'd rather jerk off unless she's a legit 9+/10
>Not because I'm a thot or something
I'm the same.
I have absolutely nothing to hide, but at the same time someone who can't trust me or respect my privacy is out.
I would leave my phone around unlocked if I had a boyfriend
he can snoop, all he's gonna find is pocket camp, my unused facebook account, and 462 tabs of mcu fanfiction
>my girl's phone didn't even have a lock on it
>she didn't even blink if I pick it up and start fiddling with it
>still left me anyway, to become a tranny
>so many friends can't think of them all, also all married
for what reason are you LARPing and/or here?
confirmed tbhdesutbh
everyone pushes the just lift bro meme but I don't have the cardio to enjoy sex
My wife gave me the codes to her phone. I, on the other hand won't give her mine.
>still left me anyway, to become a tranny
Was she even your girlfriend?
>they're are an important constituent of feminism,
Are you fucking retarded? He literally JUST posted an example of how blacks have been rejecting feminism way before whites did. How do you even come to such a retarded conclusion?
I noticed you didn't reply to my actual point that it's an easy test to pass. Do you disagree with the OP or do you agree and just want to ask me about something personal even though it doesn't affect the actual point?
>for what reason are you LARPing and/or
I'll go with "or"
>for what reason are you here?
I like you guys and you're funny and I don't need that feeling reciprocated in order to have a good time.
It's only good as a moot point, but I wouldn't give a girl the password to my phone and would assume the worst if she wouldn't give me hers. I don't know what your "actual point" was except that your personal experience differs from those pictured in the OP.
blacks arent ahead of anyone their culture was just ruined by the (((media))) before any other next up is whitey then Asian then middle eastern.
>I don't know what your "actual point" was except that your personal experience differs from those pictured in the OP.
Phrasing matters, right?
"Show me a female (...)"
"I will wait"
It reads as though they're unicorns. There's nothing meaty or good about that point, so yes, my point was neither meaty nor wise, because it doesn't take any of those things to disprove the stupid point he made: plenty of women are secure with their partners having access to their phones/they aren't unicorns.
So it doesn't look like we disagree on that.
Now then, do you still want to advance on the point that I ought not to be here?
If faggots like you continue to shit up the board with your normalnigger nonsense, the things that amuse you about this board will cease to exist. You're warping the conditions with your posts about wives and friends and liberal values. It's a parody of what it used to be and only gets worse the more women and normals openly participate.
I'm glad you pursued the point. My hunch is the moment I begin to press you on specifics, you'll either move the goalposts or duck points. I hope I'm wrong there.
>If faggots like you continue to shit up the board with your normalnigger nonsense, the things that amuse you about this board will cease to exist.
If this thread, in which I have posted, is an example you're using toward making that point, then why should I feel bad about pissing on some of the fabric here? If the point in OP's picture is meant to be a point of amusement, why should I value your retention of that amusement? The onus is not on me to protect your culture from criticism against clearly stupid points.
It's not enough to say I'm detracting from culture - you have to say why a specific part of your culture is worth preservation.
>You're warping the conditions with your posts about wives and friends
The point in OP invited posts about wives. It didn't say "unless that girl is your wife", because that would've been suicidal to the dumb point.
>and liberal values
I don't have liberal values. That's why just about everyone I've ever met in this shithole called Canada doesn't like me when they've been exposed to my honesty.
Next? Try not to prove me right by moving goalposts and ducking points, btw.
This is a bad one-liner thread. Keeping this thread active is destructive to board culture in and of itself.
There may have been interesting directions to take this discussion, I'm not sure, but your female worship is the cancerous undercurrent that ravages every thread on nuchan.
I'm not arguing against your right to make it worse.
This ocean of piss is less fun to float in than the old one and you're part of the problem, is my primary contention. That's life, I guess.
>This is a bad one-liner thread. Keeping this thread active is destructive to board culture in and of itself.
Then say that instead of individually replying to me with a specific lead that diverts from this point. Because when you pressed me on why I responded in a certain way and I defended it, you seem to have zero answers for it -- just that this thread in and of itself is a poor contribution.
>There may have been interesting directions to take this discussion, I'm not sure, but your female worship is the cancerous undercurrent that ravages every thread on nuchan.
I think you're hallucinating. This is the second time so far. First it's that I have liberal values (what?) and second it's female worship (what?).
Without ducking the points (like I already predicted), demonstrate to me what my liberal values are. Demonstrate to me how pointing to women who don't conceal their phones from their men is my personal example of female virtue in any form (to me it's just a commonly decent gesture within a relationship).
>I'm not arguing against your right to make it worse.
You're arguing against things you're hallucinating (see above).
>This ocean of piss is less fun to float in than the old one and you're part of the problem, is my primary contention. That's life, I guess.
How do you know I'm part of the problem when you're hallucinating my values and worship and cannot think clearly?
No. You're a smug, disingenuous redditor jew accusing me of doing exactly what you're doing.
Fucking faggot.
not him, but you're too good at arguing for this board. That's my reason as to why you should leave
Hurry up and demonstrate specifically how instead of continuing to prove my point in my first reply to you about how you're a moron who's going to keep ducking points.
Come on coward - my points are simple enough to respond to.
I'll take that on board.
Welp, guess I was proven right. Gave you a chance to hurry up and stop being a coward and proving my point, and you ran away/got decked like a bitch with no conviction.
I hope you pick up an argument with me in the next thread I post in so I can humiliate you there too, retard. Until then, cocksucker.
At first, we each had our fingerprints on each others iPhones so it wasnt something I blinked about. This was months ago and since then we have argued about who she is texting so much at late hours of the night. She also is foreign so most of her conversations are tic tac toe speak. Went through the trouble of translating one once and was not pleased with the results. Had many a fights about this and decided to just lock each others phones up with out any trust. I dont care what she does now since I know I cant stop her from wanting to talk to other guys. Similarly I have since become wreckless to give her a taste of her own medicine. There are simply no trustworthy females nowadays with the ease of social media.
>mcu fan fiction
I never even thought about this existing and the fact that a woman knows about it makes my peepee stiffy
Dump her you idiot wtf
>guy who writes text walls complains about his points being ignored
Your points probably suck if you're unable to be succinct
not him but why do you post whores in your every reply? This is what he probably meant by "female worship"
If I caught my bf through my phone I would break up him immediately.
That's because you're a whore, whore.
dude that's gonna be the funniest shit to watch, i'm almost debating letting the jews win. Because you know sandniggers don't like anyone, even other sandniggers, so seeing their communities turn to shit and their culture being lost would give me a good chuckle
Based on what? Originally
>blacks are more aware of shit
>South Africa seizes lands of white farmers which results in starvation
>Discriminates and opresses all whites which leads to no economy
>Goverment led by blacks decides to just print more money and buy food
The pinnacle of humanity indeed