Would Jow Forums date this redpilled lady?

Would Jow Forums date this redpilled lady?

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yeah no thanx

if she is such a cristian why is she not married yet at almost 30?
I wouldnt date her because she is 10cm taller than me.


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>supporting a nationalist ethnostate
>not redpilled

I'd rather date pic related than her

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>Pro Israel
I'm asking you it choose one

>that face
>183 cm
That is a man bro

I already married a conservative lady who doesn't believe in myths like muh babee jesus, so I'm good.

Palestine is also a nationalist ethnostate, you cuck.

I wouldn't, we're not all disgusting right-wing faggots.

palestine is a meme, not a real counry

only if she likes short skinny manlets with pretty faces


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nope because I likely don't fit her ideals of masculinity and I'm not religious

Palestinians are an actual nation, Jews have little to no genetic similarities with on another and are effectively a bunch of Polish and Russians who "had" to flee from their countries after a little genocide.

I do, tho'. ;)
originoli originoli great barrier reef

i am a black internationalist so no.

>not married yet
>has no kids

yeah she blatantly has realised she has hit the wall and is trying to salvage what she can before she becomes a genetic dead end by pretending to be le proud christian conservative woman, in reality she probably spent her younger years riding the cock carousel and drinking

frig off gay boy

christians worship bloodshed and death, they literally bow down before a tortured man. they constantly buy ultra violent hollywood movies that are made by jews and other christians. hebrew god is evil, it wants death and suffering.

i do not worship the filthy hebrew god.

i just want a cute colorful gf.

I'm bi. Come back when you take the pink pill, manlet.


only when it's a jewish country, it's bluepilled.

>pro israel

Just imagine how annoying it would be to have a retarded drumpflet girlfriend. Even an actual feminist would probably be less opinionated.

They're occupying Palestine.

>where more than 1/4 of the population is Arab
get your head examined you chuckle fuck dingus

no palestinias are not a nation. palestine is just an area of land where a lot of different people lived. palestinians as an identify was a meme that anti zionists have been trying to push

>no palestinias are not a nation
literally wrong. Palestinians are a nation and have their own state

>people who live there for centuries
>"not a real nation!!!"
>bunch of bums who stole the land
>"based ethnostate, we must protect this ancient nation"

>palestinians as an identify
interesting. did it existed prior to the formation of israel or only after as a response to push back on the formation of israel?

Sure I'd date, what have I got to lose?

I wouldn't call her redpilled though. She's just an ordinary republican.

Looks like elaborate catfish. But yeah, although we wouldnt have much in common. Although I lean towards the same ideologies, I dont give enough of a fuck about them to make them part of my identity or even think to talk about it.

oy vey yes yes goyim this one is quite redpilled

I'd date this lovely lady and marry her.

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>watches anime
top cringe

>Lives south of the Mason-Dixon Line
Fuck no

>pro life
>pro a foreign country
>too stupid to describe herself so she opens up with a quote from a different man
She's bluepilled and a roastie.

Agreed user. Odds are she went through some grandeous spiritual and political revival after wasting her college years in a fashion akin to your description.

You can tell because she is trying to emphasize her religion so much. Real Christians dont need to advertise their faith, it is apart of them, they dont need to virtue signal about how religious they are, it would be obvious in the way they live (i.e overly kind, charitable, virtuous, and traditional). The ones who have to talk about how faithful they are, typically, are either politicians or insecure faggots.

Would you date a pro-trad girl?

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>horse girl


Kind of. Yes. Probably. What fucking shit did you fill out to get girls like this? Most of the girls I get matched with are like "I'm going to fuck every guy that moves if he has enough money and abort the living fuck out of anything I possibly can"

she's taller than me tho

>likes the films of wes anderson
that's gonna be a yikes from me.

o man i wanna lick those teeth

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Waste of a decent girl, that.

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no, I fucking hate cuckservatives

Ignoring everything else

She's a reformed slut.

I'd fucking bean her

>Pro Israel

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>self summary is about politics only

jesus, fuck no

She's lovely but I'm too much of a gaming addict weeb to date a normal girl like that

You'd throw a baseball at her face?

>pro israel
>pro life
>doesn't do drugs (fine by itself, but you know she wouldn't want you doing any either)

Nah, even worse than liberals. The rest was fine though.

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She's attractive enough, has decent enough ideas that she can be talked out of the maga shit into actual good ideas and doesn't smoke or drink so is probably in decent shape and good for breeding
Main puttoff would be if so much of her personality is politics, but maybe she has other shit going on too

No am Democrat.

We wouldn't get along at all .

>t. filthy yankee

>50 percent match
spineless centrist detected