Get my first boyfriend

>get my first boyfriend
>been together for nearly a year
>put on around thirty pounds since we started dating
>he swears he finds me more attractive now than when I was lighter
Is he being nice or am I just obsessing over it for nothing?

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You literally need to go back

you clearly need to eat more

Yes he's being nice. Eventually he will break up or cheat. You need to lose weight.

Try losing some weight and see how he reacts?

He's clearly a man of patrician taste

he's just a based dude who likes girls with more meat. its good chief.

if all the weight goes to your ass, tits, and a little to your thighs then hes telling the truth. If it all goes to your stomach... then its gonna end soon

>put on 30 pounds in a year
lol wtf

ikr thats kinda slow

I wish my gf would gain that much

No way to know for sure. Two reasons to believe the bf:
1. Some guys are into that.
2. Love is a helluva drug. He might love you more since he's spent more time with you, and it affects his perception of how physically attractive you are.

Post some mf body pics

Is that good or bad? I feel like it's a lot of weight to gain in that time period.

it's all good, OP.
remember, pic related is what cavemen used to bust their nut to back in the day

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imagine how many ancient dudes's semen is encrusting this figurine

Post tits or go back. He's lying to you.

Maybe you looked worse skinny. Some girls look better when they get thicc. Personally I'd be happier dating a girl who's 150 lbs than a girl who's 120lbs, but i'm also into that type of thing.

We don't live in caves anymore. You fat fetishists are mentally ill.

must be arab.. or somekind of sandnibber

How fat is fat?

why would you gain weight?

150 lbs is fucking fat rolls

You NJ iggers are exactly why we have fat fucking whores rolling around all the place. I hope all of you cunts fucking die, you fat fucks. Fat genocide now.

Lazy bad habits

all women look better after getting fat

well, unless the gain it all in their face and belly while keeping skinny legs and small tits. That's just god playing a cruel joke.

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but only after getting a bf? suddenly get lazy inexplicably?

My mom died and I've had a hard time taking care of myself ever since

You must be putting mainly udders on, of course you become more attractive by the pound

That depends what do you look like right now? Give us your height and weight if you don't want to post a picture

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5'4" and between 140 and 150 pounds

hot, origigi

fucking lmao and I thought you actually got fat

I did I gained like 30 pounds

I bet you wished you looked like pic related

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You're on the high end of average in terms of bmi, you're fine if you stay at the same weight you're at.

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not fat all
depends on height really

btw op how much do you actually weigh? he may genuinely like you better thick. or you might be a balooga

He wants you to sit on his face user. Do it

loose weight, you pig. typical woman to get fat as soon as she gets a provider...

You're not fat. How dare you get my hopes up. Get out of here you skinny unattractive liar.

>put on around thirty pounds since we started dating
It's called a fucking treadmill. You don't even need a treadmill or a gym, you can just go for a fucking jog.

Fat women are the most patrician choice.

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>average in terms of bmi,
Oh really? Because it sure seems like she's smack dab in the middle of "overweight."

She may still be gaining weight. She should be careful so it doesn't get worse.

>thinks burning 450 calories an hour matters when you can eat a 1,000 calorie burger and fries in 10 minutes

depends on how much you were before

gf gained 100 and gonna dump her

>>put on around thirty pounds since we started dating
why? how? in a SINGLE year? fucking hog

>tfw no feedee gf

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You're both wrong. She's overweight but she's still in the low end.

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This. Here's some text that makes it original.

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Dunno what living in caves has to do with fetishizing fertile women with an over abundance of food, its just genetics man

my bf is nearly the same way and it's totally normal i promise

Do you feel hot even though societal conditioning tells you otherwise? I have chubbed up my own gf and I worry about the impact it has had on her sometimes.

150 lbs is not fat at all.

there is a point of no return where they get too fat. also genetics has a big part as well. but i think for the most part, girls around 130-200lbs range are the best.

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it's 200-300 for me

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Maybe that's his thing

it might be you look better after gaining weight, some girls look cuter w baby fat face instead of skelly face.

>150 lbs is not fat at all.
dafuq 150 is fat as hell unless you're 6 feet tall
stop normalizing obesity

Sounds like your bf is a man who knows what he likes and likes his women like he likes his coffee, grande!

If you belly goes out further than your tits then I'd say it's a problem, but if you have a giant boobs then it's all good

no it's not. pic related is 150lbs.

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>If you belly goes out further than your tits then I'd say it's a problem
I'd say you're a homosexual who can't handle a real woman.

>you're into men if you're into women that look like women instead of looking just like fat men

thjat girl is 5'10'' +

Get this bitch some anavar.

i'm 5'5 and have the same physique and am about 160lbs.

I'd let her dom my manlet ass

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Are you 5'5 and muscular?

>I'd say you're a homosexual who can't handle a real woman.

Thanks for enabling the worst people on Earth - fat American women - by repeating one of their fucking canards.

yeah, I am naturally more muscular than the average person, but not ripped.

she's 5'5 but try again. only a girl who's like 4'10 would look remotely fat at 150 lbs. listen to if you don't understand female bodies

no don't ruin perfection with your fetish reeee

>naturally more muscular
Like, just your bodytype is pretty fit or you work out but not too much?
Either way that's pretty hot, good job.

my body type is fit and i'm strong. i don't work out much except for biking because I can't drive.

All fucking hamplanets should fucking hang

They'd snap the gallows like twigs.

Hanging just rips off the person's head if the force is more than expected.

Why would the force be more than expected? Why wouldn't you just expect that fat people would cause greater force?

It's hard to say, maybe you were really thin and is now more thick than fat, so he could be telling the truth, but if you're actually fat he's probably just being nice.

We can't really help you that much, you could ask a friend if you look good or not, or maybe try to make it clear to your boyfriend that he can be completely honest about how you look, and if it bothers him you'll try to change it. This might be difficult because telling your girlfriend she's getting fat is a big no, no. But I think if you make it clear enough and he still says he likes you this way, then you have your answer. And if he was lying, you can say at least it's his fault the relationship ended for not being honest and not your fat ass.

Pics pIease

I highly recommend getting your own braphog.

You might feel a lot fatter, but honestly, (in my opinion) you're probably more attractive than you were at 110. I find my girlfriend, who was just about the same height & weight as you until very recently, much more attractive than any skinny, 110 pound stick-woman.

Some guys like a thicker gal. Unless it all goes in the stomach and it becomes very saggy, but I assume that is not the case here