
> 30yo
> high paying job
> only sexual experience is kissing a girl who ran away in disgust soon after
can anyone beat this?

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show us the rest faggot

>27 years old
>no job
>only sexual experience was grabbing a girls ass when I was in 6th grade

You have money so why not travel for a sex vacation?

>tfw 19
>No job
>No prospects
>Drug addict
>All I do is make emo rap
>Had sex with 30+ women
>Had a threesome recently

I am aware that this won't last long, all I want to do now is get some chick pregnant and rope desu.

not that user, but i'm too scared to do this. and how do i explain to my dad i'm going on a trip alone to bangkok for the weekend?

real nice digits there

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You go to Thailand for 1-2 weeks and tell everyone you are going to the tropical island beaches. Then go to those but also spend a few days in Bangkok.

>below-average-paying job
>no sexual experience

Not OP but similar situation. I dont even know how to find a whore or buy her. Id end up wandering around Thailand and not getting laid and then coming home.

Sounds like you need to become a paypig for hung bulls that get pussy

I'm similar

>Go to private all-male academy at age 14
>join military infantry age 18
>spend 5 years almost completely sequestered from female contact while training/deployed
>leave military 23 y/o virgin with a bunch of alienating experiences that no woman will ever understand
>work exclusively male occupations in isolated locations like oil rigs and commercial fishing since leaving military
>now a 29 y/o KV who hasn't interacted with girls/women socially since the beginning of puberty

it's not all bad though. My work is seasonal so I only have to work 5-6 months a year and I can NEET while shitposting and smoking weed the rest of the year. I've been able to save up a good chunk of money because I've never had to waste cash on women or children and I'm a pretty frugal and practical person. Also I'm seriously looking into buying my childhood dream car this year.

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Just lie and say you went to the carribean

>a useless degree and 5 other uesless diplomas
>haven't worked a day in 10 years
>tittymonster gf who just wants to be bred over and over and over again
>now surrounded by screaming kids and want to kys myself

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Post more of your tittymonster gf

You have good taste in cars.

You could be very honest with a women and give that history without her thinking it is all that weird. I mean it is not typical but you have a story at least.

I don't have much of an excuse for being a wizard.

how did you get talked/tricked/whatever into kids?

She stuck her tits in my face and then her ass in the air and the rest, shall we say, is history

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You couldn't use a condom or have her on the pill?

Why do you have to explain anything to your dad? Are you still at home at 30?

i moved out just last year. I still live close by and he is my only family so we spend a lot of time together.

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Her Instagram is lizzydm. Where's that from though? Have her tits made her famous elsewhere? I see she has a patreon, is it from that?

>You could be very honest with a women and give that history without her thinking it is all that weird. I mean it is not typical but you have a story at least.

I suppose you are right, but unfortunately I am completely unable to even look a woman who I find attractive in the eyes for more than a split second, much less engage in any sort of dialogue like that with her. I haven't interacted with women beyond retail transactions in 15 years. It's just unreal, I've entered seriously dangerous situations without fear and performed well dozens of times, but talking to a cute girl is something that often gives me physically debilitating panic attacks that I need to excuse myself from. It's become my default mode of operation to be a timid bitch around good looking women. It's a big reason why I've sought employment in male environments and isolated conditions for my entire life.

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I know the feeling. I think we need to just expose ourselves slowly to more women. It's scary and I'm not sure how to get started. I know if we repeat the same things this year, it'll end the same way.

There is a cute girl at the restaurant I go to and I can't even bring myself to say hello without running away. It's like I'm in a hurry just to get by here rather than slowing down, looking her in the eye, smiling, and saying hello.