Would r9k date and love a girl that had a penis?
Would r9k date and love a girl that had a penis?
If you're not the same memelord that keeps posting these threads, I'll date you yes
a girl that has a penis is not a girl at all
if she looked like Bailey Jay, but most of them look like Chris Chan
Chose one (1)
No, but I'd jerk off with one and maybe fuck one if s/he actually looked feminine,
Yes, but only if she had a decent personality. Almost all of the trans girls I have met had intolerable personalities and were really aggressive.
If its got a penis it ain't a girl
I wouldn't boiwife her but I would cum in her boipucci
Let me summarise your question since it's redundant
>would r9k date and love a man?
Reiko please take me on a date uwu
Also very much this
Come on guys. Don't tell me you wouldn't.
fags burn in hell, brother
Only if she's a futa
miss me with that gay trapshit
if the succcc is goood
also if its not
Girls don't have penises silly user.
Only if you she looked like the traps in anime/OP pic. Basically like a female child with a penis.
Girls can't have penises.
I suppose you are referring to traps, no. Futa would still be a no. They and you deserve to burn in hell.
>Tfw no one acknowledges my dubs
>getting hung up on what genitals your partner has when they're compatible in every other way
Yes I would user, I'd love her
>Basically like a female child with a penis.
You see this divisive language right here! They are trying to pedofilize traps. This is very dangerous rethoric and anti-animation!
But so many of them really do look like that. Not just traps, but a lot of anime girls. I'm not even against it, just pointing it out. Like, look at OPs pic. How old would you say (she) looks, really? No leg hair, no facial hair, soft skin, small body, big head and eyes relative to her body. I'd say she looks about 10.
You can't judge art like that. Her eyes are the size of her forehead for crying out loud.
You project on to it what you have inside.
I'm actually datin a colombian tranny, she's cute and his personality it's great, one of the best desicions i have ever made.
The eye-size aspect of it specifically is probably unrealistic, as a lot of anime is just in that style. But I don't think its unreasonable to approximate the age of an animated character. Just look at her, how old does she look to you?
Thats a big part of compatibility.
probably not because every single one i've met has been an obnoxious shallow attention whore.
I want to have my own kids (with my partner), so that would be a problem.
Honestly, I'd prefer it if she still had a dick, rather than a pseudo-pussy.
traps are hookups at best, unless you wanna grow old with a "woman" that will turn into a granny with a smelly flacid dick or you convince the trap to turn back into a man after his trap prime and live the rest of your life as a gay
that or murder-suicide at the age of 30
get real
>Only if she's a futa
This guy gets it.
I'll acknowledge your dubs user, and I would!
Anyone have a link to those infamous trap discords that lurk in the shadows around here? I'm curious to see if any are still up and running.
Wish I didn't just fap
How can pathetic traps even compete
>tfw no gf with pubes so long they reach her knees
girls with penises are best girls
Go away Reiko
Your face is already doxxed and leaked so stfu
They can't
Because your fetish doesn't exist in real world, and hence is inferior by default, despite real life traps also being inferior to futa art.
In real life, there's at least a slimmer of a chance that you'll be able to find a pretty girl() and have >her spend the best time of >her twenties with you, whereas with futa, you're hopelessly limited to 2D art unless you're so desperate you'd try and find a degenerate transsexual.
yes, but i wouldn't want her to get rid of it.
There are no girl with dicks you degenerate piece of shit
Only if they were a hermaphrodite with both a dick and a vagina, with a fully functioning reproductive system. Even then I'd need to think about it
And that's why sexbots can't come soon enough
Thank u, I am fulfilled.
As for the traps, I know not of any discords. I've met a couple hot ones in some anime discords though. Let me tell you, femboi thigh bulges in thigh highs is something everyone should experience at some point in their lives.
>the hot ones are attention whores so they always send pics in general
Nice trips user.
Congratulations, you are the most weird guy in the thread