Black femanon

>black femanon

Attached: BarfKnight.jpg (621x621, 293K)

I do not get it all

When black girls use the internet op wants to play dark souls what's not to understand

>latino robots
>boomer robots
>low IQ robots

Attached: aug.png (640x361, 369K)

It means black women don't count as women.

I'm right you're wrong user

but thats racist guy

I am unironically racist, but that doesn't alter the fact that they're ugly, violent, loud, and decidedly unfeminine. And they stink.
>inb4 someone posts a one in a million attractive black woman

nah. you're just a bitter racist incel m8

Attached: Curly-black-girls.jpg (500x706, 25K)

She's maybe half black. You're proving my point.

plenty of hot black chicks like Stacy dash

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And that would be?....
you just can't see beyond your bitter incel hatred laddy

My point is that negresses are fucking ugly. As for that thing looks like a goblin.

what do they smell like, user? go ahead and describe it.

Come on user. Don't tell me if
said she wanted to bear your children, that you would say no. She's a dime to me. A 10 out 10 with those emma stone lips

>It means blacks don't count as human.


It's a greasy, pungent, almost burnt musk, often overlaid with cocoa butter and cheap perfume. Have you not been around one? It's difficult not to smell them.
That's exactly what I'm telling you. I wouldn't have children with anything other than a white woman.
Yes, also this. They're a disease.

that's not the smell of black people. it's the smell of poverty

Wh*tes literally smell like shit and spoiled milk though

I thought Jow Forums /s4s/ and Jow Forums loved black femanons
was it all a lie?

They smell like grass or spoiled milk or wood to me. Some of them smell like sulfur or sulfuric
they definitely cannot say they don't smell for sure

r9k, bant, and int aren't one person. there are a variety of opinions present on those boards. personally, I don't like femanons because robots are retards and keep bumping their low-effort threads, but that's the men's fault, not the femanons'. I don't really care about race, though.

you're not the user I was replying to are you?

So a man that's shy, sensitive, emotional, dislikes arguing/competition, cries easily, etc would be entirely justified in chopping off his dick and taking hormones? He doesn't count as a man after all.

fuckin malatos. you need to get with one of these. pic rfelated

Attached: nubian queen.jpg (340x510, 21K)

mabey, but most of the time they have lower standards and a nice ass so...