As a kid i thought i discovered masturbation. Told my other friends back then about it and apparently it wasn't something new at all.
How did you discover masturbation?
fuck if i know. i dont have hyperthymesia
imma need the sause on this image
In sixth grade I'd heard people talk about blowjobs so one day I decided to cover my dick in saliva. Then I realized I could simulate a vagina by making an "okay" sign with my fingers (horribly inefficient way to fap though)
I didn't, i just found out watching porn
Please post more or give me name
I was in fifth grade and tried on my older sister's panties. The material made me hard and I rubbed myself until I came. Back then it was more like precumming, but it still felt amazing to my young mind.
>tfw started masturbating anally before doing it normally
>be almost 10
>poke knitting needles in nose
>feels good
>this becomes a habit
>stops when I'm 12
>read 21 years later nostrils have erogenous zones
>this means I discovered masturbation over 15 years earlier than I previously thought
>mfw I have no face
>figure out that dick getting rubbed feels good
>first few times I just did it like I was making a campfire
this video related look at it
All I remember is that the first time I had an orgasm nothing came out.
>Started masturbating when I was already 17
>Never used or watched porn
>Cant imagine an intimate relationship to anyone
>First fap was the alien from Independence Day
@meowriza on instagram and twitter
That's the most average girl I've ever seen.
i love her
I counted the thrusts in those softcore porn videos on HBO and rubbed my penis that many times. I watched this one with over 200 thrusts and came. I thought I pissed myself to be honest because I was jacking off in the dark and couldn't find any cum.
good thing u didnt get a friction burn
I remember looking up videos of Sports Illustrated models on Youtube and getting hard. At some point I guess I figured out it felt good to rub my boner, so I started stroking my cock to one of the videos and then a little precum dripped out. I thought I broke my dick so I freaked out and told my mom, but she was like nah dude it's okay, So from there I just started jerking off in the shower.
One day when I was 12 I tried jacking off and eventually I came, I already knew what masturbation was and how to do it
I googled "naked boobs" or something and found juggworld. That's where I got my piss fetish cuz they had a piss section.
>be 12
>steal porno dvd from dad
>tell school friend what ive got
>we decide to go to his place to watch it together
>he has two side by side twin beds for him and his little bro
>we lie down on opposite beds
>after we pop the dvd in we decide that we want something to fuck while watching
>his little bro has a bunch of stuffed dolls
>he grabs one and tosses me a superman doll
>I tear off one of his legs and stick my dick in it
>proceed to fuck the amputated superman for a bit
>tell my friend I have to pee not realizing thats the feeling of reaching climax
After that, we met up about once a week for the rest of 6th grade to fuck stuffed dolls and watch porn together. One of the best buddies I ever had
Strange I didn't even know what a vagina was but one day I had an urge to stick my penis into a girls butt. Bundle up some sheets and stuck my dick in that. Remember it kept feeling better and better and orgasming but thought I broke an artery or something (that big tube under your dick that pulsates when coming)
>8 years old
>didn't know what masturbating was
>pp hurts one night trying to sleep
>get mad and punch it
>oh shit that felt good
>repeatedly punch small dick all night
>eventual orgasm at 6 am and nothing came out