Imagine living in a country full of leftoids lmao

Imagine living in a country full of leftoids lmao

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Goes to the doctor after getting shot in college
>30 grand medical fee and 20 grand in education lost
>banks say filing for bankruptcy won't cut it
>either have to kill yourself or live off the grid
Pic related, it's you

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imagine living in a country full of americans
oh wait

Would be glorious. Unfortunately Canada isn't one, they're capitalist as shit and there were a bunch of richfags on CNN's new year thing in 17/18 wishing they could trade for Trump.

i wish

To think I used to think of Canada as this land full of taciturn bearded men on the mountains cutting wood with their axes...
Than I come online and this vision is replaced by a bunch of leftist faggots and asians (also faggots).

>implying I live in the degenerate shithole known as the US
nice try

Ottawa and I am horny as fuck.

Why didn't Trudeau legalize whoring instead of weed?

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he's a male feminist, ofc he wants it to be legal for women to sell but illegal for men to buy

tfw Ontario and BC ruin the country for the rest of us

isn't treating "sex workers" with respect some sort of new feminist talking point though?

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An independent Western Canada would be pretty comfy desu
or even if we were to get annexed by America

Canada's not too bad, but it's definitely going down the tubes fast. The social safety net is still there, but our healthcare system is quickly getting overwhelmed, especially in places with lots of immigrants, prices are going up but wages are stagnating, the job market is drying up since we have no major industries outside of resource extraction, the housing market is horribly inflated by rich foreigners, and the list goes on and on. Eventually it's all going to go to shit.

American here
If I ever get high enough up in the military I am abolutely staging a coup and annexing Canada

Ya this place is fucking gay. I plan to leave and go to the US or somewhere else to actually earn money.

this is correct.
>we have no major industries outside of resource extraction
Even that is going away. The govt is so fucking retarded.

fuck if i know, he's a boomer
Everything's inflated as fuck too.

I don't think it's that easy these days though. Unless you're going to work in Silicon Valley or Wall Street I don't think a US company will willingly look for Canadian recruits.

t. leaf

>live in the maritimes so I already have experience dealing with a collapsed local economy

I already live in the shit, it's only a matter of time until the rest of the country gets down to our level

Not only this but the government is actively making it worse by importing people and letting them bring their sick relatives, all while telling Canadians not to have kids because it's bad for the environment.
Their carbon tax is totally ineffective too as it isn't high enough to dissuade people, and companies with coal-fired plants are given a huge discount. We sell our resources to other countries only to buy back refined product.

make sure you annex the east coast first I'm tired of living in Trudeau's fagland

this too


>carbon tax
It's hilarious how they sell it to us. They tell us it's a consumption tax in order to disincentivise us from picking the carbon-heavy option, but often there are no carbon-free options, and then they tell us we'll somehow magically get our money back in "rebates". It's a complete scam - either the money from the tax is going to be pissed away with the general budget, or it's going to go to subsidies and shitty green companies that do nothing.

Couldn't I just annex it all in one go?
Really who in Canada would even stop me?

what do you expect when we voted in the biggest cuck in politics?

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i voted liberal purely because JT said he's legalize weed

i'm high right now

dont fucking annex those french bastards. i fucking hate playing with Quebecois online

At least our left are not nigger lovers.

This is bait, he literally tweeted in support of thousands of Haitians (like 7,000 or something) who were leaving the US and illegally crossing into Quebec because they lost permanent residency in the US or something

>Why are thousands of Haitians streaming into Canada from the U.S.?

And of course they got welfare, housing, etc.

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i live in toronto

what are my chances of getting a cute gf within the next 5-10 years based on my location?

well if you think mudslimes are cute....

why can't we have dominicans instead

Are you white? How good is your Mandarin?

That isn't true

no. no


>MFW I heard on the radio the only reason she voted for him cause he looked cute while moments ago bashing Trump for having no experience in politics

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The bank doesn't let you go that easy, you either pay or go to prison. Many americans just make minimal payments, sometimes even just a dollar, to abuse the system and leave all their debt when they die. I'm sure some sort of slave labor will be designed eventually.

It's only really like that in big cities like Toronto and Vancouver, small town Canada is still very right wing and pleasant

Look, the point is thousands of niggers already made it to Montreal and are not leaving. If they don't get accepted, they're going to live and work as illegals under the table. Some will have kids, their kids will be technically Canadian, and they'll be able to get citizenship that way. Only the absolute retards are going to get deported and they'll fight tooth and nail to resist, and all the court and paperwork bullshit to deport a single fucking nigger that just walked in here one day probably costs thousands of tax dollars keeping government roasties employed.

Don't worry OP, me and my legion of sandniggers will be taking over also we sending the chinese back.

I'm from fucking Saskatchewan and we're screwed.

Canadian cities are hell, especially Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. However the country side and small towns are quite comfy. Similar feeling to Americas Midwest, but with health care and legal weed.

Don't come to Regina. Bunch of fucking mudslimes and injuns (unfortunately I'm part of the latter group ;_;)

Then there's Winnipeg, which is more of the same, except you freeze your fucking nuts off half the year.

Amen, glad to be out of Toronto. Tried to go white collar for years but this country's job market is so fucked. Gonna move to the middle of nowhere and get a trade.

>middle of nowhere
>get a trade
Well, good luck.

Record Numbers of Americans Want to Leave the U.S: 40percent of women younger than 30 would like to leave the U.S - Canada is top desired destination for would-be migrant Americans

Lol sorry no burgers allowed. maybe fix your own country first before you come and ruin ours kek

>he's a boomer
Pretty sure he's younger than 40.

They only say they want to come to Canada because they don't live here. For the time being though the free healthcare is nice (for major emergencies though; care for chronic illnesses or minor emergencies is still free but not particularly good or fast).

Mate I live in Sweden, so stop complaining, none of you NA dudes has any idea. Sweden is the very definition of SJW and political neo-feminism. It's literally the only thing they talk about on TV and the news and in public places. Every single news channel feature some green haired girl telling us the country sucks and white swedish men are the reason. We dont have any "Fox News" cause our entire media is funded by the government, so every channel is almost the exact same cause they never have to worry about making profit.
Even our government made this pompous statement how we are the worlds first feminist government.

Are there any upsides though? How's the job market and the social safety net? Can you live a peaceful life, or does the diversity get aggressive often and easily?

In other news:

40% of women younger than 30 are autistic.

canada is objectively capitalist. socialized healthcare and virtually nothing else doesn't make you a communist utopia.

>I used to think of Canada as this land full of taciturn bearded men on the mountains cutting wood with their axes
it is, except the lumberjacks are also the best man at their gay sibling's weddings

agree, especially out west. we should have a law like australia has where you have to live in the country full time to buy property, AND i think there should be a limit on income properties you can own. i know capitalists would hate that though.

Not sure if you're being sarcastic, but that can pretty lucrative if you're okay with rural or small town living. Stable careers, above average pay and your dollar goes twice as far as in the city.

I had a chronic illness for 25 years. Care is excellent. Fast shmast, you receive care as needed. Nobody dies because of long waits (outside of rare cases of extreme negligence).

Not that bad out in public. High-School sucks here if you're not a lefty. Being a conservative in 2019 is about as socially acceptable as being gay in 1950. Especially bad in second year. graduating soon but I can't really look forward to college considering the place i'm going is essentially safe space heaven. Other than that, work is fine. The provincial government is fine for ontario, but Trudeau is a massive fucking pussy

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People voted fruity Trudie in for marijuana. I hope he gets destroyed in the upcoming election.

Scheer isn't gonna win this year, is he?

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>Being a conservative in 2019 is about as socially acceptable as being gay in 1950.
shut the fuck up retard no it isn't

your teacher glaring at you because you said something about immigration isn't remotely tantamount to what would happen to you if you came out as gay in 1950

grow some balls

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Yeah, overall he's been a disappointment, but Sheer is a turd. All we can hope for is a liberal minority so that the libs and cons cancel out each other's crazy.



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Trudeau wears fake eyebrows. Look it up

>driving through Canada
>in B.C.
>turn on radio cause bored
>some sort of station where they talk about recent events and give their retarded opinions
>hosts all excited about legal weed
>they all talk about how much they love pot
>5 minutes later they start talking about a huge uptick in cases of marijuana overdose
>without a hint of any irony, they act all sad and upset about it
>one of the roastie hosts LITERALLY says "how could this happen?" when the answer is staring her in the face
>turn off radio

Canada looks hella comfy. It actually looks first world unlike the US

and then everyone originally stood up and clapped

Grew up in Saskatchewan. What a fucking great province. Sure, there's not much to do but the people make it an extremely comfy place to live. Winters suck, but we always got by. Moved out to Vancouver recently because I loved the city's aesthetic and decided to try college out here. Leftoids everywhere peppered with people who think themselves too important to even look your direction and rich Chinese immigrants who do nothing more than leech our economy.
As I've already seen mentioned in this thread, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal are absolute cesspools. Stay away at all costs. The rest of Canada is pretty good though desu.

>marijuana overdose
were your parents twins

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This post confuses me. What about the opinions is retarded? The excitement about pot? The pot overdoses? Them asking how said alleged overdoses could have happened? The idea of a pot overdose in general?


that article is retarted. it says marijuana consumption can "lead to serious injury or death" (paragraph 5). i can't take it seriously. there have been no marijuana deaths in recorded history. you can get crazy paranoid and wired but no fucking shit you can.

this is now a weed thread

Scheer reminds me of myself so I hate him, fucker can't even speak yet he's a politician

>can't say the n word
but I black you racists

They were discussing a similar statistic for BC, while seemingly oblivious to the fact that increased acceptance/encouragement and legalization of marijuana use will lead to a lot more people smoking weed, and smoking more of it, thereby leading to an increase in overdoses.
I don't know what about this is confusing. Maybe put down the blunt.

Your article also states that hospitalizations due to marijuana use have increased dramatically, which is what the radio hosts were talking about. You're also nitpicking a quote by the doctor. The writer of the article I posted clearly states that deaths due to marijuana occur indirectly via accidents, in the first paragraph.

get fucked westfag, we play you losers like puppets

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>he listens to canadaland
bet you 95% of the cucks who unironically agree with Justin Ling's commie opinions also watch rupaul's drag race as well

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