Robots will complain about girls rejecting them but yet won't give us larger ladies a chance

robots will complain about girls rejecting them but yet won't give us larger ladies a chance.

i'm 249 in a small 5'3 frame and i've been looking for love for years with no success. you'd think a qt socially awkward boy would give me a chance but they all want staceys

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have you tried losing weight oreganoo

I am on a weight loss journey but it's hard. Our culture shoves all this delicious unhealthy food down our throat. A simple trip to McDonalds can be 1000kcal+

I am down from my heighest weight of 262

stfu whale

post pic or discord i'll date the b8

>tits or-
actualy nah you aren't deserving of this phrase. lose weight better ya fat fuck

>is fat
>wants a "qt socially akward boy"

There's your issue fatass.

>I'm on a weight loss journey
>goes on trip to McDonald's
You baited too hard. Try and be more subtle next time.

I meet your criteria but you need to lose about 100 lbs or my dick would never get hard for you unless I was blackout drunk

i didnt know that aquatic life could survive for extended periods of time on land

U still have more success than robots. You are literally fetishised by thousands if not millions of guys. Also. That's not just obese that's like you're gonna die weight. Be careful. At least you're making progress which is the most important thing. Good job.

Can I roll you in flour and aim for the wet spot?

Fat girls deserve fat boys. You aren't allowed to demand anything more.

When you're thin, you will deserve thin boys.

i don't want a bf who fetishizes my weight. i want a qt boy who loves me for me

so because i'm a larger woman i can only date fat men? i need to stay in my lane?

there's more to me than my weight. i might be fat but i'm fabulous.

>loves me for me
what are you besides 200% the weight you should be?

perhaps but you can't 100% blame culture either. If that were the only problem, all femanons would be fat and they're not. There's a locus of control element to it also.

you also can't deny that attraction needs to be there in the first place. Do you really want to be with a robot that thinks you're fucking disgusting but dates you anyway for some reason?

So you want a boy that loves you for your weight, then? Just because they have a preference for big girls doesn't mean they can't love you. I like short girls and my gf is short but I don't just love her because she's short. You get what I mean?

Holy shit bitch got originally BTFO

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i'm a goddess like all women

>so i need to stay in my lane?


okay yeah, i'll grant you that

so if i want to date a goddess i can just get with any woman not just you right? Think i'll go for a skinny one

that's because you're a disgusting fat cow and all you literally have to do is to stop eating

>a goddess

which one? are you this one? Ganesha's wife?

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just revealed the shitty bait at this point lads. everyone go home.

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Here's where it becomes painfully that this is a sad bait, bros.

Whoa that burn was intensified by the grease between her meat flaps

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just lose weight user, I'm 5"5 and 137, feel disgusting. idk how overweight ppl do it

All insults aside, this made me lose all sympathy for you. Despite what society tells you today, having a vag entitles you to nothing. How is this any different from an incels way of thinking?


this is the """person""" that can deceive you by avatarfagging

i haven't given anybody a chance.

you are not a goddess, i only worship one and she is not fat.

I saw you asking on Jow Forums. Stop bitching and do something

The girl I've been talking to is gotta be somewhere close in height and said she was 298 a couple months ago. She's really cute too, so i don't have a problem with it and we get along fine.

Have you considered that maybe you just have an ugly face or unapproachable vibe?

I'll believe you if you drop some proof

bait, don't play it so hard next time.

Pick a lower weight number like 197 lbs (still obese), put in some redeeming qualities.

Too many newfags trying to bait these days.

The absolute state of women. Imagine being 150 lbs overweight and thinking you're a fucking goddess. Has to be a bait post LARP

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Just keep at it and be yourself, you'll find someone.

I think my standards are pretty low already. Not wanting a gf that's too fat is wanting Stacy? At least you can easily change. Manlets and hairlets can't.