Autism/Aspergers Test

take this test, anons

>inb4 "online tests are bullshit"

This test was previously used to actually assess people of ASD and it's considered quite accurate.

Data is explained at the end of the test. If you're not diagnosed with autism and get a yellow "Total score" (pic rel), consider getting tested.

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Hello fellow aspies. Can we just go ahead and move to our own country or planet?

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New planet sounds good. My parents keep telling me to get a haircut but my hair's not long, and I kind of want to shoot them into space though.

not even remotely close

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this test like so many tests is totally fucking shit. If I want to make sure im diagnosed as an aspie i can choose the accect right answers if I want to be a normie I can choose the right answers as well. its totally crap and pissing me off.

>tfw undiagnosed aspie
>tfw heard my family at christmas dinner mentioning me being autistic

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Why do I have to make an account to take a freaking test?

It literally says
>Scores with a yellow background are above the test threshold values. If your total score is above the threshold it may be worth getting professionally assessed.

>test is shit because I can choose answers that aren't personal to me

There's your fucking problem

Not really sure honestly, but it's handy to be able to go back to previous tests. It's not like your inbox is getting spammed or anything and it only takes like 5 seconds to make one

He's saying the test is rigged because left answers equal autism and right answers equal normie. I know what you mean, but you just have to think if it is true for you or not, and don't pick just because it's on the left

all im saying is this test can be corrupted to easily.

You don't have to, just leave those fields blank

Originally alright with me

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Ahhhhh fuck. Well, I knew it.

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>this test can be corrupted to easily
>if i put in wrong information it gives me a incorrect assessment

youre brilliant m8

this test asks for your opinion you stupid fucking cunt.

anyone score higher than me? am I an ultra autist?

Jesus christ you're orignally retarded

i've already been diagnosed with assburgers so i don't need to take this test lol

Am OP, I got 203.


the whole point of answering the questions to the test is to be honest about your own experience, this is the same shit that is done in actual autism tests (although typically in real situations you'll also get the person assessing you also talking to family members etc)

your explanation is fucking shit. I know what the purpose of this test is.
Also I know how easy it is to corrupt these simple tests. since you know how proper tests are taken i dont think I really have to explain why this test is shit. you fucking shit face

>is clearly fucking wrong so he resorts to childish insults like "shit face"

you're pretending you can "corrupt a test" (what the fuck does that even mean? corruption is either acting immorally for the sake of your own monetary gain or it's a way to describe a computer with bad data, neither of the descriptions of this fucking word are by any means correct) by giving it the wrong fucking answers, dickhead.

>hey look at me, I can "corrupt" the 16personalities test by giving it the wrong fucking answers about me!
>hey look at me, I can "corrupt" the political compass by giving it the wrong fucking answers about me!

when you came out your mom's cooch did you come ass first or something?

Only 75 total for me. I think maybe if I answered questions a little differently I would maybe get up to 100.

It's not ineptitude, it's anxiety and adhd that's my problem.

>lmao shit test couldnt tell i put in completely incorrect info

Something like 79. Not slightly above average but nothing out of ordinary. I feel like i have other problems than possible Autism/Sperginess

>(what the fuck does that even mean?
It means that its easy to predict an outcome. these questions ask for your opinion on a subjective matter. So if your an aspie who doesnt want to know hes an aspie you can. Well fuck it. If your not stupid you know what i mean. Im going to sleep now cuntfAce

i think its fair enough

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>gets a 119 for a total score.
I'm just praying its the ADHD that's fucking up the quiz for me

uh oh user. one of us is fucked and I don't know who.

My mother once told me she thought I was autistic when I was a toddler. I wouldn't speak at all until I was like 3yo, and the texture of clothes has always easily upset me. If a single seam doesn't feel right on a pair of pants I can't wear that pair of pants.
Years later I'm on Jow Forums taking autism tests (my second one already) and they all tell me that I still have autism to this day, though not as severe.

Holy shit my score is high.

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I've taken this one a few times. I should probably get tested but I don't have any health insurance to afford it.

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dont worry anons we already know where you fall on the test

I'm fucking retarded and don't know if this is good or bad, can someone tell?

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Ok so apparently it's kinda bad

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What benefits would there be to being officially diagnosed?


bad most of the time.

As I thought I'm just a quiet and focused dude

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Am I totally fucked Anonsons? How autistic am I? Mildly or full blown? I have friends, but a psychologist said that it is plausable I have autism, though he didnt diagnose because he wanted to keep me coming back for $$$.