Someone extremely ugly is using incel as an insult to put other people down

>someone extremely ugly is using incel as an insult to put other people down
why is he doing this? has he not looked at himself? is it some kind of defense mechanism?

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Give us his fucking name
What are you, an incel?

If you keep posting this guy I'll eventually kill myself.

Just stating what you are. An incel. You took it as an insult, Op.

He thinks by calling others incels, people will not suspect that he, too, is an incel.

This is how beta male losers think.

Maybe he's not an incel you know?

How does it feel tp get called an incel by a literal bigfoot?

i find it amusing that both of these people are middle eastern or desi. you can always find them posting funny shit online.

A lot of people use the term incel as a way to quickly and easily confirm the existence of a group of people worse than themselves, even if that's bullshit and they've never had any romantic intimacy either. It's an easy way to lie to themselves, and they can do it because they take 'incel' as a person who hates women because they think they can't get laid, rather than a person who literally can't get laid (the face-value definition of the term). So they redefine the term in their minds so as to prove to themselves that it doesn't pertain to them. Then they can use it as a feeble attempt to prove to women that they're not among the lowest class of males on the planet.

hot quads

>greasy poo in loo
100% an incel

He could be on tinder and fucking fat girls.

yea, and I could be the pope posting from vatican city

If he's not an incel, he can call you out

Lol, shut the fuck up, you omega incel

He's not an incel, Incel.
There's a reason why you hide behind anime pictures.


>all the redditards in this thread that think im the one who was being called out

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It's a defense mechanism similar to kids calling each other faggots in middle school. He thinks that if he discredits people by calling them incels he is above them and therefore not an incel himself, making his existence as a virgin and genetic trash slightly more bearable

Female ally.

>gets called out for not posting himself to judge
>continues to hide behind anonymity
You're an incel. Just admit it

nope dumbo i just think its funny that this is what you probably look like too

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thos digits don't lie

These digits confirm those digits

It's almost like looks aren't the only factor in determining whether or not you can get laid. It's just a convenient excuse so you don't have to put effort into improving yourself.

get a load of this bluepilled faggot

I'm not saying looks aren't important. Sure they help get your foot in the door, but many ugly men have girlfriends. Work on your personality, get some productive hobbies, get a well paying job, talk to girls outside of shallow looks-oriented places like tinder. Laying down and giving up isn't something to be proud of.

all this advice is bullshit, if anything going out and trying to socialize more will make you realize how much better other guys have it

Your self defeatist victim complex is why you're unattractive to women.

lmao get the fuck outta here you low T cuck

I'm a female, but nice projecting.

women dont know about my self defeatist complex because im not a self loathing cuck like you. im not arrogant either im just neutral on how i see and carry myself but still fail and the only logical explanation left is looks but youre too bluepilled and low iq to process that so you just keep saying the same stupid bullshit like a broken record

>im a fema-
opinion into the trash. you know nothing

Women are intuitive and can smell that shit from miles away. It's not something you can fake either.

>females don't understand how the female brain works

>women can smell that shit from a mile away
>women couldnt tell early on that the douchebag would be an abuser! you cant blame her!

pick one and only one

Now you're just assuming all women think the same way. (hint: I don't agree with the second statement)

>muh assuming
stop coping bitch, you got BTFO because i pointed out an obvious flaw in your horseshit post

He is the average leftist subhuman a.k.a. nice guy, by calling people incels he believes he will get pity pussy from feminists and roastie whores.

It's not an "obvious flaw" as I quite literally never said that nor do I agree with it.

i dont fucking care go die already slut

I was a virgin until I got married. Good to see you don't have any actual argument though. I hope you find God and improve yourself one day.

lol god is gonna pay for fucking my life up

lmao incels completely BTFO'd

So these are the ugly white knight fedora tipping faggots calling me an incel just for criticizing their lady.

many ugly guys have ugly girlfriends with bad demanding personalities you mean. the difference between an incel with a "bad personality" and someone with a gf like that poo in teh loo indian is that he is probably more desperate and has less self respect.

Well she is not wrong because women care more about utility. Can you protect her, can you provide resources and can you attract other women so I can spread my genes if I have kids with you.

Holy shit that girls an attention whore. Literally why even put your depression in it, if not for attention whoreing

Not even it lol, they think that incels are the bad virgins giving all of them a bad name, they want us to behave so that they can finally get laid.

>hurr fuck drumpf
I love it how it's always these glasses wearing incels or nerds liberals who spout this shit with no actual concrete argument as to why they don't like him.
>Orange man bad!

Jow Forumsinceltears summed up

Unoriginal sixth sense bullshit

>I hope you find God and improve yourself one day.
your husband is fucking college girls he met on reddit hon, calm down

Unironically and originally YES

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