FOODIES are the most insufferable normies -- anyone else prefer simple foods?

a lot of people try to act SUPERIOR because they eat a bunch of random bullshit foods. sorry, normies, but just because you completely changed your dietary habits from when you were a kid, doesn't make you superior at all. you can fuck right off with that shit

i try to eat very healthy, and i do. i get every single vitamin in my diet, all of them -- i guarantee you. i eat fruit and vegetables every single day without fail

but i prefer to eat things plain for the most part.

pizza? light (if any sauce) and extra cheese, please
pineapple is my favorite fruit but i don't prefer it on pizza, even though i can eat it on pizza. pepperoni as well, i can eat it on pizza but i prefer it off. also i avoid it because of the unhealthy fats.

burgers? only cheese and meat, possibly lettuce
i can eat all those other toppings, no problem, but if i am given the choice i will want only cheese and meat

i went to subway real quick today and got a sandwich: italian herbs and cheese, beef and cheese, double meat and cheese, salt, and lettuce. that's all i wanted on it

why do people think this is so weird? they seem OFFENDED that i don't want to put any basedbean-oil sauce on my sandwich. "you want it dry?"
it's not dry with extra cheese (which, by the way, is my favorite food)! also i get a drink which is liquid
and for the record, i rarely ever eat tendies... and if i do they are entirely home-made and fried in coconut oil. to be fair, i really do enjoy tendies, and there's nothing wrong with that! i just have SELF CONTROL and eat them in moderation, and when i do eat them it's using healthy fats (coconut oil)

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what manner of autistic fat cope is this?

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>complains about someone's paragraph detailing their food taste
>goes on to write his own

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the difference is that i don't feel superior to others because of my food choices

some people will go as far to claim that i "eat like a child"
i eat systematically for the purpose of optimum nutrition, and also factor in health. i just so prefer to eat some thing separate

>and also factor in health
i meant "and also factor in taste"

Beyond not eating junk food whenever possible, I hold no strong opinions on anything food related.

nothing wrong with that.

there IS something wrong with people who think you're "immature" or "like a child" for wanting only cheese on pizza, for example

Also make sure you're not cooking your tendies or whatever over the smoke point for coconut oil, it's pretty low. but you probably already know

i have never seen my coconut oil smoke, and i have never measured the temperature of my oil while cooking it. it's not really an issue i feel like i have to pay attention too... i have been using coconut oil for over 5 years as the exclusive cooking oil, and never once had an issue

i make tendies like once a month, maximum.

>but you probably already know
is that a problem you have personally encountered?

>this guy drinks licorice tea TWICE a day
DO NOT DO THIS. I am super healthy by a few days ago I had high blood pressure and felt extremely shitty. Then I learn that licorice can cause hypertension even in healthy individuals, if a normal amount is consumed every day for 2 weeks. I had been drinking turmeric and licorice tea. They really should put a warning on it. Licorice also messes with your hormones, its best to stay away from

People just look for something to feel superior about. Not everyone does it, but everyone who does it has their own way of doing it. Some people for example make their identity revolve around sex, how much sex they have and how good looking the people they have sex with are, that is which in their minds determines their worth as a person. Then other people obsess over social status, the more people like and respect them, the higher their worth in their minds. Then other people obsess over money, the more money they have the better they are, which in my opinion is not necessary as wrong as the others.

And then other people choose to obsess over really inane shit, like the type of media you consume or the food you eat. Everyone needs a way to elevate their ego.

when you're cooking with an oil it's a good idea to know it's properties. when you start overheating it you can fuck shit up and negate the healthy aspects of it entirely.

it's funny how "healthy" people read one article on some miracle plant then go and overdose themselves on it.
It's like the reverse of a fatty seeing a burger commercial.

>homemade coconut

Attached: 172.gif (512x807, 434K)

>activated almonds
>emu meatballs
>a homemade coconut
>cultured vegies

Don't forget to activate your almonds Jow Forums

Attached: activatedalmond.png (209x248, 56K)

it means he put cocoa powder in his semen

>when you start overheating it
never happens to me

They're worse than druggies. Druggies are not as much of a drain on society as fat asses and druggies look prettier and are more fun to be around. How can you work when fat? Have sex even? How can the world support itself when you eat ten times as much as it can handle? Can you even walk five miles to find your own food in a serious scenario or are you not even an animal anymore due to not being able to survive on your own?

It's beyond pathetic.

yes you do, you clearly feel superior to foodies.

>you clearly feel superior to foodies.
yes, i feel superior to foodies -- people who claim to be superior based on their "diverse" food choices. i DO NOT feel superior to them because of their food choices, i only believe they are inferior BECAUSE they derive their alleged superior status based on their food choices.

do you understand? it has nothing to do with the fact that they eat different foods -- it's because they derive a sense of superiority from their food choices, which they choose based on some alleged feeling of "i must eat this because children don't eat like this, therefore it is mature"

are you both just pretending to be retarded or what

i'll give you an example:

one food i commonly eat is orange juice gelatin (jello, basically)

OJ is basically the most nutrient-dense fruit juice
gelatin is pure collagen protein

when i tell people i eat gelatin as a snack, usually they don't care. foodies, however, will laugh at me and say "wow you eat like a child!"

keep in mind this is a habit i started at the age of 25 (i never ate jello as a child, except at chinese buffets for dessert) based on a careful analysis of the facts


it is also very convenient, a high protein snack with lots of vitamins (but 0 fat) that doesn't need to be cooked

do i feel superior because of this? no! i do not feel superior to people who don't eat gelatin. but people who laugh at others for eating it because it is a "children food" are themselves objectively inferior.

gelatin is also commonly given to old people because it's very easy to digest and helps with a lot of degenerative conditions

>a retarded thread for OP to ego mog everyone

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foodies are all fucking faggots that eat half their meals at restaurants and ask faggy questions like if you know about any thai places. anyway oj gelatin sounds like it would have too much sugar and it'd be bad for your teeth if you nibble at it all day especially if it's pulpy.

>anyway oj gelatin sounds like it would have too much sugar
not at all! "too much sugar" there's absolutely no evidence for that. you'll stop craving it by that point

>and it'd be bad for your teeth if you nibble at it all day especially if it's pulpy.
actually it isn't. sugar can fuck up your teeth, no doubt! however, when it is in the form of gelatin, it does not do this because it becomes a solid thing that swallows completely. only sugary water-based foods "drinks" really fuck up your teeth. once you eat the gelatin and swallow, it will completely evacuate all particles of fructose & sucrose from your oral cavity
so yes, orange juice can fuck up your teeth... but once you turn it into gelatin it does not!

Can you americans please explain why your cheese looks like THAT

OJ can have as much sugar as a soft drink bro.

what is the issue?

when you make it into gelatin, it becomes solid and you bite large chunks, swallowing them whole. therefore, it doesn't create any issue with your teeth

remember: sugars are carbohydrates which provide energy for your body

you have not posted any cheese

what's the matter, did your homemade coconut go stale?