How do the girls know when i boy is a virgin

Every time i talk to a girl she already knows i am a virgin and i am not ugly or autistic
How they do that?

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They don't. With this knowledge you are now free from the grasp of r9k.

>she already knows i am a virgin
Do they tell you that or do you just assume they know that? There's a clear difference.

Are you sure?
And why that keep asking me if i had a relationship before?

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>And why that keep asking me if i had a relationship before?
From that you can tell that they don't know if you've had a relationship. Now answer me this, do they really know you're a virgin?

They only ask it to me and my friends who are also virgin

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They assume because of your behavior. I'm a virgin and women are genuinely surprised when they find out. Women usually assume I'm a "fuckboy" teebee'aich.

I'd say they can tell from the way you act. Like confidence and such

It's a yes or no question, therefore I expect a yes or no answer. There's more than meets the eye with what you just stated.

Can someone link this test for the newfag who is me?
Here it is

What is this test in the picture?

To know how much of loser you are

See post below

How you look at them when they look at you, the way you walk, the things you ask, the age you appear to be.

femanon here:

I think a lot of the time it's the way you talk to girls, if you treat every cute girl you meet as gf material that's usually a sign you've never had a gf, hence probably a virgin.
Getting past that will help a lot, plus you'd be surprised by how many girls who are virgins (and who would like to be with a virgin because yknow, relatable i guess?)

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>you'd be surprised by how many girls who are virgins (and who would like to be with a virgin)
This is how I know you are a falseflagging neckbeard that has not seen the sun in at least 10 years.
Nowadays you'd have a hard time finding a virgin girl that is 18yo. Also virgin girls don't find virginity attractive because having an inexperienced partner would pretty much expose her lack of experience too, so they always go after people with at least some experience.

>Nowadays you'd have a hard time finding a virgin girl that is 18yo
Is that because you're in your early 30s and therefore wouldn't have the opportunity to hang about with 18 year olds?

they know about it because they talk with each other, you might not notice this but everything you do outside your home will be noticed. people will talk about it if it deviates form the norm and they will assume that you're a weirdo if they don't know you.

No, I'm 20 and in university so I still have plenty of opportunities to see young people. So far I know of only 2 girls that are virgins and they're constantly hitting on a chad that pretty much gets pussy at every party.
All the other girls are already taken and used as far as I know.

>Nowadays you'd have a hard time finding a virgin girl that is 18yo.
try 13 yo