ITT "that one kid"

ITT "that one kid"

>That one kid that doesnt play rocket league

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>that one kid who doesn't talk much

>that fat popular kid who makes music and acts all humble until he meets anyone who doesnt perfectly align with his sense of ideals and is a total cunt to them
Rohan you're nothing but a fat two faced hack with a fat ego doomed to the diabeetus and depression you deserve

>that one kid who tried to make beats with his pencils

>That one kid who was open about playing minecraft

everyone played it but no one was honest about playing it

>tok that figured out how to crouchjump at the corner of the boy's stall to clip into the girl's bathroom

> Those two kids who walked around town with Minecraft pickaxes and Minecraft cardboard boxes on their heads then got in the local paper for doing it

That was me and my friend

Fuck 2012 man I was such a fucking idiot

>that one kid that's older than 15 and still plays shitty videogames

>that one kid who always had huge flakes of dandruff in his greasy hair and did nothing about it
>that one 5/10 girl that ended up being his gf that everyone deemed a 0/10 thereafter.
If that hair doesn't bother you then we know you ain't washing that pussy.

This didn't happen. Minecraft didn't even have merchandise in 2012. I hate when people like in these things

>that one kid who ate lunch along in the corridor standing now he's eating lunch alone outside in college

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i was him. not to lie it is comfy though.

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It was painful when someone i knew seen me alone.
In college I walk slow when I'm eating lunch outside so I can finish it before I walk into a building.

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i can see that, i never really knew anyone so it didnt bother me. i just used to walk in circles so that people thought i was going somewhere. id have to change my route after about ten laps though because some of the people who sat down used to start to notice. i also used to save my breakfast and eat it at lunch in case.

that was me and everyone in my microsoft it class lol

me in 7th grade lol
>i only had pocket edition

>that one kid who wasn't as popular as everyone else but still made homecoming
that was me lulz

>that one kid who went on fourchan and looked at gay furry porn

was me

i mostly sit near the tv in college so i can watch the news

>that one kid who is always seen walking out of school in the morning with a gang

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Now that I'm thinking about it it was 2013, got it confused because I was 12 at the time, and I was born in 2000. Swear to fucking god.

>that one kid that still plays league of legends...

That one kid who was such an idiot he messed up the pattern of 3 5 4 6 (or something similar) in math class and explained how one number had increased by 5, teacher asked him how he came to the conclusion and he said he didn't know